Hello everyone,hello hive!How HIVE you BEEn?Today I'm gonna show you my blog. As of 6:35 am we traveled to the hospital due to my scheduled last day of my anti rabbies vaccination.The doctor said,it would be better if we arrived early so now I think we'll be early. As you can see the sun is just to rise.

At 6:45 we just arrived at the hospital and I was wrapped by fears😣😷,cause the whole province have 363 comulative confirmed cases of covid 19 virus,235 active cases,123 recovered cases,and 5 deaths!😢 As they checked our temperature,we can see the space for covid patients,the white tent.

Here's my screening checklist.

During our injection of anti rabbies.There are children,seniors and adults. We can see the doctor below who's sacrificing her own health just to cure people. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR FRONTLINERS😊!

I wore facemask,faceshield for my own safety.

After injection,ofcourse we went home at 7:15am.

We arrived home at 7:30 I think. We did not go inside the house,we stayed far away from the childrens who are playing and we went straight ahead to the river to take a bath,wash our clothes and wash our vehicle. Thankfully the river is near to our home.After we went to the river,took another bath at home for our safety. Stay healthy everyone!😊 Thanks for viewing this post,follow me @joreneagustin for more blog to come. THANK YOU!

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