Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Natural ways to boost/strengthen our immune system!
*I guess we never talked about and get so concerned about our immune system before this pandemic. It's a good sign that people take the opportunity to improve their lifestyle and food habits though the world is going through all this negativity.*


[Image]( There can be a whole argument about whether the immune system can be boosted or strengthen naturally. But let's keep aside the argument and talk about some natural ways to strengthen our immunity! * **Food habit** and * **Lifestyle** These are the two factor that defines our life. If we are talking about boosting our immunity then these two also makes a major impact. What you eat and how you live determines how your immune system will be. So, let's focus on these two. > There are plenty of foods that can help us strengthen our immunity. Like citrus, grape, broccoli, ginger & garlic, spinach, etc. It's just a click on the web and you will get a whole list of food. Try to add at least one to your daily menu. I believe we should go for having a **healthy diet** rather than just focus on immunity-boosting food. Because wholeness is always good than one single thing, right? Now talking about lifestyle!


[Image]( > There's no argument that we need to maintain a balanced lifestyle, not just for immunity but for a better life. Proper sleep, a decent mechanism to deal with stress, minimize anxiety, regular exercise can lead us to have a balanced lifestyle. I would suggest you add some more space for mental health care too. Side by side, we should work on ways to get rid of any bad habits we have. It can be alcohol, smoke, late sleep, etc. These works like a barrier to boosting our immunity. **Another major thing is, maintaining hygiene. You don't have to be over-obsessed with it but ensure the basics. This will help us to smooth our way to strengthen our immunity.** Now, not last but least; take vitamin supplements if nothing works/works slowly and your body fails to produce enough. Take professional suggestions before doing this. This is not a natural way, I know. But this can be another helpful way. What do you think? I can be wrong but this is my whole idea about strengthening our immune system. I hope this gonna help someone at least a little bit!

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