Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Come to the Cape for your secret escape where life is a beach

“If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of revolution; when the old and the new stand side by side and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson American poet and philosopher


With 2020 being the most unstable and revolutionary year we may heve ever experienced in our lives, these words could have been written for today. We stand at the most crucial time in the most crucial year of the century. It is the 2020 American election, and the world hangs in limbo as two presidents fight it out in the law courts to determine who is the real POTUS. The markets don’t like uncertainty. Nobody does. And if 2020 wasn’t uncertain enough already, then this week’s election battle has pushed us to another level of uncertainty. And it brings with it a mood of revolution – on the streets of America and the world people are protesting the election or the lockdown. All over the world revolution is in the air. As a result the psyche of humanity is stretched to its limit. Stress is unprecedented this month, so I have taken my focus away from the “madding crowd” as the novelist Thomas Hardy called it, and found a place of peace and good health right here on the southernmost coast of the African continent. Have you been here?


I do recommend it, if and when travel is ever allowed again. Here on the Garden Route, a place on the south Cape coast of Africa, you can find loads of wild and rugged coastline, with no one around. The vast open and empty space is very refreshing. I recommend it as a rural retreat space for anyone finding their mental health taking stain under the condition of 2020. Of if you need a physical boost to your health and immune system, then this is also the place to come and find a massive boost for yourself. Of course, wherever you are, I recommend that you take some time to go out into nature and get some fresh air and sunshine. I presume it is winter for most of you up in the northern hemisphere. Here in the south it is summer approaching, but all year round the weather is fine and mild.


So get yourself over here to the far side of the world and find out that there is no covid in this town. There is only good health and fresh air and sunshine all year long. I’m still waiting to meet someone who had covid, or know of any of my friends who have had it. So far it is a mystery rumored thing to me. Of a plot, more likely. Anyway, my beaches are numerous and with all the time and space in the world here I have no fear of any lockdown. I can simply continue walking to the same coastline that you see here any day of the week. No one is around to stop me. No one is around period. How cool is that. No covid, no covid police, no spreaders, no worries. Just wide open space and fresh healthy air.


It’s almost a year now that covid has been around and I have yet to see it in my sphere of experience. What an absurdity it appears to me. Not to detract from those who have struggled in any way. What do I know? All I see is wide open sea and beautiful waves as far as the eye can see. Do come and visit if you have not already been to see the southernmost coast of Africa. I will be happy to show you around. No mask required. I have no fear. And neither should you. You will only benefit in health by visiting here. (photos my own)
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-163772/@julianhorack/come-to-the-cape-for-your-secret-escape-where-life-is-a-beach

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