Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bamboo: Enabling everyone to have an insurance through the revolutionary power of blockchain reaching globally in an exponential manner.


Good morning everyone! I am glad to see you guys again here in cryptospace. It has been a real quite amazing ride for us here in cryptocurrency world this 2019 and I wish everyone of us to have a prosperous year this coming decade 2020. Now, I would like to introduce not only a promising project but a revolutionary one and they do really prepared themselves for making this technology. This is Bamboo insurance. As I have checked their website, read their whitepaper and their two-pager as well, I have seen their eagerness to make the lives of each and every person from Asia all the way to the whole world is real and genuine. As the name implies, Bamboo wants to have the insurance for everyone. Their mission and mission is to provide unbordered insurance. Let me talk and tackle to each of these parts as I go along.

Above in the picture are our founders and management team. Let me show you their video here: The video above is when they were invited and has given a talk in the United Nations (UN) conference. Wherein they made the blockchain have even more exposure and can be used to insurance industry. Let me tell you guys that Bamboo is not only about all insurance. In fact, they do have different branches. From food that we eat, health care providers, food traceability, health monitoring to health insurance and medical insurance. Amazing! isn't it?


WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS DOES BAMBOO INSURANCE SOLVE AND WHAT ARE ITS FEATURES? 1. Food traceability and providing information on where to buy healthy foods, organically-grown foods- wherein there are no what we call as adulteration on foods or basically modified foods. When we say adulteration, it is like making the shelf life of food longer but not in a natural way. Therefore, chemicals are being poured into food making it prone to preservatives that has a long term effect on humans. That is why Bamboo got your back when it comes to this!

With their patented technology, they will be having an app wherein it will be integrated with bar codes that scans the food labels as to where it came from and traceable within the app its origin and other related news when it comes to these kind of food products. Therefore, it lessens the health threat to you as one of Bamboo's users. Ensuring the food we eat is safe is vital to our survival and well being. 2. Healthcare insurance--> With Bamboo, their main or core component is insurance. Health is wealth always. And with Bamboo, they are making their word true by having almost free and low health insurance premiums by having daily tasks on their dApps in the coming days and months as can be seen on their roadmap. The Bamboo team is the one to make the healthcare be affordable for everyone. They will spread awareness and lessen the protection gap so that these people insured will always be have funds in times of need. 3. Incentivisation of healthy living through valued token rewards to improve the healthy living of a person--> With the power of blockchain technology and integrating apps and APIs, Bamboo app users can upload videos and photos to the daily tasks or weeks and months set by the Bamboo app and development team about their health. 4. Healthcare providers, pharmacies and doctor networks--> Bamboo also will have networks of doctors and it is also integrated with AI to make the patient get matched with a doctor nearby them that was accredited with bamboo platform. Discounts and other perks and bamboo token incentive will surely be a main medium of transaction.


I am also amazed and happy because BAMBOO will be opening their office here in the Philippines! As a Filipino citizen, this is an enormous step again to make the blockchain tehcnology awareness known across the globe. There are prototypes and finished products that Bamboo has already.

Here is another explainer video from Bamboo guys! With the network of Bamboo, we can be assured that there will be more and more data management software that they will create to make a streamlined integrated data software that only those who have accounts under the Bamboo blockchain will benefit.

Now let me show you their dashboard for Bamboo ecosystem users.

This will be for mobile app platform.

I also read their management team's profiles on Linkedin and I was amazed with our CEO and founder Ian Lim Teck Soon. Here are the complete pictures of their team:

Thank you very much guys for reading my blog post for today! I therefore conclude as a summary that this Bamboo team is really walking the talk when it comes to insurance. Not only that they would want a global awareness of insurance but they also wanted to have the Bamboo insurance be the forefront of the upcoming insurance revolution through smart contracts and blockchain technology. I really loved their passion for it! For more details or inquiries, you may go to their website, white paper, and social media profies here: Website: https://tokensale.thebamboo.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/_thebamboo_io Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5171420.msg52032907#msg52032907 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebamboo.io/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebamboo.io/ Telegram: https://t.me/thebambooio Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwiPq3T0ekHQ-8LlsR0kWg?view_as=subscriber Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thebamboo/ My bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1165929 ***


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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/insurancee/@frankydoodle/bamboo-enabling-everyone-to-have-an-insurance-through-the-revolutionary-power-of-blockchain-reaching-globally-in-an-exponential

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