Thursday, December 31, 2020

I'm going to the rescue - Yes, it's me, an ordinary pickled cucumber -


EN | PL ------------ | ------------- **Cucumber, cucumber, green has a pot**. Yes, in many detoxifiers that I know that help the next day, it is - Cucumber. In various forms, fresh, low-salt, pickled - but it works! | *Ogórek, ogórek, zielony ma garniturek**. Tak w wielu znanych mi odtruwaczach, które pomagają następnego dnia, występuje on - Ogórek. W różnej postaci, świeży, małosolny, kiszony - ale działa!


# Why is it worth eating pickled cucumbers and drinking pickled cucumber water? Dlaczego warto jeść ogórki kiszone i pić wodę z ogórków kiszonych? EN | PL ------------ | ------------- Pickled cucumbers are well known. Their taste delights many, but many are also very disgusting. It's hard, no medicine is tasty. However, few people know that not only pickled cucumbers are healthy and tasty, but also pickled cucumber water. | Ogórki kiszone są powszechnie znane. Ich smak wielu zachwyca, ale wielu też mocno zniesmacza, Trudno, chyba żadne lekarstwo nie jest smaczne. Mało kto jednak wie, że nie tylko ogórki kiszone są zdrowe i smaczne, ale głownie woda z ogórka kiszonego.



EN | PL ------------ | ------------- Niewiele osób zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że kwas ogórkowy ma niesamowity wpływ na nasze zdrowie. Wiele innych kiszonych produktów ma podobne właściwości, np kiszona kapusta. Zawierają one bardzo duże ilości bakterii probiotycznych, które powstają podczas fermentacji i wspomagają nasz uklad trawiennyi i odpornościowy. | Few people are aware that cucumber acid has an amazing effect on our health. Many other pickled products have similar properties, such as sauerkraut. They contain very large amounts of probiotic bacteria that are formed during fermentation and support our digestive and immune systems.



EN | PL ------------ | ------------- In the pickled cucumber water we find large amounts of vitamins that will strengthen our body. Additionally, pickled cucumber juice removes toxins from the body and protects it against mycoses. An interesting property of cucumber acid is also that it is useful for migraines, but also for colds and sore throats.| W wodzie z kiszonego ogórka znajdziemy duże ilości witamin, które wzmocnią nasz organizm. Dodatkowo sok z kiszonego ogórka usuwa toksyny z organizmu i chroni go przed grzybicami. Ciekawą właściwością kwasu ogórkowego jest również to, że jest on przydatny przy migrenach, ale także przy przeziębieniach czy bólach gardła. # THE BEST FOR A HANGER Najlepszy na dzień po 😉



Originally posted here:

My September to December Weight Loss Progress
Happy New Year, everybody, Antoni here and I am really ecstatic to show you all how far I have come when I did this -ber month weight loss project. In September, I began at 14 stone 1.76 lbs (197.76 lbs or 89.7 kg). Now, I am down to 12 stone 8.38 lbs (176.38 lbs or 80 kg), thus achieving my one-and-a-half-stone (21-pound or 9.525-kilogram) weight loss. Sure, I weighed lesser than that a few days ago, and I did go through moments of weakness. However, I have always reminded myself that any weight lost is much better than any weight regained, which is progress in of itself. I am glad that I am opening the new year with a new me, as the fringe benefits have been on show. The collared shirt that I have at the fourth picture fits me so much better than when I first wore it five to six years ago. That was given to me by my flatmate's sister in Toronto when I visited their place on Christmas Eve six years ago. It was initially a challenge to get that shirt on because the bulges were still conspicuous. Now that I am on my way to a healthier weight, i.e. 11 stone 3 lbs (157 lbs or 71.4 kg), the shirt fits me really well to the point where there is still some space left and I am so proud of myself for being below the obesity mark. Sure, I am still clinically overweight, but I am not going to stop until all the weight melts off me for good. I also have to keep reminding myself that my weight loss is not just about looking and feeling better about myself. It is also about my personal health and how much I need to be fit for myself and for my friends and family. I need to continue to set an example for my nieces and nephews that they do not have to end up looking as big as I was, but they need to eat healthily and lead an actively productive lifestyle. Gluing the health and appearance aspects of my weight loss is the confidence aspect. Losing all this excess weight has also given me the greatest boosts in confidence I have ever had and I feel better about myself knowing that I do not need to overeat to feel better about myself. I have kicked my comfort eating habits to the curb. I have bade farewell to my mindless snacking. I have even told all fears and insecurities to vamoose and never come back. Therefore, I am never going back to my old ways and I can see a healthier, brighter, and greater future with more independence and mobility thanks to the stones and pounds or kilos being all shed away for good and for all. The old adage of being a new year and a new me does keep repeating. Nonetheless, it continues to ring true, as I continue to make sure that all of the excess pounds melt right off from me and say hello to a brand new me. Losing weight has made me feel better about myself, gain a whole lot more vitality to boost my health, and made me blessed to know that self love and self care should be my greatest priorities in every aspect of my life. I hope you all enjoyed this, I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and Happy New Year, everybody.

