Saturday, December 14, 2019

How the Propaganda machine operates in The Matrix


To get to the bottom of it we need look no further than one of the most psychopathic yet politically influential people in history: Hitler. One prolific quote attributed to him is… “ It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation” Of course he was not referring to his own incredibly efficient propaganda machine, he was inferring that it was the Jewish control of newspapers. That was written by him in Mein Kamph. Evil beyond belief, yes. Understander of propaganda and social manipulation, absolutely. And like anyone in history we can learn a lot, not about how to use the nefarious practices of the Third Reich, but how to spot The Big Lie that he was referring to. The idea that if you repeat a huge lie over and over eventually a large part of the audience (society) will begin to believe it. It doesn’t matter how insane or far fetched the idea is as long as you have a machine to perpetuate it daily. Fast forward to America today and we have a propaganda apparatus that makes Hitler’s look like child’s play. The amount of resources for government propaganda is infinite. This is not the 1930’s where the only way to get information to the public was with a physical newspaper. Not only do we have the internet and social media (the most obvious tools) but electronic billboards, radios and a television conveniently placed at every single habitable building possible. Pay attention to what you see when you go into an airport, or a Subway restaurant, or any bar and grill, basically any retail location. What do you see? The two biggest players used to keep people largely asleep and unthinking: news programming and bread and circuses (excuse me, sports we now call it). Both are created solely to exhume an emotional response from the viewer. But what about the big lies? Are there any going on today that we could spot right off the top of the enormous pile they constitute? **National Security** How many times a day does this useless term graze the screen, usually out of a teleprompter reading politician? It is said so many times I think that it has simply lost its meaning. Its become a subconscious plant, a virus downloaded into people’s brains without them even know it. I ask myself, when was the last time that the United States was actually physically attacked? Obviously Pearl Harbor. Never mind the litter of lost details about how that attack was most likely allowed to happen if not encouraged to get us into World War II. But I digress. The point is that we are never physically attacked. Meanwhile, we are in countries spanning the globe. We have active military in countless countries, and bases in others. How would the average American feel if they drove down a highway and suddenly were confronted with a massive Japanese or British training base? We would be outraged. Yet we do it, all the time, and have for decades. Interestingly our Department of Defense was once the Department of War which is obviously a much better suited nomenclature for our barbaric, drone bombing military complex. But due to propaganda effects the name was changed to sound, well, less offensive. The big lie here is the “war on terrorism” lie. Created out of thin air due mainly to 9/11 (Not even going to go there in terms of big lies), the nation has been perpetually programmed to believe that evil terrorists are training across the world to come and launch petty assaults peppered at random places around the country. Are there terrorists in existence? Of course. But the lie here is the perfect excuse for the military to increase perpetually its ever blossoming budget, soon to be approaching one trillion dollars per year. This one trillion is spent on “defense” however, if we are to believe these smarmy politicos. “Defense” apparently means drone bombing targets in Iraq and Afghanistan and illegally invading countries like Syria while systematically goading the public into hating Iran. And let’s not forget about the constant threat of a stray nuke making its way from North Korea. As if there is a snowball’s chance in hell of a) a nuclear missile leaving the ground there without the CIA being completely aware and b) that it would actually make it around the globe without being shot down by superior antiballistic technology. The primary goal of propaganda to control a nation is to instill fear constantly. It may be one major event but usually it is small doses compounded daily for years on end. A subtle fear in the back of someone’s mind. Here its the subtle reminder by our friends at the mainstream media that our “national security” is constantly under threat. **The flu shot** This one is going to tickle some feathers so bear with me because there is sufficient data, which I will provide here with links, that the flu virus but more importantly the flu shot is a wildly overblown hoax which stands to profit Merck and their friends at other drug companies lavishly. There is nothing better for a sale organization than to