Saturday, November 7, 2020

ELECTRO-MAGNETIC STRESS - A very real & increasing health risk


It is very frightening to be ill & undiagnosed or ignored but most sufferers of Electro-Magnetic Stress experience precisely that. Allopathic medicine does not teach our medical professionals enough about the body as an electrical system & therefore very few doctors have any understanding of it. Thankfully there are a few whose personal experiences have triggered them to research the subject & raise the issue among colleagues & anyone who will hear them. Electrosensitivity - A Personal Story - Dr Andrew Tresidder MMBS MRCGP ----0---- Recently I have been contacted by a twitter follower who is desperately seeking solutions. This is his story. Working in a British airport as a baggage handler, this fit & healthy young man was driving conveyance vehicles, which he refers to as "tugs". The area he worked in was testing 5G (being installed to monitor & control vehicular speed) when he started to notice some alarming symptoms. He was not the only one. He sadly remembers a colleague who could not catch his breath for days & then died on his way to work while phoning for an ambulance. Referring to his colleague he states that he asked for this driver to be removed from the work area " I pleaded with the union as he thought his headaches and malaise, breathing issues were from lighting - he went to USA for a week, came back healthy, returned and a week later he was dead." This was in March 2019. The following is his own account, reporting to his employer:




It would be good if the story ended there but it doesn't.


In March of 2020, it happened again. The same symptoms suddenly reappeared. A 5G mast had been installed behind his home. The following day, his neighbour passed out on the drive. Nearly everyone living in that road was coughing up blood with horrendous chest burning. There was no choice, he had to change address rapidly &, thankfully, within a day he recovered. The neighbour now has serious breathing difficulties, another had serious asthma following the exposure. Apparently the air was very dry, as if it had zero moisture. He continued to detail the symptoms he had experienced while working in the baggage area of the airport: "I have never been so confused, it was like my memory was being erased in seconds - I was second guessing myself trying in vain to recall past facts etc, and my colleague was banging my shoulder and I couldn’t talk - the words wouldn’t come out, it was like extreme sun burn to the head, sweating - couldn’t breathe and this abhorent indigestion - so in March 2020, I knew what was happening. Unless you change your environment, you risk the most vile suffocation - but the dead giveaway was the nosebleeds - explosive!" He has written letters, emails & text messages but nobody seemed to believe him: "I began feeling sick, I began noticing changes to my sight, I was experiencing shocks, but worst of all, with the antenna directly next to the left side of my head, I was experiencing head pressure on the left side of my head and jaw and back of head like I have never experienced before. My left vein above my ear suddenly emerged from my head which has never happened before, I experienced mental confusion and have now regular bouts of crazy heart patterns and a feeling that my heart is going so slowly, it will stop. Ever since, I have not been able to comfortably sit in wifi, use my mobile phone or be too close to anybody else’s. My personal life has suffered hugely as a result." "I get a feeling, the same feeling of pressure I felt in the cab, my vein throbs above my left ear and I get headaches that just don’t seem normal, localised to that part of my head, I suffer nosebleeds and blood spots - I am right handed. I can escape my phone but cannot escape the countless wifi networks that surround me wherever I am, I rent a room, and cannot even escape them at night, my life is slowly becoming intolerable. All I can comment on these symptoms is that there is a feeling that my head or skull, brain etc has been burned by the exposure to this radiation, my left eye contorts daily if Im brought into contact with these sources. It is an involuntary movement of the bottom of the left eyelid." In a letter addressed to Public Health England he made this poignant appeal: "I am suffering, there seems to be no acknowledgment of my condition from any sources, no support, no help, nothing. Nobody seems to even know what to do or where to send me. If I have a lower tolerance to these fields, then I need in some way to be getting the right help. Every day is now becoming a battle, my personal life is obviously non existent as I’m not even able to call my friends, my step kids find it hard to have me around because Im unable to sit in wifi if its being used, nor be near phones as I mentioned. The left side of my head feels like a hot bed for static electricity. My headaches continue, my heart is inconsistent, but I'm extremely fit. . Please can somebody assess my case, at least acknowledge it and find in some way what I am able to do about it, a diagnosis, a prognosis, some kind of hope for me, and perhaps some treatment. My life is becoming increasingly desperate, which is why I have resorted to writing this letter. I need support. All my other options have seemingly been exhausted. Please could somebody help me." I won't publish PHE's reply. Suffice to say it was not even remotely caring or helpful. I don't know about my readers but I am utterly horrified by this story. There is a lot more to it, including lengthy exchanges between our friend & his employer, his union & colleagues. His experience with GPs has been completely disappointing. He has been left to deal with this debilitating reaction to electro-magnetic frequencies alone. I will use this brief account to attract some attention to the case & if you have a similar story or healing suggestions, please get in touch with me. We have to expose this. ----0---- How to Block Microwave Signals - a few suggestions

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Originally posted here:

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