Monday, December 23, 2019

Fruit and Veggies Monday: If Eminem Were A Fruit Instead Of A Candy What Would He Be?
Guess who’s back, back again, Shady’s back, tell a friend, Guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back? *I want everyone who reads this post to now read this post with the above song as the running, ambient, theme song playing in the back ground* Hey Fruits and Veggies Monday Peeps! How goes it? It’s been so long since I’ve popped over here for a nice big nutrient hit so thought I’d sneak in a couple days before Christmas to say “hey”. Ummmm, so “hey”! I was talking with my friend @lenasveganliving a couple weeks ago and she may have dropped a hint or two about me needing to come join the reindeer games of the FAV family before the year was up… here I am Miss Lena (insert big smiley hand waving emoji here). This is the deal: @dandays and I have been traveling a lot which means I haven’t had a consistent kitchen in almost a year. That’s all fine and good but when you move each month, buying specialty ingredients or specialty cookware is something I try to avoid. Lately, we’ve been literally LIVING off of gluten free pasta, sauces, and roasted veggies amongst a few other staples so no recipes will be posted today. Instead, check out all of these farmers markets we’ve had the opportunity to galavant in…


This was a random fruit and veggie stand in Thessaloniki, Greece! I must say, clementines really do picture so well. I usually bring my Trader Joe’s bag with me to any local vegetable stand and gets down to business. You’ll notice that Dandays likes to stand patiently and happily outside while I roll up my sleeves. His job is strictly restricted to grabbing things in high places, carrying the heavy bags, and sometimes helping me to unstick those sticky AF produce bags without licking your fingers first but really, is there any other way? I mean, c’mon?!? (For anyone getting red while reading of the frivolous “produce bags” you can chill because I rarely use them. I usually just like to see if I can open them without any licking 🤷🏼‍♀️).


Slyly taken in the State of Palestine. We ended up in this massive outdoor farmers market while touring the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The smells, the noises, the language, the activity, the energy was so palpable I almost left my phone in my pocket but then I heard Lena’s voice (or what I think Lena’s voice sounds like from the way I read her writing), and decided to risk it. Haha


Get a load of those avocados (where the heck did that saying even come from? “Get a load…” sounds like I should say “no, you get a load”)…


Not those avocados, these avocados…


Dude… did you even see the one on the wall while walking in? …


Isreal is as enthusiastic about delicious fruit as I am! Big high five to all the avid Avo advocates of the world. Without you our lives would be full of colorless dips and runny spreads (that wasn’t supposed to sound x-rated, my bad).


This particular market was known for their spectacular dates but since I didn’t get any pictures of those please accept the pomegranate and plethora of bananas in its stead. After exhausting the produce section of this massive market you’ll come across the spices, dried beans, grains, homemade flat breads, Arabic breads, etc.





This counts as Arabic bread for its painted on a wall in Tel Aviv, but pretend it was painted within the walls of the farmers market in The State of Palestine (winky face).


Yum… olives and pickled things 😋.


Plus plants, flowers and seeds! Dandays and I have been all over and everywhere we go, one things for certain, Pura will find the farmers market and all will be right with the world. Thanks for hanging out today and happy fruits and veggies Monday to all the healthy ninjas I know out there. Y’all are the hummus to our crackers 🤡. Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, spread the love for the holidays, wishing each and every one of you lots of good food, stellar health, fun family table talk, and more of those pies, cakes, cookies, and sweet breads we feel guilty for eating any other day. Blessings from Rome ✌️


P.S. I’m cutting this post short because it’s now taken me over two hours just to load those images… I never new WiFi could be so why-slow 🤦🏼‍♀️ #fruitsandveggiesmonday
Originally posted here:

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