have people scared not to use your product. Its quite brilliant and something the pharmaceutical cartels excel at marvelously. Mainstream medicine admits that flu diagnosis is tricky. Independent researcher Jon Rappaport put together a damning article explaining exactly where the CDC gets its statistics and how they are so skewed. Pneumonia deaths and flu deaths are casually added together. Scan Jon’s article and you will see that the total amount of actual flu diagnosis using testing (not just the doctor thinking you have the flu and acting accordingly) is extremely low. Bad colds are commonly diagnosed as flu. There are actually several disorders that can cause “flu like” symptoms which are not the flu. The CDC even speaks of death from “flu like symptoms”. So its like the flu, but its not. What does any of this mean practically. It means that the number one propagandized medical procedure, the flu shot, which already boasted a success of 22% last year since there are hundreds of flu strains, is essentially a useless failure. When the CDC can’t crop data to show higher than a 22% efficacy then you know they are having problems. After all, the CDC is usually run by ex-pharmaceutical executives. With propaganda there is always someone, somewhere, looking to gain something big. Here it would be Merck. Over 170 million doses of flu vaccine were given in 2018 per the CDC statistics. They may lie about their ties to the drug industry which effectively owns them but they will never lie about boasting how many flu shots they got paid for. Everywhere I go in Denver there are signs for “free flu shots”. Nothing is free. Its just taxpayer dollars weaving their way to Merck’s bank account. You can be sure somebody is being charged for those shots. Merck is not gratuitously creating 170 million free flu shots. Only the naive would believe such a tale. According to Jon’s work and admittedly it is from 2001 but 63,000 deaths were attributed to flu and pneumonia. Again the conveniently inflated numbers by the addition of pneumonia deaths. Of that a whopping 18 positive flu diagnoses were made using testing. I hate to be that “anti-vaxx” guy and I’m really not (people should have the choice), but could you really imagine a more cakewalk method of selling a whole slew of products? The media is completely behind the drug companies concerning vaccines. The government is completely behind the drug companies concerning vaccines. This essentially forces a product on the entirety of society. And of course, the use of fear is employed as any propaganda machine would dictate. Irrational fears of, of all people to be afraid of, perfectly healthy people! That’s right. Its those pesky anti-vaxxers, they’re very being should petrify anybody in their right mind! After all, the television programming said so. Never mind that said television is largely sponsored by the very companies that make drugs and vaccines. That part is nicely omitted. I have no opinion or inclination to give any sort of advice on vaccines and then again I am not a doctor. This is simply to get people to really think about not only what is being said but who is profiting off of saying it. **The Iraq War** This one is all too easy. This is propaganda 101. I have heard it blamed on the Republican party by Democrats. I have heard the term “lousy intelligence” insinuating that our spy agencies basically screwed up on their “WMD” hoax story. One thing that is 100% fact is that basically every major media outlet was right behind the false story of WMD’s in Iraq. Everyone admits this now. The funny thing is that we give these same media stations a Get-outta-jail-free-card. They messed up, but they’ve cleaned up their act now! They have not. This entire charade was preplanned and executed flawlessly by none other than the most rhetoric-devoid lump of flesh ever to take president: George Bush. Teleprompter basically in hand, he lectured the US on the grave threat of Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction contained therein. It turned out to be a large pile of dookey, costing who knows how many civilian lives and leading to the invasions of nearly every country in the biblical Middle-East. This is no accident as The Project For a New American Century explained all of this before hand including a “new Pearl Harbor” shortly before 9/11 occurred. All just coincidence I’m sure. The big lie here was obviously the weapons of mass destruction fumble. The intelligence teams “messed up” there. No, they didn’t. They got exactly what they came for. Hussein gets overthrown and hanged, puppet government is installed, incredible numbers of rebellious plots ensue killing thousands of American troops as well as Iraqi civilians and insurgents. eighteen years later here we are, still scratching our heads over what happened in Iraq. **Muh racism, sexism and xenophobia** No controversial propaganda article would be complete in today’s political arena without the words racist / misogyny / xenophobe and the like being thrown around