Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ask Yourself 4 Question Before Eating


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ISUmCUbTL0 #
Hello Everyone
There are many of us who work hard to lose weight. And the listed foods are to be eaten. But is it always obeyed?Specially when feeling hungry, when a favorite food comes out or when the mind is bad.So before sitting down to eat, ask yourself these four questions and know the answer only if you decide whether to eat or not to eat. 1.Am I really hungry? 2.Is this food really healthy? 3.Is the amount of food okay? 4.Can food be made healthier? It is important to say how important healthy food is to your health. So stay away from fast food and junk food. That's said https://i.imgur.com/wykRxFa.gif #
Introduce Myself
https://img.esteem.ws/azik1c4sxd.gif >I am Alamin I am from Bangladesh. I live in Faridpur. I am a student. My favourite subject English and mathematics. I study textile deploma.It is located in Faridpur. And when I get time I help my parents working. I love my parents and my family members.it is my first platform that's why that I cannot forget from my life.This is the first platform in my life that has something important and worthwhile.Life has changed a lot since coming to this platform.One of his biggest improvements is that my English speaking reading skills have increased a lot.I am grateful to this platform. @zaku @bdvoter @azizbd I want to work with you forever. I'm not a style man. I am a simple man my favourite game is football. and my favourite hobby are many types such as travelling music garden. Many time I pass with my village brother. I love video editing and photography. https://i.imgur.com/VpbQdli.gif https://img.esteem.ws/xmeeo3p07w.jpg [Please Join Dtube Discrod]( https://discord.gg/cxgsf5)[Telegram](https://t.me/dtube_official)[About Page](https://about.d.tube/)[steemit](https://steemit.com/@dtube)[Dtube Chanel](https://steemit.chat/channel/dtube)[GitHub](https://github.com/dtube) [


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