Sunday, December 1, 2019

Allowing Our Body To Self Heal!


The last two days my youngest has been sick with a fever and vomiting. She is managing to keep down breastmilk and water, but her body is rejecting any food. She sleeps, then wakes to drink some milk and then she falls asleep again, we have both fallen into a rhythm. The best place for me is right nest to her. None of my girls have ever taken medication. If they get a fever then I know their body is fighting the illness. Of course I monitor them, but I also let their bodies do what they need to. By doing this I am helping their immune systems to develop and grow. Our immune systems can only develop, if we allow them to fight viruses and illnesses. So children it is really important to allow our children to get sick. It is by no means easy to watch them become unwell and to see them suffer. It is only natural for us to feel helpless and explore anyway in which we can help them.


But those feelings play right into the hands of the pharmaceutical companies, they want us to be scared so that we buy their ‘medicine’. So that we sign up our kids to be life long customers. The more we medicate ourselves, the more we need to medicate ourselves. Why is fever viewed as such a dangerous thing? When in reality it is a sign that our bodies are working. Of course I understand that some fevers can be dangerous, but the majority are not. We just need to stay hydrated and allow our bodies to do what they can and that is to heal themselves. The more we interfere, the more medication we consume the less powerful our immune systems become. At the end of the day practice makes perfect!


I have not taken any medication in over 10 years and yes I have experienced pain and sickness in that time. I have successfully treated infections and I birthed 2 of my children with no other assistance only that which my body can do. I am not here to make any assumptions about anyone else, or to pass any judgement I just wish to share my experience. When you decide to take control of your well being, you need to look at everything in your life. Everything we consume affects our bodies ability to self heal. Everything! What we eat, drink, absorb, what we listen to and watch. I am not saying that I will never need any medical assistance, but I am doing my best to live a healthy life. I know the food I eat, I make decisions everyday about what comes into my body. I take that responsibility on, I see it as one of the best ways in which I can honour my body, honour myself. If my body does need some extra support, I use herbs or adjust my diet to make sure I get the extra nutrients my bodies need.


I trust in my body’s ability to self heal, yes it takes longer than if I were to pop a pill to treat my symptoms, but in the end my immunity gets to develop more. Because by popping those pills, we are dumbing down our immunity. We are weakening ourselves. At the end of the day we all make decisions, we make choices that affect us and those around us. But choosing to value your own health, to honour yourself by giving your body what it needs, this is something we can all do. It starts with listening to your body and then educating yourself about the food you eat, the water you drink and what you allow yourself to consume. We can choose fear and as a result hand over our power to the pharmaceutical companies, or we can choose to reconnect with ourselves and hold on to our power. The choice is ours.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Originally posted here:

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