halfheartedly to shut down opposing ideas. Every. Single. Time. I visit the New York Times website (I have forbade myself to now, it makes me too angry) only to be confronted by endless hordes of op-ed pieces about why racists, misogynists or homophobes are swarming the country, seeming popping up like zombies in a cheesy thriller movie. The big lie here is purely political and is used by both sides although it seems the far left has really lost the plot in this regard. We are trained mentally to think that there are these evil (mostly white) bigots just running around the place, performing hate crimes and other offensive acts. Even Hillary Clinton admitted that she thought (that’s a good one) that sexism was a reason that she lost the race. As if the fact that she has ovaries has anything at all to do with her horrific platform, blatantly fake persona and ties to every major lobbying organization in existence. But sure. They hate you because you’re a woman. Then we have the border control issue. I agree wholely that people should be allowed to come into America in a relatively easy fashion and begin to assimilate. What is horseshit is when people that oppose open borders are called “xenophobes”. Its a cop out term, plain and simple. It involves no intellectual depth at all. And nothing is seemingly a bigger issue, and solely due to the massive propaganda machine known as the corporate owned media, than racism. Everybody is a racist it seems. I tell people I don’t care about race, because well, I don’t fucking care. And I’ve had people attempt to tell me “you are you just don’t know it”. Its enough to make me want to pull out hair, to be honest. But there is no arguing with it. Just have to shrug it off and move on. If someone is going to be so obtuse to assume that they know what you know even though you don’t know it then that is time ill spent and we need to move on to more sentient beings. What would be the reason for this propaganda? Obviously it has a lot to do with the media’s war and fascination with Trump. Maybe they can swing some voters to vote socialist by calling all of Trump’s supporters racist nazis? Seems like a pretty pisspoor political strategy. And for that reason I sense something deeper. The desire to divide and conquer the U.S. population using the media. This is an important facet of propaganda. Criminal institutions like the U.S. government don’t play fair. They don’t want unified groups of the population squashing differences and uniting against the bigger enemy which is the propaganda machine. The Matrix. The fake reality bestowed upon us. So labels are created constantly to alienate certain people. Right now we have the “Trans community”, and the alt right, the liberals, the conservatives, the racist nazis, the Anti-Fascists, the “resistance” and “persistence”. How the hell are we supposed to unite when large groups of people see other’s as nothing more than bigots? Its nothing like the real world in my opinion, and I have talked to a lot of people in person due to my occupation as a health coach. We talk about everything. In person, people can get along. Its the polarized and dare I say brainwashed zombies that screw things up, refusing outside opinions and believing that they are in some way an isolated minority that has to hate other groups and call for their censorship. **The Medical Industry** My specialty. Perhaps nowhere right now is there more propaganda technique in use than the medical industry. The only exception would be the Military complex, even though these two industries are tightly aligned. The one important thing to understand here is that the television (tell-you-your-vision) programming is the number one channel for medical propaganda, still, to this day. It is not called programming for nothing. Its programming us. Many are aware of the slew of drug advertisements that come between every program in existence. There is always a new ailment…and hey! Have we got a drug for you! The drug industry is a for profit industry, with shareholders and therefore fiduciary commitments to those shareholders. What this means in the simplest form is that pharmaceutical companies must expand profits indefinitely. This means that profits must be increased perpetually. How do you do that when you have seemingly created a treatment for every symptom in the book? You create more, of course! Creating diseases is a hallmark of the drug industry. And they have a lot of money, as in tens of billions of dollars, to invest in getting you the consumer to buy their profit! Think they care about health? If they did then their profits would begin to decline because people would be getting healthier.But we are not. We are getting sicker and sicker (according to them) and need more and more drugs and surgeries. This profit increase will go on indefinitely until well, the entire system collapses it seems. Its only a matter of time. We can only spend a trillion dollars a year and climbing on sickcare for so long. That number will only rise until “pop!” the