My September to December Weight Loss Progress.jpg

Originally posted here:

Goodbye 2020... Hello 2021


Title image created using Gimp with these two images from pixabay - [1]( & [2]( Let’s face it, 2020 has been a difficult one for everyone. With a pandemic ravaging the world while humankind reacts in its inimitable style - weaving chaos from crisis, breeding conflict from fear - you could be excused for locking down and throwing away the key 😂 *But wait a minute, hang that key back on its nail, a new year is starting and that means... a new you!* In all seriousness though, that is a pile of BS straight out of the inspirational writers' handbook. I'm not really interested in following any thematic formula in writing. It leads to repeated epithets, cliché and often unrealistic goals. There is only one way to make fundamental changes in your personality and that is to recognize that personality is only a construct. But that is a subject for another time and blog. In the case of self-healing the formulaic approach is much more effective. Over the last 6 years of trying to find answers to heal my chronic illness I've come to learn that following a formula is the only way to tick off what doesn't work from a long list of potential remedies. It is also important (when western medical doctors have written you off) to figure out the puzzle of what is going on, especially in the little understood area of [chronic gut conditions.]( Perhaps in puzzling through this endless jigsaw of home remedies, supplement regimes and mind-work I might stumble across something that actually helps. One thing is for certain, and it is the only thing that you can be certain of with a chronic illness, I will never give up. Tomorrow will mark a new year and new health goals. A new piece of the jigsaw puzzle to be placed, and maybe 🤞 the piece that completes the picture.

2021 Healing Puzzle.jpg

Image created using Gimp with these two images from pixabay - [1]( & [2]( I've done a lot of research over the last 4 years. Too much to detail here unless I still want to be writing at midnight and into 2021 🤣 If you want to read more about SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and the problems it can cause, please check out the posts linked below. [My SIBO Story (part 1) - What is SIBO & How it has Effected Me]( [My SIBO Story (part 2) - The Elemental (Mental) Diet - 3 Weeks Without Food]( [My SIBO Story (part 3) - After The Elemental (Mental) Diet - Plans for Natural Healing]( The crux of my 2021 protocol revolves around the idea that I may be suffering from what is called [leaky gut,]( along with a more generalized imbalance of my digestive system and inflammatory response. This has lead to severe fatigue and muscular symptoms recently, which have convinced me that this imbalance has lead to my immune system becoming unbalanced. Before anyone gets worried about self-diagnosis etc, I have no choice but to figure this out myself as the head of the gastroenterology department at my local hospital has now declared my condition as [Idiopathic,]( which is just a fancy way of saying they don't have a clue. I have no choice but to try and treat myself... or give up. The supplement regime I have undertaken is based on a logical progression (based on years of research) that the gut has six foundations for normal function. Without all of these functioning at least well, the others become out of whack and the system starts fighting against itself. The most important foundations are the mucosa and the microbiome. The microbiome is more commonly known as good bacteria (probiotics). But in the case of SIBO we have an overgrowth of bacteria in a place it shouldn't be, the small intestine. Often, people with severe (long term) gut conditions don't tolerate probiotics well and supplementing with them causes symptoms to flare up. In this case it is important to start slow, and in some cases it may take years to restore the microbiome. The puzzle of the microbiome is infinitely more complex than you may think. It is not a case of good or bad bacteria, but rather everything in its right place and right amount. Think of it like a battlefield where the good guys (in a healthy person) have the upper hand. The good bacteria live in the places (usually large intestine and to a lesser extent the stomach) where they can do the most good (producing enzymes and eating toxic materials) and at the same time prevent bad bacteria from overgrowing. But without the other functions of the gut working (sufficient stomach acid, enzymes, motility etc), things can very quickly become unbalanced.


A reminder stuck to my wall As my handwriting is so bad, I will outline the six foundations along with what I am doing to try to redress the balance. 1) The microbiome - eating moderate amounts of fermented foods with 1-2 meals/day. 2) Stomach acid - I will be drinking apple cider vinegar (which increases stomach acid levels) 30 mins before one meal/day. 3) Digestive enzymes - I will be taking a broad spectrum (mix) of digestive enzymes with each meal and a specific strong lactase one prior to any lactose heavy food/drinks. The body produces over 800 enzymes and some of the enzymes that govern digestion are partially produced by good bacteria. The logic behind enzyme supplementation is that it allows the body to prioritize production of other enzymes to counteract inflammation. It is essentially like taking the load off while your body figures out how to heal the imbalance. 4) Bile flow - Bile acts as a cleaning agent in the small intestine, essentially flushing out bacteria from a place it is not meant to be. I will be drinking digestive bitters (which promote the production of stomach acid, bile and other digestive enzymes) 30 minutes prior to every meal and possibly supplementing with Ox bile if necessary. 5) Motility - this is the one area I am fairly certain I don't have a problem with. But, once my fatigue improves I shall implement an exercise regime to help maintain proper motility (how fast the food moves through your digestive system). Also, I am practicing daily morning yoga that is beneficial to motility. 6) The Mucosa - This is an odd one. The mucosa is essentially the home where your digestive bacteria live. It also regulates and maintains healthy (or not) cell walls of your intestine. To try and heal leaky gut it is essential to add things that support and encourage a healthy gut wall. I shall be taking glutamine with digestive enzymes before each meal and will be taking bentonite clay right before bed each evening (for a week at a time alternating with a week off) to help remove toxins and heal the mucosa. ___ **And that is it...**
[Source Giphy](
😂 If you have any gut issues please don't hesitate to ask me questions in the comments below. I will answer them as best I can in the new year. Happy New Year Hive 🍾🍻


All images used in this post are modified from creative commons license sources, credited beneath the image. If you have enjoyed this blog, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar creative content. Thank you.



