Monday, November 2, 2020

This fruit is and absolute champion in the number of names! Don't you believe? Let's count: ziziphus, Chinese date, jojoba (or jujuba), jujuba, anab, chilion, choilon, jilan jida, zao, yanap, arnap, ilan jida and breast berry. Do you know what it is?


We call it ziziphus here! Small sweet berries, only 1,5$ for 1kg. It is not very popular in my place. It's not sold in fruit stores or supermarkets. It's sold mostly in the streets by old people who grow it by themselves. Because they know much more than modern youth. They know old secrets of health and wisdom of nature. The amazing unabi fruit is one of the unique wonders of the plant world. This whole plant, from leaves to roots, serves as a medicinal raw material. Among the twelve elite plants of Chinese medicine, it ranks fifth, it is used as a medicine independently, as well as for harmonizing herbs in decoctions. The Japanese and Chinese assure that it is the constant presence of ziziphus in their menu that prolongs their life by at least 20 years! In the vitamin-mineral composition of zizyphus, the main share is vitamin C, but also vitamins B1, B2, B5, K, P-active compounds, carotenoids, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron are contained in sufficient quantities. Chinese ziziphus has a calming and hypotensive effect. It is also used as a tonic and diuretic.The fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which increases and strengthens the immune system. In addition, vitamin C helps the body resist the effects of viruses and infections. There is vitamin A in ziziphus, which is necessary for vision and B vitamins, which normalize the activity of the nervous system. Ziziphus removes toxic substances from the body, "bad" cholesterol, heavy metals and excess water. As a result, the activity of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole improves. With this in mind, it is recommended to consume the fruit for people who are prone to constipation. In addition, fiber stimulates the processes of bile secretion.


It's real nature treasure! And It's a great pity most people don't know about it. They buy bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapefruits, pineapples and many other exotic fruits that don't grow here. They are perfect and tasty but it's really necessary to know fruits and plants that grow in your Motherland, just under your feet and that can really treat you and make you healthy. I love this fruit and always buy it. And it's weird when there's a long row of customers for oranges and noone who wants to buy ziziphus, that is sold by a lonely old woman in the street.


Let's have plants patriotism, guys;) Friends, do you like ziziphus? Have you tasted it ever?
Originally posted here:

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