bubble goes. One of the best ways to sell more drugs is to associate more behaviors with disorder and here we have the psychiatry industry, possibly the biggest hive of quackery in existence, and I mean that wholeheartedly. This is not a digg against psychiatrists who I am sure are trying to help their patients…but, credit must go where credit is due and fewer industries perform anti-scientific fraud like psychiatry. See, in most medical industries there are “tests” that you can see whether someone needs an intervention. You can run blood tests, stool samples, mouth swabs, MRI’s, you name it. There is only one industry that does none of this but instead relies on hypothetical cartoons to explain their point: psychiatry. Diagnoses are made based off of behaviors or simply talking to the patient. We’ve all heard of serotonin and dopamine receptors I am sure. If you’re serotonin is low and dopamine is low then you get drug X. If serotonin is low but dopamine is high you get drug Y. And on it goes. There’s just a slight problem. Neither of these neurotransmitters actually exists as in they cannot be tested. There is no blood test signalling that serotonin is “high”. There is no test for dopamine. So how do they tell which is which and what exactly is going on? A wild guess of course. That’s the standard for depression and anxiety medications after all. Try this…ok you had a negative reaction lets lower the dosage…ok, almost there, now we’ll just add drug Z to counteract the symptoms from drug Y and…ah! Got it. This is not linked to psychiatry alone. This abounds across the spectrum of medical treatment, makes drug companies billions of dollars and many times results in negative outcomes for patients. Take antibiotics for example. Misdiagnosis is common with bacterial infections. If it is a virus, then antibiotics will not only do nothing at all but will severely hurt the microbiome of gut bacteria (anti-biotics don’t discriminate). If its a bacterial infection and you’re given an antiviral drug (like a misdiagnosis of flu) then again you get no benefit and all the negatives of the antiviral drug. Perhaps the biggest lie in Medicine is the statin industry. Years ago, the fraud and corporate stooge Ancel Keyes came to the conclusion that cholesterol and fat were the enemy and the lucrative statin industry was born. Now we have studies actually saying that higher cholesterol is associated with longer life span which was supposed to be what statins helped with. It was a big fat lie that perpetuated to this day. Not only that but statins can snub brain health because cholesterol is essential for healing cells especially in the brain! So here we have an entire industry based off of lies and fraud, which made drug companies billions, even after Lipitor was recalled for, wait for it, causing middle aged women to develop diabetes. Still, despite all of the science thrown in the face of this industry, it is still one of the most recommended drugs at a physician’s office. Did you know that there is a secretive vaccine injury court in the U.S.? One thing that drug companies have managed to do is to absolve themselves of any responsibility for vaccine induced injuries. And, considering that a very small amount of these injuries ever reach the court itself for various reasons, the $3 billion or so payed out since 2000 to families would undoubtedly be magnitudes higher. But then again, the vaccine manufacturers have legal immunity so who paid that $3 billion? Taxpayers that absolute nothing to do with it. Whether or not you agree with vaccinations at any level, it should be flagrantly obvious that when a company is able to remove itself from a potentially harmful product legally, that is a huge window of opportunity for that company or industry. After all, it doesn’t matter the injuries, they don’t have to pay. What other institutions is appropriated such a right? Car companies are held responsible for defective models. Gun manufacturers are currently being sued because someone misused the product. But drug companies, nope! They’re too “essential for our health” to be bothered with such formalities. Oh, and you think the revolving door with the CDC is unique? Take a look at who heads the FDA who coincidentally ok’s new drugs and even “fast tracks” vaccines to help their pharmaceutical partners avoid pesky “studies” on effectiveness and safety. **FDA corruption** And that is just one link. You can simply google (or hopefully Startpage for privacy) the FDA revolving door and you will find droves of information into how pharmaceutical executives continually head the FDA and then defect back to the exact same companies that they are there to regulate. It is indeed pitiful how obvious they make it. There are growing fields on the outskirts of medicine that the industry is trying very hard to thwart. One is medical nutritionists who prefer to use actual food and nutrition to treat disease primarily and drugs secondarily. There are also Naturopaths and the entire field of “alternative” medicine