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Did You Know That Drinking Cocoa Is Good For Your Health?
Want a drink that'll keep you warm, tastes good, easy to make and is good for your heart? Well read on to find-out what it is, and how you can experience the benefits of this age old drink! ### Nectar Of The Gods! Just when you thought that staying healthy was getting to be too complicated, something to help simplify that problem, could be just a sip away! It's cocoa! [source]( Polyphenols found in cocoa called, flavanols, increases the body's ability to use nitric oxide, which has beneficial effects on blood pressure, blood flow and heart health. This isn't just wishful thinking. ### American Association for the Advancement of Science A study presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston. 37,000 Boston men were surveyed about their chocolate intake and how much they ate, on a regular basis. Those who consumed the most chocolate per week, had a 17 percent less likely chance of having a stroke, than those who ate less or no chocolate per week . Of course chocolate is made guessed it...cocoa! The study found that high blood pressure was rarely found in, the indigenous people of the island of Kuna, in Central America, who drink about 5 cups of cocoa a day, as part of their daily lifestyle and many of their recipes. They eat a high salt diet, but have normal blood pressure But here's the interesting part. When the island Kuna moved to the mainland and adopted the mainland lifestyle, their risk of high blood pressure increased in line with the higher risk seen in the mainland population. ### University of California at Davis A study at the University of California at Davis comparing cocoa, chocolate and aspirin, showed that, like aspirin, cocoa and chocolate promote healthy blood flow. A similar comparison was made between low-dose aspirin and a flavanol-rich cocoa beverage, showed that both had similar effects on preventing blood platelets from sticking together. This may be related to their beneficial effects on the release of nitric oxide. In a study by different researchers, 4,260 men were surveyed who had previously experienced a stroke. This time those who consumed the most chocolate, had a19 percent lower risk of stroke, than those eating less or no chocolate. The study also found that just consuming a quarter cup of chocolate or cocoa a week, was associated with a14 percent lower risk of stroke. Most studies showing the benefits of eating chocolate use dark chocolate but, the men in these studies were said to be consuming milk chocolate. Milk chocolate isn't the cocoa powerhouse that dark chocolate is...but that doesn't seem to affect its beneficial effect, on the health of those who eat it. ### Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology A study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, showed that drinking cocoa flavanols, reversed damage cause by atherosclerosis, on healthy blood vessel functioning. Male smokers were given cocoa drinks containing various amount of of flavanols, ranging from 28 to 918 milligrams. A 50 per cent improvement in blood vessel functioning was observed, when179 milligrams of flavanols were consumed. The greatest improvement was seen when, 918 milligrams was consumed, and was the same as someone, with no cardiovascular risk factors. Amazing! Drink Up! [source]( Other studies show that cocoa and dark chocolate lower insulin resistance and boost HDL cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol. Lastly, recent lab test tubes studies, showed that cocoa reduced the growth rate of colon cancer cells.These result were said to be promising. Studies need to be done on people to see if this effect, hold up in real life disease processes. So whether it's light or dark chocolate or just plain ole cocoa. Drink up! What do you have to lose! How much easier can it be, to positively affect your health, than having a nice cup of hot or iced cocoa! And, you may lower your blood pressure and benefit your heart in the process. **References** - - - - Posted with [STEMGeeks](
Originally posted here:

Should you do resistance training with "cardio" or endurance?
Answer depends on yout goals, but if your goals are hypertrophy, there are few key points to keep an eye on.


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One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration! You can check some of her work [HERE](


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Originally posted here:

Maintaining a Good Sleep Routine
The key to maintaining a good sleep routine is to be consistent. The importance of sleep cannot be overestimated. Getting enough sleep improves concentration and symptoms of depression or other conditions which a person may be experiencing. Also it may also improve judgment and job satisfaction. In order to maintain a good sleep routine follow a good routine during the day. For instance, eat around the same times each day. If you usually eat breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12pm and dinner at 6pm, then stick to this schedule as closely as you can everyday. Doing so will make it become second nature. Also wake up and go to bed at the same time each night. This may be hard to do, especially if you have children, or a work schedule which changes often. But sticking to a good schedule will help you transmit good sleep habits to your children and also make you more productive at work. [source]( Eat well during the day. This means eating a healthy diet including energy-giving foods like oatmeal, whole grain oats, almonds, yogurt, dried fruits and salmon. Even pasta is good for a quick energy boost. Athletes eat spaghetti in order to give them energy before a game. Reduce your stress during the day and at night. Especially at night it is good to watch some light TV, not something very violent or troubling in order to get a good rest. Also, try to reduce the amount of stress that you have during the day by avoiding stressful situations when you can, or dealing with them in a better manner when you do have to deal with them. For instance, if there is a difficult work assignment which you have to complete for work, breaking up the job into smaller pieces or delegating out parts of it, may help make the job more manageable and therefore less stressful. If you work under constant deadlines, then setting aside a set amount of time to work on an assignment or project for work and then giving yourself a break may help to manage the stress. Not only will you be allowing yourself time to relax and return to your work refreshed but you are allowing your body to destress and this helps it to destress later in the day when it is time for bed. Take an hour or close to an hour for lunch and take at least 10 minutes to wind down right before going to bed. Again, this helps to give your body some down time which reduces stress and lets it know that it is time to rest. Doing these activities on a regular basis can help you maintain good sleep routine and improve your life. **References**: Posted with [STEMGeeks](
Originally posted here:

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Steve Falconer wrote on the last day of 2020:


