Friday, July 31, 2020

My Actifit Report Card: July 31 2020

Today was spent in meetings and behind my computer. After work I took the dog for a short walk this made me relax and get some much needed exercise at the same time. For, dinner I had a nice BBQ, and a nice craft beer. The photo above is a teaser for the #BeerSaturday post that will follow next week Have a wonderful weekend. Stay active, stay healthy and stay safe!!
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Walking
176 cm
74 kg
Body Fat

Originally posted here:

You won’t believe how much sugar is put into thees foods! Sugar substitutes for everyone!


When it comes to dessert, sugar filled candies and pastries may come to mind. But there are other types foods with sugar hidden in it as well! However, when you bake or cook, you don’t always have to use sugar! There are many sugar substitutes out there, but I’ve gathered a bunch of common ones that you can use to add flavor to your treats and meals as well as browning to your baked goods! # First, lets get the facts straight…


White sugar wasn’t always bad. It’s starts out as a plant, either sugar cane or sugar beet. Sugar beets tend to grow in colder places, like canada and the europe. Sugar cane tends to grow in tropical places like south america and africa. They go to factories to get processed, and this is where they get there bad reputation. What sugar websites tell you is that they use bone char to ‘purify’ the sugar. What they don’t tell you is that bone char is made from animal bones to bleach cane sugar. not all cane sugar companies use bone char to bleach their sugar. But there are also foods that have tons sugar in them that are not very well known foods. Well, not legit TONS, but enough to raise some eyebrows. foods like * ketchup * bread * yogurt * granola bars * cereal Have lots of sugar to spare, with regular bleached white bread having up to 3 grams of sugar per slice, and granola bars having 7 grams of sugar per bar. But enough about refined sugar. Let’s get to those alternatives! # ALTERNATIVE NUMBER 1: Honey I have used honey in my baking and cooking and it has turned out very well! Honey is bee barf, yes, but it is a natural sweetener and an alternative to sugar! It gives cakes a nice texture like sugar and can overall sweeten greens and other dishes!


# ALTERNATIVE NUMBER 2: Apple sauce (and other fruit mashes!) Unsweetened apple sauce is a great alternative to sugar. In baking, apple sauce is good for keeping a nice texture to the treat. Other fruit mashes such as pumpkin mash, mashed squash, sweet potato mash and mashed banana are great choices also. # ALTERNATIVE NUMBER 3: stevia Stevia is a plant found in south america. When it’s leaves are crushed into a powder, it looks just like sugar and is used as sugar would be, except it’s 600 times sweeter than sugar. That being said you shouldn’t need to much in you coffe, tea, or baked good since it is super sweet. I’ve herd the aftertaste can take some getting used to, and if overdosed on it can make you crave sweeter substances, so use in moderation. # ALTERNATIVE NUMBER 4: Monk fruit Monk fruit was first used by buhhdist monks (hence the name) but is also known as lu han guo. It sweeteners made with this fruit don’t impact blood sugar. And finally… # ALTERNATIVE NUMBER 5: coconut sugar Coconut sugar is made from the sap of coconut trees. Coconut sugar is actually good for you since it has small amounts of minerals like potassium in it. it has good fibers in it as well. I hoped you found a healthy alternative to sugar in this article! Does anybody use any of these sugar alternatives? Do you know any other foods with a surprising amount sugar in it? Leave it in the comments I enjoy reading them!
Originally posted here:

Health Benefits of Selenium
Hey everyone, I just wanted to do a quick, informative health post. Today's topic is Selenium. I included the link below that I will be referencing. Feel free to click and learn more. Lets get to it...
Lets start by describing what selenium is exactly. Selenium is a trace element and mineral that is essential for human life. Selenium is found in fruits, vegetable, Brazilian nuts, and in supplemental form. Low levels of Selenium in the body can lead to health problems such as Keshan disease, heart disease, and infertility. Now lets get to some of the health benefits...
Selenium is a Powerful Antioxidant: Selenium protects against free radicals and oxidative stress. It’s an active immunomodulator and a more potent antioxidant than vitamins A, C, or E. As a powerful antioxidant, selenium neutralizes the damaging effects of free radicals that cause cellular degeneration.
Thyroid Support: A healthy thyroid is needed for optimal hormonal balance in our body. The hormones produced by the thyroid affect growth and metabolic processes. Studies found that selenium supplementation during pregnancy reduced hypothyroidism and inflammation, and another study found selenium supplementation decreases the negative effects of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Encourages Metal Detoxification: Selenium studies have shown to help remove mercury from the body. Removing metals from the body is important because metals are among the most toxic of pollutants. Cardiovascular Support: Some heart attack patients show low selenium levels and incidences of heart failure caused by selenium deficiency have been reported. Selenium also works with other nutrients such as vitamin E and beta-carotene to help promote normal cholesterol levels. Reproductive Health: "Selenium is critical for both male and female reproductive health. It enables sperm locomotion and a selenium deficiency can lead to male infertility. Studies have found that low selenium can also have a negative impact on female fertility and fetal growth. There seems to be a link between selenium deficiency and miscarriage."
Well there you have it. Hopefully you learned something new today about the importance of Selenium. Obviously, natural sources from a healthy diet is the best way to ingest Selenium, but there are also plenty of supplementation options out there if eating a healthy diet is a problem for you. Feel free to chime in with any additional tips and knowledge. Thanks for stopping by.
Originally posted here:

