Monday, December 23, 2019

Day 607 | All You Can Eat

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life...

I have been a big fan of nutricionfacts since I first saw the uprooting the leading causes of death presentation. It promotes the plant based diets by pointing out scientific studies which highlight the health benefits. Yesterday I watched the follow up which promotes the diets by pointing out some of the science behind weight loss. I've been stuck around 64kg for a while now mostly because I can't put up the discipline to stay away from some of the foods that aren't exactly healthy (vegan junk) like cookies,... I learned a lot from the new presentation and will be putting it to the test with an all you can eat diet that only inludes whole food plant based items. Briefly some of the things I learned... - A calorie is not a calorie. It's not what you eat, it's what you absorbe. - whole foot plants have calorie walls making it so that you don't absorbe every calorie - There is a hunder break mechanism when your body detects calories later in the digestion process. - Eating lots of fiber reduces calorie intake - Spices are important (garlic, black cumin, cayenne pepper, ginger powder) - green vegetables have thylakoids who ativate hunger break (ileal break) - Fill up before eating with water / soup / an apple), if will decrease the amount you eat afterward - Water rich foods are good - vinegar boosts weight loss - Sleep helps with weight loss For a much better and accurate explaination make sure to watch the video...

365 DAY HOT YOGA CLASSES | JOINED: 15/100 (Day 49)

Day|Bed Time|Awake|Out Bed|Weight -|-|-|-|- 15 Dec|00:30|08:30|09:40|65.0kg 16 Dec|00:00|08:30|09:15|64.5kg 17 Dec|23:45|07:30|08:30|64.5kg 18 Dec|00:30|08:40|09:35|64.5kg 19 Dec|01:00|09:40|10:30|64.6kg 20 Dec|00:30|08:30|10:00|64.3kg 21 Dec|00:30|09:00|10:20|64.4kg 22 Dec|01:00|09:30|10:30|64.5kg
December|16|17|18|19|20|21|22 -|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Plant Based|v|v|v|v|v|v|v Supplements|v|v|x|v|x|v|x Active|v|x|v|v|v|v|x Productive|v|v|v|x|v|x|v Expenses|0€|0€|12€|4€|75€|8€|5€
Originally posted here:

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