Thursday, December 19, 2019

Go Herbal - Go Healthy


# Go herbal - Go Healthy The ancient idea of herbal life is getting popular these days and the herbal tea at office too. Introduction of herbal tea in my life was long back when mom.use to call it kashaya. The boiled liquid with herbs and home available ginger, turmeric and apices. I use to get it whenever I had cold and fever. Boiled ginger and turmeric would juice up the tea cup with a strong aroma and the very smell rushing through your nose was a feeling of relaxation. At my work place, this happ3n to be my routine to start my day with herbal tea. These were packed tea bags in pantry or I bought on my own. These tea bags are lot more than ginger and turmeric . A Jasmine flavoured tea, lemongrass, basil and lot other veraions. I even saw pumpkin spices tea ☺️ That is a great start of day and a habit loved the most. I feel light and active after the tea. Hope these pictures make it look better. Thanks all and take care.
Originally posted here:

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