MDs: No Reason To Fear COVID-19 Now!
Since early March, Americans have been gripped in fear of dying from COVID-19 which we have been told is a deadly pandemic that could kill millions of Americans. The World Health Organization, the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Bill Gates, and the media have warned us that we must self-quarantine, wear masks, social distance, and go through a lockdown that closed schools and “non-essential” businesses – including restaurants. By Neenah Payne Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. The effects of current “health” policies have been catastrophic. They have thrown millions of people out of work, half of restaurants are expected never to reopen, our food chain has been severely disrupted, there have been a record number of suicides. CDC Director Robert Redfield said that suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19 among high school students. Almost 30 Million Americans Went Hungry Last Week As Recovery Stalls. Millions of Americans are now expected to lose their homes. Has the “remedy” been far worse than the disease? Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College in London made the projections of millions of deaths which were later discovered to be based on a faulty model and he resigned in disgrace. Dr. Michael Ryan of the World Health Organization admitted in May that the world should have followed Sweden’s model (herd immunity) rather than China’s model (lockdown). Yet, the health policies remain the same as Bill Gates tells the world we cannot go fully back to normal until we get his rushed vaccine. Is there a much better option – perhaps three proven treatments? See Good News About COVID-19: Three Potentially Effective Treatments for all three approaches. This article focuses on the treatment used by America’s Firstline Doctors.

America’s Frontline Doctors Inform and Heal America!

America’s Frontline Doctors held their first press conference outside the Supreme Court of the United States on July 27. Their main message was that Americans no longer need fear COVID-19 because the FDA-approved drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has proven to be an effective treatment. Read the transcript of their press conference. America’s Frontline Doctors site said before it was blocked: >American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear. If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease. The press conference was aired by Breitbart. America’s Frontline Doctors held the first day of the two-day summit on July 27 and it was aired by Breitbart. The second day of the summit was scheduled for 8:30AM-1PM on July 28 but was not broadcast. Frontline Doctors on Censorship: We’re Coming After You Big Tech – We Will Not Be Silenced! says: >Less than 24 hours after the Frontline Doctors first press conference in Washington D.C. was censored and removed from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and after having their own website knocked offline in an attempt to silence them, the doctors were back in front of the steps of the Supreme Court building today (Tuesday, July 28, 2020) for their second press conference, at great risk to their lives, their families, and their jobs, as they remained determined to bring the truth directly to the American people that a cure for COVID exists, and that the public does not need to cower in fear anymore. Dr. Simone Gold said: >We are finally coming forward, at great personal and professional costs to ourselves. We’re tired of seeing patients die in front of us, and we’re even more upset to see the spider web of fear that is enveloping the American public. When there’s a treatment, there’s a cure. People have been afraid to say that. But what else do you call it if you give somebody the medication early, and it aborts the disease process? We’re coming after you Big Tech. We’re coming after you. We won’t be silenced. The First Amendment is first for a reason. There’s thousands of us.

America’s Frontline Doctors Defend America!

Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference says: >Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News earlier today, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well. The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers. The event, hosted by the organization America’s Frontline Doctors, a group founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, and made up of medical doctors, came together to address what the group calls a “massive disinformation campaign” about the coronavirus. Norman also spoke at the event. “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads the event’s information page. The event was organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. “We’ve removed this video for sharing false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19,” a Facebook company spokesman, Andy Stone, told Breitbart News. The company did not specify what portion of the video it ruled to be “false information,” who it consulted to make that ruling, and on what basis it was made. Frontline Doctors on Censorship: We’re Coming After You Big Tech – We Will Not Be Silenced! shows that America’s Frontline Doctors are ready to stand up to Big Tech to rescue Americans! That was after their website was taken down and the second day of their Summit had been blocked! These doctors will not be stopped on their mission. We must support them now!

Dr. Stella Immanuel

Below is the abbreviated testimony of Dr. Stella Immanuel from the July 27 press conference.
Hello, I’m Dr. Stella Immanuel. I’m a primary care physician in Houston, Texas. I went to medical school in West Africa, Nigeria, where I took care of malaria patients, treated them with hydroxychloroquine. So I’m actually used to these medications. I’m here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, old people … I think my oldest patient is 92 … 87 year olds. And the result has been the same. I put them on hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they’re all well. For the past few months, after taking care of over 350 patients, we’ve not lost one. Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We’ve not lost one patient. I’ve put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know on hydroxychloroquine for prevention, because by the very mechanism of action, it works early and as a prophylaxis. We see patients, 10 to 15 COVID patients, every day. We give them breathing treatments. We only wear surgical masks. None of us has gotten sick. It works. So right now, I came here to Washington DC to say, America, nobody needs to die. The study that made me start using hydroxychloroquine was a study that they did under the NIH in 2005 that says it works. Recently, I was doing some research about a patient that had hiccups and I found out that they even did a recent study in the NIH, which is our National Institute Health. They treated a patient that had hiccups with hydroxychloroquine and it proved that hiccups is a symptom of COVID.