They forgot motor oil and Spanish river water also tested positive! But how is this possible? This year I've made 8 films reaching so far over 2 million people, working with world famous doctors, virologists and citing the work of other virologists and molecular biologists on both sides of germ "theory" and terrain theory, so I can pass on to you what I've learned from them. For those who know me and troll me from my current chosen profession over the one I gave up for life satisfaction, what you don't know about me is that I've written esoteric biochemistry blogs for a decade and used to professionally liaise with medical underwriters and doctors back in my days at United HealthCare and large group medical insurance agencies, my job then was to convince them they might be wrong and overcautious based on real facts, not superstition. So no, I'm not a doctor or virologist. This information is what the world renowned doctors and virologists I worked on these films with have showed me and what I researched painstakingly myself to check if there is any validity to this and there is. If you’ve seen our films, they speak for themselves. If you haven’t, I’m speaking for them now. I will give screen shots from the CDC, WHO and Pub Med (the number one peer reviewed medical scientific publishing platform) below, so you can see for yourself what I am about to reveal to you and not take my word for anything, as I'd never ask you to. This doesn't come from me, it comes from what you and I are not privy to unless we are in the scientific medical circles that know this. A so called PCR "test" is NOT a test. It's Nobel Prize winning inventor, Kary Mullis, himself was furious that it was being used for any such nonsense as it can neither “test” for anything nor prove how much of any detected genetic material is inside anybody, let alone tell anyone if whatever it does detect is the cause of any illness or disease or not. Firemen are always at the scene of fires, therefore they are the cause of those fires. Windows are always in airplanes and helicopters, therefore windows are how they can fly. NO. FALSE. This is the logical fallacy of virology in a nutshell. A PCR test is just a chemical and mechanical process that doubles exponentially any given genetic material in a swab sample of body fluids that is normally too small to be seen or even possibly detectable, until everything in that swab sample is exponentially amplified so large it can be a cold penis under a huge magnifying glass. Put one grain of sand on a chess board square and double that on the next square, and double that on the next and by the 40th square you'll have 68.8 trillion grains of sand on that square, double that on the next and so on and you'll have the Sahara desert by the time you fill the entire 64 squares on the chess board. This is what PCR does, it keeps doubling the genetic material in your saliva or mucous sample until everything they are purposely looking for in that sample is large enough to actually detect. If you “spin” or double those sand grains or genetic material less than 25 times, the machine can detect nothing, or in other words, gets a negative "test"or genetic material detection result. If you spin or double it 40 times, you get a close to 100% "positive" result for whatever you are testing for or in other words, even the invisible contamination rates of the entire procedure show up... But why? And what are you testing for exactly, and why are so many labs admitting they are spinning or doubling at 40 times, despite being told this is guaranteed to bring a false “positive” result? First of all, you are trying to detect what they call a "primer"which is a small expected genetic sequence of nucleotides from an already made computer database of assumed, but not proven, sequence of nucleotides from an alleged "virus" that has never had it’s full nucleotide sequence isolated or proven to exist. We're looking for corn in your puke because that's what we think made you puke, not the two quarts of Vodka you drank right after dinner. We only patented corn, not Vodka. A cat and human share an 85% genetic match..we sequenced 0.5% nucleotides from a cat and found that same 0.5% sequence in a human, therefore that human is obviously a cat, not a human. It was just plugged into the database ahead of time based on a nucleotide pattern sequence that was already patented years before, 2004 and 2015 in the case of Sars Covaids 2. Really “PCR primers are short single-stranded DNA sequences which help in the amplification of DNA during PCR reaction.” So they say, “we’re purposely looking for this short sequence that we’ve already patented and put into the data base years and years ago, so we only chemically amplify those nucleotide sequences that we have patented out of the millions of possible sequences that we could look for in the sample. “ “We’re not interested in detecting the millions of nucleotide sequences we haven’t patented, as we make zero money off of those.” NucleoSides are just 5 carbon sugar molecules and when they attach to various organic or inorganic phosphates, you get a nucleoTide… So they are testing for a small sequence of 5 carbon sugar molecules attached to phosphates in a row. Not a virus, just a small genetic sequence of different sugars and phosphates. But how then can river water, motor oil, fruits, goats, birds, Coca Cola or even test kits that haven't swabbed any genetic material at all still test positive for these nucleotide sequences? How can they test for a hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of nucleotide sequence long viruses if they can’t isolate or detect such a long complex sequence? The CDC is using 12 different computer data base "primer" sequences, varying from 17 to 21 nucleotide sequences in a row to look for Covaids, the same sequence found in goats, papayas, river water, motor oil, etc. The WHO was using human Chromosome 8 as their test database “primer” sequence to detect Covaids, which was looking for the 18 in a row nucleotide sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt, which is found on the 8th out of the 23 pairs of chromosomal trees on all humans. The same small sequence found in goats, papayas, your pyjamas and the wank sock you keep under your bed, etc etc! But keep in mind that chromosome 8 is a chain of 145 million base pairs, so nobody knows how many times this little 18 sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt shows up in a sequence of 145 million chained molecule. Keep in mind we are 85-95 genetically related to cats, pigs, monkeys, earth worms, etc so how many of those things also have this same nucleotide sugar phosphate sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt showing up in their own genetic material hundreds of thousands of times in any given nucleotide chain in their own genetic material? You’re 90% genetically related to an earthworm, therefore, you are an earthworm? Okey dokey! Take a random large number 145 million numbers long and how many times do the same sequence of 18 numbers in a row turn up within that large number sequence? Now take millions of other different large numbers that are also each 145 million numbers long and how many times does that same sequence of 18 numbers in a row turn up in THOSE millions of other large numbers? Does that mean those other millions of insanely large numbers are the exact same number as or related to the first insanely large number because they all share that same 18 number sequence in a row at some point within them? Do you see how this works? These same 18 in a row molecule nucleotide sequences are everywhere and in everything, and if you amplify any sample enough times and are looking for a minuscule nucleotide sequence, there's a damn good chance it will turn up, even in Coca Cola, fruits and motor oil. You don’t have Covaids, you have been TOLD you have Covaids! Yep, if you have the flu any year or time you are actually dying and rightly feel like you are dying while you detox those foreign poisons from your body, otherwise sweating, urination, kidney, liver and diarrhea would have eliminated your body toxins without severely extreme measures, like the worst man flu you’ve ever had in your life. You just forgot how bad your last flu detox was and love the attention of telling people you survived the Covaids, because you are an attention seeking wanker! And that’s fine...aren’t we all? Now this PCR procedure only tells you if it’s detected your pre-determined, patented, computer nucleotide “primer” sequence, it doesn't tell you how much of that genetic material is actually in your body outside of that saliva or mucous swab sample, or if that material is even the cause of any sickness or disease! it can only say, “Yep, after amplifying it 68 trillion times we can see it, there it is, exactly what we were looking for, firemen at the scene of a fire, windows in an airplane.” “We have no clue how much of this genetic material is there or if it even does anything to actually cause illness, we just know it's in your sample. That's it." So now doctors and scientists have been writing to the health authorities of the world and their own countries, saying ok, show me the documentation for this alleged isolated nucleotide sequence of what you are calling the Covaids 19 virus, and claiming is contagious and causing illness. As you'll see below, you get a letter back saying “we don't have such a thing, it doesn't exist, it's never been isolated. We have no proof.” All attempts so far to isolate Covaids have failed all 4 of Koch's postulates and 5 out of 6 of River's postulates. Which means that: 1) the alleged virus must be found in abundance (which PCR can’t detect) in ALL organisms suffering from the disease, which means you can’t be asymptomatic. 