Saturday, March 27, 2021

Spring is in the Air - and the World comes knocking at my Door again


It's been a while since I posted some photography, I'm pretty absorbed by painting and the NFT-art-world at the moment ^^ But I recognized how much I missed it. Going out for a walk and taking pictures of nature always calms me down, it draws my focus back to the the little things and the true things. I'm struggling a bit again with my energy lately, still learning to find the right balance between all the things that I want to do. I'm very grateful that I'm in a position where I'm able to use almost all my energy on things, that I really like doing, but I still have to figure out how to do it in a healthy way.


Especially now that I get the feeling the world comes knocking at my door again ^^ We had a really quite winter here in the valley, really really quite. No people around, just nature, and the only time we had to go out was once a month for getting supplies from the market. We had lots of time for ourselves and to completely focus on our projects. I'm so grateful we got this opportunity! I wouldn't have been able to paint so much, to really work on becoming an artist, without this. Without reliable power supply and internet connection and most of all, no distractions. But now the smell of spring is in the air, the snow is melting and nature slowly wakes up from her winter sleep. We also might get neighbors next week and the moment gets closer that the owner of the property gets back from working abroad. We probably still have a few weeks, but eventually we'll have to leave this lovely house, set up the van again and decide, what to do next.


But there's still a bit of time before we have to deal with new changes and challenges. So I try not to think too much about it ^^ I will just try to use the remaining time wisely by figuring out how to use my energy in a more balanced an healthy way, so I'm best prepared for times, when the world demands more of my attention again :-)


Art-Portfolio on Creary: Twitter: Gallery on NFT-Showroom: Gallery on OpenSea: --- *all images by me*
Originally posted here:

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