Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to regenerate the Nervous system and Adrenal glands


One of the main keys to healing is simplicity. Many people over complicate things when it is not necessary and can often sidetrack the healing journey. These 4 key principles are an amazing foundation to not just relieving symptoms, but healing the actual cause of those symptoms - by changing the chemistry of your body and regenerating on a cellular level 1 - Creating a healthy relationship with food/eating & utilizing the Mucusless diet healing system methodology to slowly transition towards a more natural (plant-based), mucus-free or ‘mucus-lean’ way of eating and living. The slow transition is essential for the majority of people - in order to maintain sustainable, long-term health & vitality This includes transitioning away from: stimulants/depressants (coffee, energy drinks, soda/pop, alcohol, recreational drugs, etc.), processed foods (food-like substances), animal products, & daily habits that could be limiting or distracting you from your goals


2 - Deep rest, proper sleep cycle, self care time & practices like - Meditation, Qigong, Acupressure, massage, flow, EFT, yoga, breath work, or anything you truly enjoy doing that makes you feel great! Moving your body with these modalities or other restorative (Yin) exercises is necessary for maintaining a healthy lymphatic system and relieving stress/tension from the body


3 - Herbs 🌿 using a specific combination/formula of herbs tailored to your individual body constitution is the most effective way to target organs, glands, or energetic systems of the body for regeneration. For the nervous system & adrenal glands, I’ve found it to be most beneficial to combine certain herbs with these properties: Adaptogen + Nervine + Circulatory/Brain Tonic herbs Adaptogen: an agent that increases resistance to stress. They help our bodies adapt to stressors of all types and levels, including physical, mental, or emotional - with an emphasis on helping the adrenal glands regenerate structure & function Nervine: strengthens functional activity of the nervous system, may be stimulating or sedative - helping to soothe and regenerate Circulatory stimulant / Brain tonic: strengthens & increases circulation - while restoring, nourishing, & supporting; giving a gentle strengthening effect to the brain and upper extremities You can see how combining all of these properties into one formula is beneficial for the nervous system, adrenal glands, and our whole bodies 4 - Supporting the organs of elimination (Kidneys, GI tract, Skin, & Lungs/Respiratory) To ensure our body is efficiently eliminating the waste products through our lymphatic system and eliminative organs Stay tuned as I’ll be doing a giveaway very soon (@solsticefoods) for two (2) in-depth Iris analysis/report and Health assessment, including 1 hr of consultation time (valued at $150 USD each). Please share this with your friends☺️
Originally posted here:

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