2) the alleged virus organism must cause disease, you can’t have it and not have the disease. Meaning you can't test positive and not be sick in bed and dying from a disease that allegedly makes you sick and dying. 3) The virus must be completely isolated from all other genetic material in the sample and grown in a pure culture with no other added poisons or genetic material. You should be able to inject that genetic material into other healthy organisms and make every single one of them sick, which has never been done even once in even one subject, let alone all of them. 4) and then you must be able to re-isolate that same material from someone who has been injected with it and made sick. There are 7.2 million dollars in rewards out there for any Virologist, molecular biologist or janitor who can prove this! So far in 230 years of germ “theory” not one has been able to do so! If YOU can with your bartender training, PM me and I’ll send you links, I just want a 5% finders fee, if you know something the world’s top Virologists don’t even know. If not, quit trolling me and learn something. What virologists actually do is put a sample of that tiny partial genetic mucous or saliva material, PLUS the rest of the material in the saliva, mucous or whatever sample they swab, ALL of it, into a petri dish full of the living cells of monkey or cow cells that are already acidic, diseased and sick with self-made CANCER, the final stages of cellular bacterial and fungal pleomorphism detoxification defence. Then they pump other poisonous chemicals into that same petri dish, and those already sick and self-healing monkey and cow cancer cells create exosomes to handle the extra poisons these virologists just pumped into their petri dish and they say: "See! That genetic material we just put into that cell culture started killing or making those cells sick!” No, those cells were already sick, acidic and cancerous and you just pumped a shitload of poisonous chemicals in them to make them even more sick and now dying, not self healing, plus the extra human genetic material in the mucous and saliva sample that does not come from monkeys or cows, which all bodies reject any non-self material. Then they claim it was the non-isolated genetic human nucleotide partial material they just put in the petri dish, more specifically the tiny part they already patented! Never-mind that they just put a shitload of other human genetic material in there along with it, never bothering to isolate the exact nucleotide sequencing they put in there from the God knows how many other human genetic materials were in that saliva or mucous sample, to make sure they ONLY put that into their animal tissue culture petri dish and no other poisons or human genetic material, and then they make the “assumption” that it must be the "virus" partial sequence material they put in and not the other poisons, chemicals and genetic material they also had to put in there to make those cells sick and produce an exosome cellular defence response to those poisons and other non-self animal genetic material in the sample. It’s like you kissing your girlfriend, then eating 15 candy bars, drinking two bottles of vodka, snorting two grams of cocaine, eating a loaf of mouldy bread topped with poisoned raw shellfish, chugging down a glass of bacteria ridden milk that’s been sitting on your counter for two months, having an anxiety attack releasing stress hormones that shut down your body’s toxin removal abilities and then claiming your girlfriend’s kiss must be the reason you are sick now! That’s “virology” in a nutshell. “We can’t make cancerous monkey or cow cells even more sick with a kiss or candy bar, so we add all of the others poisonous things and foreign genetic material into the petri dish until it starts an exosome cellular defensive response and then we can blame the kiss...and then claim we can vaccinate you against kisses, even though that’s not why you’re really sick.” But what are Exosomes? As Dr. James Hildreth, professor at Johns Hopkins and CEO of Meharry Medical College said “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.” You do NOT catch them. Your cells create them to remove all foreign poisons, toxins and any genetic material inside your body that was not made by your body for your body to use. All NON-SELF. 12 people go to a dinner party, eat the same thing and only 8 get food poisoning. You send your kids to a chicken pox party but they don't all get chicken pox. Some kids are tissue damaged at the same age from growth and it's time to detox and remove dead tissue, some adults have diets abundant in potassium chloride and ferrum phosphate and can't be poisoned that easily. There is nothing contagious going on there. I’ll give you one guess as to what are exactly the same shape and size as what we are told are contagious viruses? That’s right, pat yourself on the back. Self-made, inter-cellular created, non-contagious exosomes for removing non-self toxins detected in the body. Germ theory is still a “theory” after 230 years for a reason. It has never been proven for good reason. It has been only disproven time and time again. As Dr. Rosenau showed you in the 1918 Spanish Flu experiments, and many others after him. Why haven’t you been told? We’ll get to that. Big Pharma makes tens of billions a year selling you vaccines, antibiotics to kill your own body's bacteria from trying to heal the tissue YOU damaged by poisoning yourself and cold and flu medication, so they will stop at nothing to keep you in the dark about exosomes and bacterial somatid cleaning cycles going on in your own body. They also think you’re too stupid, distracted and too brainwashed into trusting white lab coated doctors trained by their big Pharma reps, working on huge commissions to pay off their med school and clinic equipment bills to research this yourself. Are they right? It seems to me if you really had proof of a non-fictional virus that was making people ill, you'd be genetically testing for that virus and not a tiny sand grain of patented generic genetic material found in nearly anything and everything, but that's none of my business. Now the next logical question is: Hang on, if you've never isolated a full multi thousands or millions nucleotide sequence of what you claim is a disease causing Covaids 19 virus & have never proven it either exists, causes illness or even is transmittable, and your test primer is looking for tiny sequences that are found in almost anything, including fruits, motor oil, river water and goats and your tests are being over-amplified to the point that almost anything will show up in any sample....... How on earth can you manufacture a Vaccine to protect people against something you don't even know, nor can even prove in 230 years is real or exists, that cannot make other humans in close contact or even by injection from sick people's fluids sick, as Dr Rosenau and others tried and failed to do? Something that cannot make animal cellular tissues in a petri dish sick unless they are already sick cancer cells and you have to add a shitload of other chemical poisons and non-animal genetic material to that petri dish to make it sick? If you’re really smart you might even ask yourself how there can possibly be a new “mutated strand” of pink flying unicorns if pink flying unicorns don’t even exist in the first place? If you can't possibly make such a vaccine against pink flying unicorns that don't exist, the next logical question is: Then what the hell is really going on here and what is the real purpose for this mandatory RNA/DNA modification injection to genetically modify you to protect you from something that doesn’t actually exist? Could there be some other nefarious reason you aren’t being told? If you are still so thick that you cannot figure out the answer to that last question yourself by now, I’m sorry, there is nothing more I haven’t already showed you this last decade that can help you at this point. Some people are just destined to become nothing more than statistics in future history books. You can’t say people didn’t put their necks out on the line to warn you. It is what it is. But hey, you’ll be able to get on an airplane with the last two airlines who haven’t gone out of business and be able to drink or eat in one of the last two pub or restaurant chains that aren’t out of business when the dust settles. If you’re still alive. So aren’t YOU the lucky one?







