Society anywhere is divided into 2 groups: For vaccination and Against it. Celebrities and stars as a rule prefer to avoid such hot questions not to be hated by people from the opposite group. They are somewhere in the middle. At least, in their public speeches or interviews. Of course, they all have their position too, but it's known only for their insiders. But now something has changed... More and more start to be loud about their antivaccination position! They aren't afraid to say about it in public, explain their opinion and even make mems and jokes about it. Just look here! It's a very famous Russian comedian in the image of know who it is;). But the main is his words to this photo. He wrote: *I've been vaccinated. I feel fine, and the main is total absence of side effects*.

Amazing joke as for me:)) But he is not the only one who is brave to speak about such discussable topic. It's Katerina Andreeva. She was a top face of the main TV-channel in Russia, news program. Then she had to be very careful in her speeches. Now she doesn't work there any more, and she has got freedom to say what she thinks. It's her last scandal post in Insta, where she speaks about Covid as one more virus, not more dangerous than many other desiases, and all this panic and fear was created artificially and with the definite purpose.

It's the wife of the extremely popular singer in Russia and their son. She has told about her antivaccination position in her social net too. it has caused great pressure, she is hated much now, but I deeply respect her that she isn't afraid to do it.

It's a popular Russian TV-star and her Insta post about vaccination. She says that she is against vaccination. She has 2 daughters, and the first one got all injections according to the vaccination shedule, and she was sick very often, her immunity was weak. She stopped to vaccinate her at the age of 5. Her younger daughter is not vaccinated at all, and her health is much better! Moreover, all her friends does not vaccinate their kids either! She says about dangerous components of vaccines and about difference in health and immunity of those who get injections and who don't. One more wise mom!

A Russian popular singer who is also against vaccination. SHe says that it kills kids immunity, and parents should take care about good food and sport for kids, not about dangerous "protection" from deseases.

It's Julia Samoilova, who shocked society with the fact that she lost her health after vaccination! She was a normal healthy child till 1 year, and then she was vaccinated...After the injections her health was destroyed, and she stopped walking. At all and forever.

I'm happy people start to speak loud about this theme! Celebrities are opinion influencers, and if people don't think and don't study this topic by themselves, maybr stars will become their guides to awakening from vaccination dream.

Originally posted here:
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