Sunday, December 8, 2019

Best Food for Strong Bones Best Health and Beauty
best food for strong bones soybeans soybeans are another excellent source of magnesium about half cup cooked soybeans will meet approximately 20% of your daily magnesium needs a demain plain steamed soybeans make a great snack you can incorporate them into salads and stir fries for added protein and texture for a delicious and different twist on a classic middle-eastern dip try our soybean hummus recipe the orbit vitamin D is important for our bones to absorb calcium many turn to exercise and sunlight for vitamin D is produced in our body in sunlight as well but for those who don't have much time can turn to yogurt or flavored yogurt because it is fortified with a good dose of vitamin D milk if we are mentioning dairy products then we can't miss out milk there is a reason why milk is enough to feed an infant at an age where he needs all the nutrition he can get milk potentially has almost every nutrient present in it a very well-known fact is that calcium is abundantly present in milk which is made by our bones take mill in any form milkshakes smoothies tea or anything make sure you have a steady intake of milk it is very necessary almonds just 1 ounce of almonds provides about 20% of your daily magnesium needs almonds make a terrific snack on their own just remember to watch portion size one ounce of almonds contains about 164 calories 3.4 grams fiber and 15 grams fat though only one gram saturated fat they are also great as a topping for cereal y'all good or salads cheese cheese is another cheesy dairy product that can provide you with a good enough amount of calcium and vitamin D essential nutrients of the bones almost 1.5 ounces of cheese is enough for day don't go on eating too much of cheese as excess of everything is bad include it in your daily diet at any time during the day even breakfast sardines calcium isn't worth mentioning if we don't talk about white meat sardines are rich source of calcium having a savoury taste and they are available in the market easily if you can get them fresh then that is good enough for else they are present in cans almost in every region of the world now make a delicious pasta or salad with the little fish as it has a high level of vitamin B as well as calcium in it egg we all know about the goodness in stored in little eggs the yolk of the egg is basically a good source of vitamin D and an egg is the most feasible source of vitamin B so it is an ideal diet as it contains nutrition of all sorts consume it in different ways like French toasts omelets boiled fired etc vitamin D sauce salmon salmon is one of the best natural sources of vitamin B just 3.5 ounces of cooked salmon supplies about 90 percent of your daily vitamin D needs what's more salmon is a great source of protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fats try to have at least one salmon dish every week for a delicious Tynan meal leafy greens leafy greens such as kale spinach Swiss chard and collard greens are very high in vitamin K just 1/2 cup of these greens cooked can contain more than 500 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K
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