Monday, December 2, 2019

Monthly Fitness Update (Nov 2019)


I always like to get the bad and complex things over with first as I never enjoy doing most of them which is why I am posting my monthly fitness update so soon as it was probably my worst month of the year in terms of fitness and health according to my metrics. What is worst is that I am feeling it every day as my body is punishing me for not taking a balanced approach at trying to reached my goals over the longer term. My weight is impacting my body despite my continued dedication and efforts to remain fit and workout almost every day.

I continued to not really put any discipline into my diet this month as the stress levels increased and catered to my urge for mostly sweets. This was capped off with my vacation over the US Thanksgiving holidays which put awful options in front of me almost every night as candy, pastries, and chocolate were abundant around me. I typically am proud of my ability to resist temptation but given the lack of discipline leading up to the road trip, I honestly did not even think of resisting other than eating less good food in exchange for junk food! I am definitely disappointed in myself but I often say that the best rebounds are when we are at our lowest! *RESET!* A conversation with my daughter on the drive back home made me reconsider my actions and lack of discipline as we counted my age at future milestone in her life. For example, what my age will be when she become 16 or an approximate age when she graduates. I quickly realized that age never reverses and actually works against us as we do so. The best we can do is remain strict and balance ourselves to a healthy lifestyle which multiple studies have said lead to longer and healthier lives. Therefore, I have pushed the RESET button and started being more conscious of my dietary decision from here on. In fact, I am reading more about trying a detox sort of treatment that is natural and/or organic in the efforts to hopefully repair any damage done this year.

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I remained active this month and despite not achieving the workout goal of my wearable device during my vacation, I average over 13k steps each of those days as I walked and stood more that I can recall in my life. While most of the sports season has been over, I have started to research more functional training to prepare for next year and the sports to play. I continue to explore the option of trying CrossFit but am concerned that my time constraints will work against me and the progress I could achieve by doing so. This has become more important as of late as I have been growing more concerned of hurting myself given the aspects of my life; little diet, plenty of workouts but sedentary while in the office which is most of my time.

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While I am behind on catching up with the latest within the @actifit community, I continue to purposefully reach my goals almost daily to leverage the opportunity of engaging with the community. I have seen a couple of mentions of further development and have it on my list to review carefully as I truly believe it is one of the Dapps here on Steem that differentiate the protocol and help expand the ecosystem further. If you have any key updates you think I should know, let me know in the comments below! While many people wait for the new year for new resolutions and goals, I feel that everyday is an opportunity to make a difference in anything we put our efforts into. I chose the start of December to RESET as I do not want to wait but I will be setting my goals again to start the upcoming new year which is quickly approaching. It will also be a great month of reflection as it is always a good exercise to look back on the successes and failures of the year. I know that I will have a mix of both when it relates to fitness and health this year!
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