Sunday, March 28, 2021

Kissel for health.
Good day. Everyone knows that high triglyceride and cholesterol levels are bad. And if you want to be healthy and vigorous, then you need to give up several habits. How to lower cholesterol and triglyceride at home Eat Less Trans Fats ... Lose excess weight ... Move more ... Lean on vegetables, fruits and cereals ... Eat nuts ... Learn to relax ... Add spices ... Quit smoking Well, if, after all, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides is already high, then you need to take measures to reduce I want to share a folk recipe that is known to many in Russia. This is oatmeal jelly You will need: 4 cups oatmeal 2 liters of water. Grind the flakes in a blender. Then fill them with cold water and leave to soak for 12 hours. Then strain the mixture and put on fire. Boil for two minutes. Cool and can be consumed by adding honey, berries, nuts for taste. It is enough to cook this jelly 2-3 times a week. But these days drink more water, give up fatty foods, sausages, spicy cheeses and seasonings.

kisel-iz-ovsyanyx-xlopev-02-700-0.jpg I would be glad if my recipe comes in handy. I wish you good health.
Originally posted here:

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