Sunday, December 29, 2019

Make money casually saving lives. At home, on the street, internationally.
If you've heard of healthy people suddenly dying at 30 or even 18 you might have questions. What was the straw that broke the camels back? Dr Joel D Wallach has quite the perspective having started at the age of 9 curing himself of Turrets when no one else could, with a simple vitamin deficiency. Turrets video: The introduction is a bit corny; Hope you pull through past the beginning! We all know the most well know Scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency. But what about the other nutrients? What about the studies about the nutritional decline of the soils in 1936? Dr Joel D Wallach is not playing games, suing the FDA and winning 8 times. And being sued by the FDA 20 times and winning. He's out for blood. He handed his 20 year old company to his family, giving them the '90 for life'. A complete array of everything the body needs to rebuild and maintain.

Flower-of-Life HL.png

We need more people spreading this message! If your interested in promoting health, helping people, working with a highly respected company and making great compensation please contact me through my website at: This is exciting stuff!! If you know someone suffering with something minor or major, please contact me!
Originally posted here:

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