such as homeopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors and more. People are beginning to note the absolute failure of our medical system as a whole. So how come none of these specialists are ever head of the FDA? Could it be they are unqualified, or is it something more… Is it that the drug cartels have infiltrated every regulatory agency and information portal, and somehow have done it legally? I would venture a “yes” here seeing the intertwined matrix of these institutions, their founders the Rockefeller Foundation and the big money involved. I would also consider the similar trends that propulgate across all of these platforms. I would just look at it critically and break it down into these key points that tie it all together: “Epidemics” are created routinely, calling for more mandatory vaccination hence more product sales for Merck (or Pfizer). At the same time sales rise as the CDC promotes the “epidemic”. Down the line, a sales Exec from Merck becomes the head of the CDC. Suspicious. The FDA has the same revolving door of executives. Companies are able to fast track drugs do to “public health crisis” and avoid the proper studies. Then the company that created the drug becomes a big-wig for the FDA. Again, suspicious. Drug advertisements present a large portion of a drug companies spending. Any entrepreneur would know that the more you have to spend on marketing the worse the product probably is after a certain point. Overselling. Propaganda. New diseases are consistently being created out of thin air. One would be acute spondolitis. There are many more created each year to enable a drug to be sold to treat those specific symptoms, but never the underlying cause. In 1945 the number of mental illnesses in the DSM (psychiatry bible) was around 50. Currently we have over 450. This means that either 400 new behavioral diseases have uprisen or that we are creating diseases to match specific behaviors that would otherwise be normal. This yields more profits as new drugs can be developed to treat those symptoms. Drug companies invariably lobby and fund medical schooling to ensure that the drug / surgery / scan paradigm is adhered to by top medical schools. Due to profit restrictions, nothing of natural health and wellness is taught directly, since that reduces drug profits. Drug companies lobby the U.S. government and are consistently among the biggest donors (HRC received one of the largest pharmaceutical contributions in history) For this reason they control political decisions, mainly mandatory vaccinations. After all, a mandatory product is the best product anyone can sell, profit-wise. This also would explain why any “healthcare” changes by politicians always helps either drug companies or insurance companies. Never will a cent be given to “alternative” health practitioners…even if those practices have existed for hundreds or thousands of years! Perhaps the biggest takeaway that wasn’t mentioned is the pharmaceutical industry’s insatiable and explicitly evil habit of using extreme emotional responses from the public to sell their products. Think about the common discourse revolving around vaccines. To some people, a person that doesn’t vaccinate “hates children” or “is a danger to society”. People are downright afraid of perfectly healthy people running around, despite the fact that they are vaccinated. Why? If someone really believes that the vaccine is effective then what is there to be afraid of? The idea of “carriers” is ridiculous and if real should be studied thoroughly because these people that apparently carry viruses but don’t have symptoms seem to be…healthy people who can fight off a disease naturally! But it is the fear that infiltrates people. Fear is an extremely valuable tool for sales, especially when its something that impacts people so deeply: them and their family’s health. To me, this is just despicable behavior and a direct attempt to permeate someone’s deepest emotions. It is the hallmark of a con job. “If you don’t use our product that no studies have been done on, then you are a danger to society”. This is just communist malarkey to the extreme. And the thing is, I believe extremely in the idea that whoever disagrees with anything I say has every right to and to voice that opinion. One thing that the pharmaceutical cartels achieve, however, is to turn the public against themselves, to self enforce the herd mentality. After all, that saves a LOT of money, its free advertising. These are just a few examples of propaganda going on in the United States today. I hope the reader if nothing else becomes interested in the subject and does research on his / her own. I did not cite many things said today because it was more of a rant (although I have a few links peppered in). Propaganda requires the intense study by the person interested. Nobody can just explain it it must be seen by the seeker. The patterns, the lies, the techniques to control your mind.
Originally posted here:

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