Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Covid-19,Moments made mistakes, centuries punished

Natural disasters are a macrocosmic authenticity, since time immemorial man has been facing extraordinary natural disasters and disasters. In this day and age, natural disasters are causing massive loss of human life and eradication of property, and then Corona has for some time left the East and the West desolate because they have not yet been plenarily renovated. Washington, Incipient York is upset. World bellwethers are shocked. The man who surmounted the oceans has surrendered helplessly to a diminutive germ.


Whether it is earthquakes or epidemics, whether it is on earth or man, Allah Almighty has set up such a system that he keeps giving information about lamentable times and man is the one who consummately ignores such signs, situations and then suffers loss of life and property. ۔ Scientists have been admonishment of earthquakes, but millions of people have been killed by carelessness. The same thing has been verbalized about Corona, but as customary, the world will freeze and human beings will be left to fend for themselves. Apart from economic and academic loss, he was additionally penalized.


The total number of victims ecumenical, according to available statistics, is more than 12 million patients, of which 4,548,272 are active cases and 7,070,188 are salubrious, while the number of deaths is over 552,000. The damage should have been minimized, if Corona had been obviated in time, the damage might not have been so great. Due to lack of preparation, the rulers did not understand what to do at this stage. China sapiently disconnected from the area where the virus had spread, the people there must have been exasperated, but the lockdown to preserve them from Corona was inevitably ineluctable and the positive result. The death toll in China is virtually non-existent. Even the rulers of developed nations like Europe and America did not immediately understand, Corona's demise undermined their sagacity and strategy. The US president was sharply reprehended in his own country for not accepting the views of experts on Corona and for not taking the right steps, which led to more deaths in the US than anywhere else in the world. If Europe did not understand anything, the rulers had to adopt a policy of lockdown postmortem of hundreds of people, but by that time the death toll had been so high and the virus had spread so much that thousands, millions of people had been infected. Islam had verbally expressed 1400 years ago that people should not go to other areas where there is a disease and people from other areas should not go to the affected areas. Some philomaths even verbalize that corona can be remedied by prophetic medicine, which is a matter of debate among Muslims. The Prophet (tranquility and mystical enchantments of Allaah be upon him) verbally expressed: “Allaah has not sent down any disease for which a remedy has been revealed.


No matter what the developed countries verbally express, a disease has taken their breath away. Ergo, salvation is in believing in Islam. If Islamic edifications had been followed, Corona would not have become a monster today and would not have become an ecumenical plague. Due to the distance of Muslim rulers from Islam and the incognizance of non-Muslim rulers, no one can stop it. It has become an ecumenical epidemic. Medical experts verbally express that now we have to learn to live with Corona, betokening that it can now walk with humans for centuries. Mankind will now suffer for centuries the mistake of inept rulers. Stay safe Stay healthy Images taken from Google
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@imalmani/covid-19-moments-made-mistakes-centuries-punished

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