Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Our Outsides

Appearances matter when you meet someone irregardless of what anyone says about it. I'm not talking about someones genetically encoded looks but how they appear and present themselves as they go about their life. The way a person expresses and shapes themselves for the world. We're all accustomed to some level of protocol for what constitutes a healthy and well-looked after person even though sometimes the more important parts of a person are hidden deeper. It isn't always easy to tell who somebody is from the outside but it's usually the first place to start.


*image courtesy - [Aleksei Алексей Simonenko Симоненко](*
Over the years I've neglected the importance of how I present myself and even though I'm polite and well-mannered I question whether or not someone takes me seriously based on flaws in my appearance. Countless cigarettes and black coffee have gradually left my teeth stained and not as pearly as they once were. I have longer hair and the failure to maintain its health as it grew has presented me with many broken hairs which really add to the haystack look. The skin on my face has had better days as the alcohol abuse and neglect haven't exactly paved a way for smoothness. My nails are bitten back after years of reinforcing the bad habit and sitting idly by. They all add up and factor into this appearance I was willing to settle with for so long. The person who looks back in the mirror.


Luckily we live in a day and age where all is not lost and with the addition of a few different products I'm able to start working on remedying the situation. Whitening powder, flossing, and an improved dental hygiene routine has been helping with the stained teeth. More importantly, I've not smoked for almost a month and I've ditched black coffee for green tea. There are already minor changes which is encouraging. Some research into hair care taught me that conditioning your hair daily is OK if you have thick hair and it can start to repair damaged hair over time. Of course I invested in some highly recommended products which are completely natural and do not contain any sodium sulphates (something that even 'salon approved' products contain). Skincare was always going to be the expensive one since the good stuff is always a little pricey. Luckily I found a reasonably priced brand which lasts for a couple of months with daily use (they're also completely natural products!). A week into the habit and I'm already seeing huge improvements, money well spent. My nail biting habit has been a huge annoyance for me for years and something I've tried to stop multiple times. This time around I've changed out the usual bitter tasting varnish products to prevent biting and instead purchased a clear strengthening varnish. This isn't bitter but I am finding that the act of applying it and consciously looking to improve my nail health has triggered a thought process in me which is refraining from nibbling. I've also swapped out my day-to-day products for washing and perspiration for completely natural products. The prices are slightly more expensive in comparison to the mass-produced plethora of hygienic products but I can justify this knowing that I'm looking after my long term health.


Making these changes has started to give me a different outlook on how I am living now in comparison to before. It's a process which has shaped routine in my life and given my time more purpose. I'm in my mid-twenties so I'm glad I've managed to start earlier rather than later, can't get held up on the past when it's already past me by.
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