I have been trying to get into a better routine, to go to bed earlier, so that I can get a better nights sleep and then rise earlier, feeling more refreshed. That's all good in theory, right! There is the science to back it up, how important it is to get x amount of sleep, uninterrupted, to try and go to sleep at the same time each night. It's all there for those who wish to see it.

But then if we think like that, then we believe, that perhaps one shoe fits all! And that is something I know not to be true. We are being fed with so much information about what it means to be healthy, given statistics ideals, it's all at the click of a button.
Suddenly we only need to switch on the computer or listen to our doctor. But what about the most reliable source of them all, our own bodies and having the ability to just listen and understand what they are trying to communicate to us! We get lost in information and that information can be overwhelming and stressful. Advising us to reach certain goals or ideals, that are just not attainable for us all. Cos Guess What, we don't all live the same lives and we certainly don't all have the same bodies or minds! So that little bit of advice, that you have been clinging onto, beating yourself up about it, well it may not be the best piece of advice for you. Because when we take into account our lifestyle, our needs, our actual body type, so much of what we hear or are told, has been based off of one experiment and /or treatment that worked for one person, at one time , suddenly is the answer to everything and all future treatments or advise is based off, of that.
Okay, well maybe it has been tried on more than one person, (but I am a rant here, so bear with me).

I have worked in mental health, I have seen, how so much of the care provided, is built around care plans that have worked on others, and we have had to follow those plans, regardless of whether we thought they were working or not, it's protocol, you see! So I can see, how easily, the advice that is so often shared, is advice that has been proven to work on others, but those others are not you and I. They are different people completely, who come from different walks of lives, with so many different things that influence their lives.
The best treatment plan, is to get people to reconnect with themselves, to listen to their own bodies, to check in with themselves and to not stress themselves out, because what they have been advised, is not working for them. To realize that without that connection, we can never find what works for us I know this and yet I still struggle with it, cos I want to 'improve' my sleep and have a better routine, but at what expense. I find myself stressing out cos I can't fall asleep at a certain time. My brain is just wired to be awake for a certain amount of time and at a certain time and that is just that. >There is also a certain amount of guilt that I have, guilt that my kids seem to be awake later than others, I get a look sometimes, like really she is up till then. Yes my youngest is a night owl, she has always been one, no matter what I do, she will be the last one standing. I could continue to fight with her, to try and get her to bed earlier, or I can just accept that this is who she is for now and let her be.
Cos stressing her and myself out, is not the answer. Stress is never the answer!

She knows when she is tired and she goes to bed herself when she needs to and guess what, by allowing her to do this, I am encouraging her to listen to her own body, to trust her own body! The exact thing that I love to promote, the importance of connecting with self, with listening to our intuition. How easily we have been led away from this, how quickly we try and force our children to listen to our orders instead of their own! Just now as I write this, it is just after 11p.m my two eldest are asleep and my youngest has just climbed into her bed (well our bed), to go to sleep. I have not had to tell her or force her, she just knows and she listens to her own bodies needs. > And yes I would be , I didn't say that I would love sometimes if she went to bed earlier, but then again, she never rises before 10 in the morning, so it all balances out!
I am forever grateful for the lessons my daughters teach me. In acceptance and awareness. In embracing who we are and therefore allowing them to continue to do the same!
I get that some people will not agree with me on this and that is just fine, cos you are you and I am me and I am not here to tell you who you should be! ( or Maybe, this is just me trying to defend my guilt, lol)

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