Monday, December 16, 2019


With these growing everywhere how can you NOT be healthy?! Hawaii moves to the waves of the pacific and meanwhile here in Canada everything seems to move to the ridged clock. People are so structured in this man made construct. I notice that many don’t take time to eat properly, work out, stretch, and sometimes breath... It makes those living healthy lifestyles really stick out doesn’t it! And here’s the thing... If everyone around you is doing the same soul crushing dance... would you even know something else was out there? Maybe not right? So for me vacations to places like Hawaii remind me to BE NOW. Living in the moment free of time is to live a free and healthy life; spirit, mind, and body. The healthy thing about the BE NOW mindset is that it brings you into the present distilling away what’s been in the past or what might be in the future. The present has its gifts and they can be unexpected or even invisible to the inexperienced eye... One wave after another throw themselves on the shore but they have been doing that for more years than I can possibly count. Thoughtless ocean battles sand in an eternal contest of force. And when us humans traveling through time stop everything to look... It’s sort of like connecting with the infinite... a place in the present that connects you to what’s universally possible. A deeper place that’s beyond what your cognition can fathom. With the washing away of each grain of sand the ebb and flow of what’s here right now bubbles to the surface making known what’s truly possible. But first I have to realize that this isn’t about me and my puny efforts to make a dent in the universe. The last grains of time with slip through my fingers and water and earth will remain. But before that happens it’s up to us to connect with what has true value and meaning... and this can only be sought and found within the inhale and exhale of my breath. There’s something that’s bigger... far bigger than myself out there. Power in the present has the action potential of a thousand outcomes... waiting for one impulse. Taking time to stop and move with the ocean... soaking it all in. Emptying my mind to find what’s always been there... the answers to what would, could, and should be. Those are life’s rewards. But we have to stop to receive them. That’s what being on the beach reminds me of. It reminds me to BE NOW; To breath, take time for what’s important, to add meaning wherever I go, take care of myself and those around me, and grow! It reminds me to be bigger than I am right now. It connects me with the potential of who I am right now and who I am becoming. Becoming is all about being. And you can be whatever and who ever you want... right now... just by recognizing it. When you act. When you do it right now. When it’s something you take time to do... every single day. You are in the process of being and becoming! What could be better than that?! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition

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Today’s #AutomaticWin

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About The #AutomaticWin Initiative

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

Originally posted here:

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