----0---- Plague of Fear 2020 has taken all year to complete. Here are the previous 6 parts: In Part I of this series of articles, I described the shocking effects we all experienced during the first half of 2020. The surprises, lockdowns & fearmongering in the media over the so-called Coronavirus outbreak. In Part 2 I diarised the events & clues we were amassing during July 2020. The pandemic we now call #COVID19 began to be better understood & I was able to introduce the accumulation of EMFs as a potential cause. In Part 3 I built on all that we know with daily updates & news items as they arose. Part 4 discussed the psychological tools that have been used to terrorise the world & their impact. In Part 5 I lifted the lid on the players behind the scene & their entire GLOBAL RESET PLAN. Disturbing Addendum (part 6) introduced a secret plan shared by those in the know. As I write on this the last day of 2020 I sincerely wish us all a better year ahead, one in which the truth batters seven barrels of shit out of the mountain of lies we have been fed by the international criminal mafia known as the Black Nobility. A year in which we see those criminals reduced to inmates in Guantanamo Bay, because they truly are TERRORISTS & we deserve some real justice at last. Let's make it so. Much love as ever Fran xx
Originally posted here:

Veganuary 2021 {A Month Full of Plants!}

Looking back through my posts, I somehow missed any mention of Veganuary for the last two new years! Three years ago I put out some information to help encourage anyone embarking on a meat-dairy-fish-egg-free January, but I dropped the ball on continuing the trend the last few years. Well, not this year my friends. I'm here to support and encourage anyone wanting to sign up officially or unofficially for the January initiative to try to go vegan for the month.

For those who this is the first time even hearing the phrase, Veganuary was started back in 2014 as a way to encourage people to go vegan for the first month of the year. A play on the words "vegan" and "January." It's been going strong since then, gaining traction every year. Up to this point over one million people have signed up to give it a go. There are tons of great resources on the website with recipe ideas, shopping guides, health information and so many ways to connect and learn. As with any lifestyle change, having a great community to join and be a part of definitely helps make it more fun and sustainable.

What does "vegan" mean?

Because it is also worth mentioning, veganism is not just a dietary choice but a way of life. On the food end of things, no dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt), meat or seafood of any kind, eggs or anything else coming from an animal is consumed. That extends to other choices in consumption from clothing and shoes to housewares and beyond. The ultimate goal (IMHO) is to do as little harm as possible to any creature on our planet. Perfection is not realistic, again, in my own opinion, but I truly believe we can all continue to make better choices wherever we are in life to be more conscious of how such choices impact not just us, but everyone and everything.

However, that being said, there is no wrong way to do Veganuary! Many people focus on the food side first and then go from there. As I have made mention of multiple times before, that's how my own journey began. I focused on health and nutrition, then the ethical and environmental aspects started popping up more to influence my now almost 8 year journey. If you are interested in dipping your toes in the water, any attempt is great. Setting a goal for one month is an excellent way to give it a shot!

Just a few of my plant-based cookbooks
How to "do" Veganuary?

The post that I wrote back in 2018 still has some great tips I share and use myself even today. The first thing once deciding to commit to a big change for the month ahead is to figure out your "why". It might be for the animals, maybe you want to reduce your impact on the environment, perhaps you want to take control of your health and just eat more plants. Shoot, you might just want to start 2021 completely differently than 2020. Whatever your reasoning is, write it down and put it somewhere you can see it. That way when you fall off the wagon for a meal or get frustrated you remember what it is you wanted to accomplish by trying out a vegan month.

Take some time to do some meal planning. Even in the last year, the vegan choices in stores and restaurants have exploded with variety (that carrot cake in my cover image is totally vegan), but it still helps to have an idea of what you are going to eat for meals. That can be especially helpful if vegan cooking is completely new to you. Find some blogs you enjoy, follow some vegan cooks on social media or maybe even take a plant-based cooking class if you are really interested in keeping up some meatless meals for the long haul. Planning always helps you keep on track to make healthy choices along the way.

