Monday, March 8, 2021

Changing it up! Healthy food and timing


What do you do when you’ve been doing Intermittent Fasting since October 2020 and you hit a plateau? **YOU CHANGE IT UP!!!!** This is my story and I’m not advocating for anyone, simply sharing my experience so far. If you’ve read my previous food blogs you’ll know my journey. But right now I feel like the Intermittent Fasting Window possibly isn’t working for me anymore and it’s time for a change. So from today I’m changing it up.


I would usually do a **16:8** program (**16 hours of fasting and an 8 hour eating window**) which is quite a popular timing choice. But I’m not sure if it’s the change of season or my hormones changing, but I feel like the weight loss benefits of this particular fast have ceased. I’ve been making healthy eating choices in my eating window but not seeing the results. You may have heard that your body could get confused with longer fasting periods and actual hold any nutrients it gets because it thinks it’s in a **starvation mode!** I’m wondering if that’s the case at the moment. So here we go on a slightly redirected adventure.


This week I’m going to incorporate a mid morning breakfast. I’m not a huge early morning eater - usually a cup of tea and I’m good to go, even if I’m doing Bootcamp. So I’m thinking a post workout meal will be a good recovery option. So I’m incorporating a good **creamy plain yoghurt with no added sugar, fresh seasonal fruit (today it’s strawberries, kiwi and pear - all high in vitamin C) with a couple spoons of roasted granola that also has some healthy nuts. ** The only thing is that when I’ve had an earlier breakfast in the past I find I’m searching for snacks again quite soon. Part of it is being home and comfort snacking here and there, but hopefully I can stick to it and hold out til dinner.


I’m still **avoiding breads** when I can (they also just bloat me and make me uncomfortable) but healthy carbs are still an option depending on what the family wants for dinner. I usually **choose sweet potatoes over regular potatoes, and brown rice over pasta.** I’ll also continue using my fasting app, just changing the fasting window to **14:10** (so breakfast around 10am and finishing my eating window by 8pm - no late night snacks). The app helps my awareness of fasting and keeps me on track - otherwise I know I’d give up every other day.


Its been interesting to observe that since I started the fasting lifestyle I haven’t had indigestion at night. That used to be a real health issue for me. It’s most likely because my meals are slightly smaller, less heavy and fatty and there’s no late night piece of cake. So it’s been a welcome change and a habit I plan on continuing. Well, now once again I’m accountable by putting it out there. I’ll do an update in a couple weeks and let you know how it’s going. PS. **Don’t neglect your exercise** whether it’s a walk, run, yoga or bootcamp. It’s not all about weight loss, it’s about getting out amongst other like minded folk and doing your mental health some good! You are worth it!


Originally posted here:

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