Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Excessive Mucus and How Citrus Fruits Can Help

This week I bought 10 kilos of organic oranges and am making myself a liter or freshly pressed juice for breakfast almost every day. *Citrus fruits are powerful cleansers, especially in helping our body to get rid of excessive mucus.*

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Mucus is a slimy substance produced by mucous membranes located primarily in our respiratory and digestive system. A healthy amount of mucus is vital for our system but many people struggle with excessive mucus which impacts the proper functioning of our whole system. *Foods like meat, dairy, processed foods, excessive fats cause inflammatory responses in our body, leading to a build-up of excessive mucus for protection.* This can show in form of skin issues, chronic immune conditions, emotional imbalances and much more. In our digestive tract for example mucus hinders the absorption of nutrients. With enough of this smily substance in our body, it can also clog up our lymph system. Now it hinders the body to properly discharge waste matter through our eliminative organs such as the kidneys. *So does eating more citrus fruits do the trick?* 🤔 It’s one possible step in the right direction. Eliminating mucus-forming and incorporating more cleansing foods into our system can gradually help us unclog our system and we soon start feeling more vibrant in our body! *Well, how do you know that it works?* Whenever I increase my intake of morning lemon water or incorporate more oranges or mandarins into my days my body soon expels more of that excessive mucus. For me, this is mostly through my respiratory system but also through my digestive system.
🌿 To explore all the juicy details including a list of mucusless foods the support you in your healing check out the full post [Mucusless Diet Healing](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2019/09/mucusless-diet-for-healing/) on my blog.
➡️ *If you want to create a healthier and happier life for yourself, sign up for my FREE 14-Day Raw Food Challenge with daily inspirational emails filled with practical guidance, healthy insights, delicious recipes and more to get you started into a more vibrant lifestyle! 🍌🥑🍅🍍🥥🥒 [Join here for free](https://mailchi.mp/43ef1ba0aa14/mizq5ljdrk).*
### Have a juicy day, everyone! Anais

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@rawadventuress/excessive-mucus-and-how-citrus-fruits-can-help

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