One day at a time. Day one will probably be easy, but the other 30 or so days after that might trip you up on occasion. You might forget that your favorite salad dressing has anchovies or that manufacturers put dairy in literally everything. If you slip up, just keep moving forward. That holds true even if you are just trying to start eating better for the new year, vegan or not. ;)

Vegan definitely isn't boring OR limiting!
Get Excited!

If you are trying out a vegan January, I would hope you are doing it because you truly are excited to give a meatless lifestyle a try. Approach it as an opportunity to try new things. I mean, there are more plant foods out there than one person could ever try in a lifetime--how amazing is that? Even if you don't plan on going vegan long term, you will definitely add some great vegetable side dishes to your meal plan rotation or easily be able to feed any of your vegan/vegetarian friends. Look out for new beans or lentils. Scour the farmers market for some vegetables you've never used. Fruit is always an easy snack if you're feeling stumped.

Keep things simple if you are new to cooking overall. Not every meal has to be fancy or elaborate. Sometimes all I have the energy for is a baked potato with black beans, salsa and avocado or a quick veggie stir fry over lentil pasta. However if you do already love to cook, oh boy will you find anything and everything in vegan form! Nothing is out of the realm of possibility from pizza to burgers or ice cream or....

I will always encourage healthy choices, especially to kick off the new year. Not because I want you to shoot for unrealistic new year's resolutions, but because I always want people to feel good and take care of themselves. Take advantage of the vegan convenience foods when you really need to or enjoy a decadent vegan treat on occasion, but as always, cooking and preparing whole, real food at home is your best bet to feel some positive changes during your vegan month.

If all else fails, there's always pasta...

All that's left to say for now is good luck and happy eating! I will do my best not to leave you hanging this year. If I can get my act together I will do some more cookbook reviews since I have added more to my collection recently and love perusing them for cooking inspiration. The farmers market will be back in action on the 9th after the holiday hiatus, so you know I will be back to gushing over the fresh goodies on here soon. If any other fun inspiration for the month comes to mind, of course I'll get that shared, too. And I'm here any time for questions or encouragement! Well, maybe not ANY time, but you know what I mean.

Happy Veganuary and New Year!
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Posted from my blog with Exxp :

Originally posted here:

Unusual and easy to prepare foods for New Year's Eve!


##### After the recent Christmas celebrations, when the typical foods of the end of the year are prepared and a rich table is set, it is not easy to find interesting and easy-to-prepare recipes for the New Year's Eve meal. I will try to offer you to try delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare holiday foods, which will well complement the traditional meal and give the celebration new taste nuances. At the holiday roast, try a sweet and sour salad, make rye bread truffles quickly and easily for dessert, but delight your loved ones with a light breakfast on New Year's morning! #### Green winter salad with pomegranates and sweet and sour sauce. **Ingredients** 200 g of fresh spinach leaves (or any other lettuce leaf) 1 red pepper 1 avocado 1 small sweet and sour, juicy apple or 1 pear half a pomegranate handful of nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds) **For the sauce:** 3 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. honey salt and pepper to taste **Pagatavošana** Peppers, apples or pears (you can take both) and avocado cleaned and cut into slices, chopped nuts, cleaned pomegranate seeds. In a large bowl, mix all the sauce ingredients, add lettuce, fruit, half of the chopped nuts and pomegranate seeds. Arrange the salad on a plate, sprinkle with the remaining nuts and pomegranate seeds. **Rye bread truffles Ingredients** 300 g of rye bread with fruit (without crust) 50 g of raisins 50 g of dried cranberries 50 g unsalted, roasted peanuts 50 g of hazelnuts 2 tbsp. honey 150 g of dark chocolate **Preparation** Fruit bread is cut into pieces and together with the other ingredients put in a food processor or blender. Grind everything until a homogeneous and sticky mass is formed (some large pieces of nuts and dried fruit may remain). From the resulting mass form small candy-sized balls, which are placed in the freezer for 30 minutes. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave oven in a narrow, vertical container (such as a cup or glass) and cool slightly. Take out the frozen candies from the freezer, with a chopstick or a small fork drop in melted chocolate. As the candy mass is cold, the chocolate hardens quickly. Finished truffles are decorated with chopped cranberries, raisins or nuts. Sweets can be stored both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. The taste of these candies is similar to the favorite Latvian sweets "Serenade", and they are very quick and easy to prepare. **Hot New Year's morning bread Ingredients** 1 loaf of ciabattas or wholemeal bread (any other bread is also suitable) 150 g of white cheese 1.5 tbsp. melted butter 1 tbsp. brown sugar 1 handful of dried cranberries 1 handful of pecans/walnuts **Preparation** Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. The loaf of bread is carefully cut into ~ 1.5 cm wide pieces - so that the bread is not cut into pieces. Place aluminum foil in the pan (large enough to cover the whole loaf of bread later) and place it on the bread. Cut the cheese into thin pieces, place a piece of cheese at each bread slice, arrange the rest of the cheese on top of the loaf. In a bowl, mix the melted butter, cranberries, nuts and brown sugar. Transfer this mixture to a loaf of bread. Cover the bread with foil, bake in the oven for 10 minutes, then open the foil and bake for another 5-7 minutes to brown the crust. So for today, that's all thanks for reading and Bon appetite!
Originally posted here:

Challenge Winners December: And Happy New Year to All!
Whooooaaah - it's now the end of December. In Australia, it's midday on the 30th, and I've officially closed the December challenge through our Discord channel. This is for a number of reasons - one, I have a lot on over the next week, and two, we just didn't get as many entries as we would have liked this month. That's okay - that's Christmas on the blockchain for you! People are busy wrapping up work, preparing for Christmas, and enjoying a break.


