Sunday, March 28, 2021

Raw vegan courgetti recipe
I made some birthday food and made a new recipe, I threw some things tother and I think it tastes quite good. I used a peeler to make thin strips of courgette, I left them in a bowl with a little healthy salt and raw cold pressed olive oil. I then blended a tin of coconut cream with a tablespoon of olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper, raw chilli to taste, a little tumeric, paprika and cayenne pepper. My coconut cream was lumpy so i heated it gently in a glass bowl over warm water. I then threw in some cashews and fresh herbs.


I made a few of my raw marzipan chocs, although cheated with 90 percent choc and there was some melted choc left so i finished off (sine I hate waste) with a dark choc, oat milk and cayenne pepper latte.


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Originally posted here:

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