Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Finding Opportunity in Difficulty and Changing the Narrative!




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Greetings, fellow Hivers! Javier here with the last March issue of the Mindful Life curation. These past few days have been quite intense for me, possibly for many of you too. Lots of challenging emotions, increased anxiety in the air and difficult choices. It's all for the better, naturally, and this is what this curation's about: seeing possibility amidst restriction, beauty in imperfection and thus changing the polarity of the living experience. By the way, before I begin describing the posts below, I wanted to highlight just how much quality these authors bring to the community and the platform! Give them some love!

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I open this curation with this article written by @kaliphae, who shares some insights and musings about her career in fashion design and what what it's taught her about balance, the shifting of polarities and the alchemy of deconstructing and reassembling seemingly dissonant elements in order to challenge people's expectations and also finding new approaches to beauty. Superb pictures! ###
[What the art of dressmaking taught me about balance](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@kaliphae/what-the-art-of-dressmaking-taught-me-about-balance)



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In a different yet fascinatingly resonant note, we have this post by @edouard, talking also about the wonder of breaking and remaking in the process of artistic expression, wrapped in the context of the beginning of spring with pandemic-related measures still in place, and the acknowledgement of the human necessity for community, cooperation and interaction, plus more gorgeous imagery! ###
[Mishmash diaries: Spring has sprung](https://peakd.com/hive-181465/@edouard/mishmash-diaries-spring-has-sprung)



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Also in line with the topic of social needs, @justinparke talks about his experience living in Albania, a country with some interesting traditions, landscapes he describes as mystical, and a cuisine that made him fall in love years ago. Of particular note is his mention of Xhiro, a local practice of dressing in one's best clothing and going out for a walk through the streets, meeting friends and strangers alike. It sounds awesome! ###
[Bozës & byreka. Albania memories](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@justinparke/bozes-and-byreka-or-albania-memories-and-a-possible-return-to-social-living-and-sanity)



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As I've told the community before, narratives are my specialty. That's how I see the world and it's my main focus of study. In this contribution, @tarazkp discusses this topic wonderfully, encouraging us to question the stories we tell ourselves and others about who we are, what we can do, and about the human system we're all a part of. It's a stupendous and thought-provoking text. ###
[The stories we tell](https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@tarazkp/the-stories-we-tell)



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And talking about the stories we tell ourselves, I finish this curation with this thoughtful entry by @pavanjr, who talks about how our predetermined perceptions of what's right and useful, and about what we're supposed to do in the eyes of others, limit our capacity for adaptability and evolution by installing and then empowering our fear of difference, failure and change. ###
[We miss opportunities because of fear of failure](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@pavanjr/we-miss-opportunities-because-of-fear-of-failure)

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#### In every curation, we reward one of our delegators as a 5% beneficiary. This week I randomly chose @anafae

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/finding-opportunity-in-difficulty-and-changing-the-narrative

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