Sunday, November 1, 2020

Day 922 | November

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life....

November is here and I plan to make it into a month where my full focus will be on eating more healthy and a lot less to finally lose some of the extra weight I have put on. Since there will be no hot yoga, I can keep my focus more on the weight loss part as doing a lot of activity tends to bring a much higher appetite which I can't resist. I also plan to keep expenses extra low as I'm saving up and want to keep as much crypto as possible for the moment.

Day|Bed Time|Awake|Out Bed|Day Score -|-|-|-|- 01 Oct|00:40|09:25|09:50|5 02 Oct|00:30|08:40|09:10|5 03 Oct|23:00|09:40|10:00|7 04 Oct|00:30|10:00|10:30|7 05 Oct|01:00|09:30|10:20|6 06 Oct|00:30|08:00|08:40|7 07 Oct|00:00|07:50|08:30|8 08 Oct|00:30|08:00|09:10|6 09 Oct|00:30|08:20|09:35|6 10 Oct|00:00|08:20|09:10|6 11 Oct|01:00|08:40|09:30|6 12 Oct|00:30|08:20|09:10|6 13 Oct|00:30|08:20|09:30|7 14 Oct|00:00|08:00|08:50|5 15 Oct|01:00|08:30|09:35|4 16 0ct|00:00|08:40|09:40|5 17 Oct|00:00|08:20|09:15|6 18 Oct|00:00|07:30|08:20|6 19 Oct|01:00|09:40|10:20|4 20 Oct|00:00|08:40|09:40|7 21 Oct|00:00|07:50|08:40|6 22 Oct|00:00|08:20|09:25|6 23 Oct|01:20|08:45|09:25|6 24 Oct|01:30|10:00|10:25|5 25 Oct|01:00|08:50|09:20|5 26 Oct|00:30|08:00|08:50|6 27 Oct|00:40|08:50|09:50|6 28 Oct|00:30|08:00|08:50|5 29 Oct|00:20|08:20|09:10|5 30 Oct|01:00|08:00|08:50|5 31 Oct|01:00|09:00|09:30|6
365-Day Rep Challenge Rep|Total|Achieved -|-|- Push-Up|10000|293 Chin-Up|3000|80 Pull-Up|3000|80 Plank|36500 Sec|960 Sec Side-Plank|43800 Sec |1180 Sec
100 Day Weight tracking I will hit the scale each day keeping close track of my weight trying to get it down to 62kg which has been a goal for a long time which somehow doesn't seem to succeed. Day|901|902|903|904|905|906|907|908|909|910 -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Weight|68.0|66.8|67.2|67.3|67.4|68.0|67.8|67.7|67.8|68.0 Day|911|912|913|914|915|916|917|918|919|920 Weight|67.8|67.7|67.4|66.9|67.0|67.3|67.5|67.4|67.6|67.5 Day|921|922|923|924|925|926|927|928|929|930 Weight|68.0|68.0|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-
365-Day Expenses I will be tracking my daily expenses (Food & Fun/Gas ) during an entire year trying to keep them as small as possible so I can save up and reach some financial freedom sooner Day|Food|Fun|Expense -|-|-|- Thu 01 Oct|6.31€|0€|- Fri 02 Oct|13.15€|0€|- Sat 03 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Sun 04 Oct|4.56€|0€|- Mon 05 Oct|7.50€|0€|- Tue 06 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Wed 07 Oct|10€|0€|- Thu 08 Oct|8.27€|0€|- Fri 09 Oct|6.24€|0€|- Sat 10 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Sun 11 Oct|6.57€|0€|- Mon 12 Oct|9.51€|0€|- Tue 13 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Wed 14 Oct|9.15€|0€|- Thu 15 Oct|9.27€|0€|- Fri 16 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Sat 17 Oct|7.47€|0€|- Sun 18 Oct|7.09€|37.55€|Gan 356 X Mon 19 Oct|14.07€|0€|- Tue 20 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Wed 21 Oct|0.00€|18.99€|Minecraft VR Thu 22 Oct|3.12€|0€|- Fri 23 OCt|16.03€|0€|- Sat 24 Oct|5.14€|0€|- Sun 25 Oct|3.70€|0€|- Mon 26 Oct|3.45€|0€|- Tue 27 Oct|0.00€|0€|- Wed 28 Oct|4.64€|0€|- Thu 29 Oct|4.76€|0€|- Fri 30 Oct|7.15€|0€|- Sat 31 Oct|0.00€|0€|-
Originally posted here:

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