Thus, we thank those that *did* enter the challenge - and for dear @traciyork, who didn't have time to officially enter, but still bought LOTUS from HIVE ENGINE as a way of supporting us! Ah, heart melts - I've had sooo many of those with you amazing #naturalmedicine bloggers this year! @mirrianalis chose as her entry an entry to another challenge by @senorcoconut, reflecting philosophically on the word 'evolution' as a way to move into the new year. She wrote: > **I have my faith that in this 2021 both elements are combined so that through "desire" and our capacity to "adapt" we can evolve as humanity and break all those patterns and schemes that keep us tied to an "anti-life" culture, in which selfishness and material values have put a veil or distraction in front of the reality of what we really are.** > **I wish for all of us that we Evolve in Consciousness, that we make that quantum leap and open the doors to a new generation of transformation towards other ways of living valuing what is important: life, connection with oneself, with the family, with Nature and everything beautiful that surrounds us, respect for the other, living from brotherhood, helping the other, being compassionate, shedding all the limitations imposed by the Ego and that finally we can let go of fear and live in freedom.** > **For this and much more, I hope that this word "Evolution" will be my north next year and if I had to build a sentence around it it would be:** > **"I'm ready and willing to Evolve in Consciousness, to raise my level of vibrational frequency, adapting myself to the transformations of the planet in perfect harmony".** What a beautiful thought to enter the new year with, and something you all might like to reflect upon as we leave 2020 behind. @phoenixwren is a treasure trove of wisdom when it comes to salves, brews and concoctions! However, in her entry this month she wrote under the #mentalhealthawareness tag and will win her badge for December. Whilst she acknowledges there's no one real 'fix' for mental health struggles, and it's an ongoing journey that's different for different people, she wrote about how her mood has improved with a 'Happy Light'! Want to know what this is? Catch her post [here]( Her post was submitted by us to OCD and got support from the community incubation project!


@pavanjr kept us his amazing content production pace and entered with his post about mental health and Christmas. Christmas can be difficult at the best of times - throw in a pandemic and separate people and you have a recipe for loneliness, despair and sadness. It's a testament to @pavanjr that he thought about this and extended a few tips to those who might be struggling. He's going to get his next #mentalhealthawareness star on his badge in no time! He also wrote another post on a subject dear to my heart - thinking about the environment at Christmas as we buy, buy, buy. This post actually made me pitch a 'homemade, secondhand, or charity' themed Christmas to my family for next year - three quarters are on board! @divinebeingness shared the story of how they partly spent their time reflecting in prison, and the spiritual texts that helped with their journey. I am including the resulting art and poetry below as it's well worth looking at if you missed it.


Be encouraged to know that books can only stimulate thoughts and give you knowledge, but for the truth you must turn your eyes inwards. Knowledge is one thing and the search for truth is another. Be encouraged to know that it is not the world or society that confines you, but you yourself is the world which holds you prisoner within yourself in yourself. Also be careful of what you are thinking because we are shaped by it. You can and will be changed by what happens to you, but refuse to be reduced by it. Be aware that blaming and arguing never helps us and only creates a wider gap between us and that only Understanding, Trust and Love can help us change and grow. Be encouraged to know when you examine the lives of all influential people who have walked the earth, you will discover one thread that whines through them all... they have been aligned first with their spiritual self. Be encouraged to know that we are of a Star Borne Family of pure conscious energy, we are conscious of ourselves, our environment, and universal consciousness; this awareness when directed can allow you to create what you want in your life. Be aware that the deepest wisdom of your future is that you are co-creating it, and that Balance, Order, Love, and Free Will is our Birthright. @lizelle also wrote a great post on pandemic lessons! As the year grows to a close I think we're all reflecting on what we've learnt this year and how we're moving forward. But she also shared some fantastic recipes, food she intended to gift. I liked how this one fit really well with the spirit of @pavanjr's post - gifting homemade can be a lot easier on the earth! Thanks for all your wonderful recipes this year, @lizelle! @porters post was also Christmas themed. She reflected on her meditation practice and the idea of loving kindness - not so far from Christmas greetings of love and joy. She wrote this about setting a kind of intentional prayer to extend this joy to others: > **May I continue on the path of awakening and experience Nabbanic peace, tranquility and joy so I can share that with all those around me, my friends, neighbors and family. My family and their family and their family. May we all be happy and peaceful, may we all come to benefit from the Buddha dhamma, may we live healthy, prosperous lives, living in peace and harmony. May there be peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind and all being!** How beautiful, @porters! It doesn't really matter what spiritual practice you subscribe to, does it - they all have loving kindness at their heart. Given the very small amount of entries into this month's post, it seems a little unfair to pick one winner. We *do* say unless we get ten entries, we don't award prizes, but reading the beautiful, thoughtful and philosophical posts by all entrants this month, that seems hard to do. Each entry here, therefore, wins 5 HIVE. The remaining HIVE carries over into next month's challenge and/or gets powered up to help upvote YOUR posts! We hope this small token of our gratitude for joining in the challenge sees you smiling. An extra bonus for one lucky entrant here - beneficiaries always go to delegators, and this time I'd like to gift it to @porters, who always joins in the challenges when she can, and does her best to support others. # Much LOVE, and hope you have a lovely new year!


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Originally posted here:

Morning run
I just finished a 2.065km running that lasted about 0hh:15mm:1ss !


It is not very neat to not post your running posts after two days :). Here I am posting my run from two days ago. We have been using our December break for healthy runs and I am glad we are doing this. It is quite a task to use this platform to post. Not easy to learn. There are many things you need to do to sign into the platform. The run was as usual. Snow made it quite tough to run but I managed. Looking forward to another run today. Check out some detailed info at [my EXHAUST page]( Join me in testing out [EXHAUST](!
Originally posted here: