Every day I see people more and more involved in obligations. Unwanted occupations, in increasing numbers, seem to rob them of precious time that could be used to take advantage of life's opportunities. Then, they feel the emptiness and anxiety so common in contemporary society. Time passes and nothing happens, it is a recurring feeling. This happens because most people ignore what they want and do not understand what they feel. We are driven by a common reasoning that leads us to believe that obligations, whether they are survival or social commitments, are the only way to survive, delay the journey to find the wondrous opportunities that will transform our lives and lead us to paradise. What few realize, however, are the opportunities that exist in each obligation. Every obligation can become a flower in the garden of existence.

''**Every moment of life has the value of the intensity that we are able to offer**''
The brain, the mind's software, has a tendency to prioritize bad experiences over good ones. Historically, mankind has always lived in danger. Wars, plagues, famine, catastrophes are predominantly recorded in our nerve endings. In the face of the unexpected, we have a negative conditioning, with ancestral roots, as a precaution against the dangers experienced by our ancestors. And due to this programming, sorrows and frustrations, as a supposed defense strategy, occupy more of our thoughts than the same joys and achievements. Our neural ramifications are predisposed to fear and conflict by highlighting the negative side of all things and people. In school seats, we learn to admire the men who overcame the dangers of the world. History books talk about this all the time. Television programs and those we find on the Internet extol the lifestyles of the rich and famous individuals. Patterns of behavior that qualify as models of success. There was no modification over the centuries. We find it strange when we discover that many of these characters were unhappy people and, despite the glory, they had a huge emptiness inside them. The great battle of life, the inner journey we undertake to illuminate our own shadows, has never interested many people. As a natural consequence of this millenarian pattern, we are dominated by a type of harmful thinking without realizing it. Failure is interpreted as something terrifying, because of the absurd sensation of humiliation and defeat into which we translate it. Unconsciously, we live to flee from failure, not to evolve. Failure is seen as a defeat, not as a learning stage. We are afraid to go deeper, to dare to do the unthinkable. We put off living the best of life until later. We end up feeling guilty for what we put off. This is the source of the emptiness and anxiety that we feel and do not know how to explain. Wrapped up in obligations not to fail, we waste opportunities for evolution. One is contained in the other, like Siamese twins. They are everywhere, available at any time. It is enough to be integral, it is enough to create them.

However, our own brains bombard us with standardized, preprogrammed thoughts of conflict and fear. Worse, we believe that these ideas have been created by us and protect us. They emerge without our calling them. They have always been with us, that is why we consider them family and do not notice them. They are thoughts that were born with us, but were not created by us. They are like weeds that sprout without our having planted them; it is useless to prune them, they will sprout again. It is necessary to uproot them and then plant flowers in their place. Specialists affirm that by changing the way we deal with our thoughts, we can modify the neural ramifications of the brain and reverse the negative interpretation of suffering, which is shown in the foreground, and that tends to dominate and direct our feelings towards the gloomy side of life. Paraphrasing a current term, it is possible to update the software, the brain. Today, self-awareness, meditation and yoga are recommended in doctors' offices as ways to keep the mind healthy and the body healthy, strengthening the immune system and avoiding ailments caused by frustration, It is a new practice for science, an ancient practice of Buddhism, which has been practiced since ancient times. A novelty for science, an ancient practice of Buddhism.

**Do unexpected things happen? Always**
They will be unpleasant days or beautiful evolutionary lessons. The choice will always be yours. We live in expectation of disaster. And believe it, the worst never happens, but we waste the best of existence fearing it. Ultimately, we waste sleepless nights, tormented by a monster that, in truth, was never under our bed. In the same breath, we are conditioned to interpret obligations as unpleasant situations when, in fact, every moment contains delightful opportunities for transformation and enlightenment. It depends on the amount of love you live with. How many doors are closed by treating the best opportunities in life as an obligation? We call any situation in which we lack the love to keep it in our hearts an obligation. We pass every day in front of the garden of existence and we do not see it.

Anyone's life can be boring when it is full of obligations or fantastic when it is transformed into opportunities. The conversion factor from one to the other is the amount of love we involve in each situation. Unwrap the root. Always remember that.

The images used in this article belong to **@ervin-lemark**, from his collection [**Forest and Field Spring Flowers**]( in [**Stock Images Community**](


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