Freedom of Information and Choice in America

Tucker Carlson: Big Tech censors COVID-19 video featuring doctors says:
Social media giants pulled the video of doctors in lab coats talking about coronavirus research and they hid it from the public.
Tucker points out the possible political motivations for blocking the information from America’s Frontline Doctors and access to HCQ. He says:
Yesterday, the news site Breitbard posted a video of a group of physicians giving a press conference about medical advance in the fight against COVID-19. Seventeen million people saw that video, the president retweeted it. This enraged Democrats. Any scientific advancement that reduces the suffering of Americans in an election year is a threat to Joe Biden’s campaign. So, they decided to pull that video off the internet.
Tucker adds:
Big Tech censored science. They pulled the video of doctors in lab coats talking about coronavirus research and they hid that video from the public…. You’re not allowed to watch these physicians on YouTube tonight, but we can show them to you here.
Ohio Banning Hydroxychloroquine for Treatment of COVID-19 said:
Ohio is banning the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 beginning Thursday, according to the Ohio Department of Health. ODH Press Secretary Melanie Amato said the drug is not an effective treatment for COVID-19. She stated that Board of Pharmacy rule 4729:5-5-21 of the Administrative Code will go into effect Thursday, banning its distribution. The rule prohibits selling or dispensing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The ODH announcement comes just days after new information was made public about the success of hydroxychloroquine – actually calling it a cure for COVID-19.
The article adds:
The Ohio Department of Health purchased two million of doses of the drug earlier this year and later was given two millions more doses by an Ohio drug-maker. None of which has been dispensed to the public for use, say sources. About 22 states bought up large quantities of the drug – some 30 million doses, saying they wanted to have a supply on hand. Shortly thereafter, the Food and Drug Administration announced that hydroxychloroquine is not effective against COVID-19 and advised doctors not to prescribe it. Amato said the ODH will be returning the donated medication to the drug maker…Hydroxychloroquine has been around for decades. It is a quinoline medicine used to treat or prevent malaria. Numerous medical professionals believe it is effective in the treatment of COVID-19.

Governor Protects Ohio’s Access to HCQ

Ohio pharmacy board withdraws rule prohibiting use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 says:
Gov. DeWine said in a statement Thursday that prescribing hydroxychloroquine should be decided between a doctor and a patient. Hours after Governor Mike DeWine asked the Ohio Board of Pharmacy to reconsider its decision banning the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in Ohio, the board has withdrawn the rule. The board said the decision was made "as a result of the feedback received by the medical and patient community and at the request of Governor DeWine." "This will allow the Board to reexamine the issue with the assistance of the State Medical Board of Ohio, clinical experts, and other stakeholders to determine appropriate next steps," the board said in a statement. DeWine said Thursday morning he thought the decision to use the drugs should be made between a doctor and a patient. “The Board of Pharmacy and the State Medical Board of Ohio should revisit the issue, listen to the best medical science, and open the process up for comment and testimony from experts,” DeWine said.
The article adds:
The use of the drugs to treat the coronavirus has been controversial. They have been prescribed to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, the Food and Drug Administration said. In May, President Donald Trump defended his use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19, saying it was his decision to make. The FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for the drugs to treat COVID-19 in June and in July posted a review of safety issues related to that use. The FDA said there are reports of serious heart rhythm problems, blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure.
Note: America’s Frontline Doctors fully addressed all of these concerns in their press conferences and White Coats Summit. They explained in detail why there is no risk in the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. They discussed the mistakes made in using doses of HCQ that were too high in some tests done by the National Institutes of Health and others. They assured Americans that at the correct low does, HCQ poses zero risks.

Dr. Simone Gold Organized America’s Frontline Doctors

Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, is a board-certified emergency physician in Los Angeles, CA and has over 31 years of experience in the medical field. She is affiliated with Centinela Hospital Medical Center. Dr. Gold graduated from Chicago Medical School before attending Stanford University Law School to earn her Juris Doctorate degree. She completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York. Dr. Gold worked in Washington D.C. for the Surgeon General, as well as for the Chairman of the Labor & Human Resources Committee. She works as an emergency physician on the front-lines whether or not there is a pandemic. Her clinical work serves all Americans: from urban-inner city, to suburban and the Native American population. Her legal work focuses on policy issues relating to law and medicine. Dr. Gold brought all these doctors from various states and disciplines together to speak to the American public and silence the fears that have crippled the nation. She is a powerful, fearless, passionate advocate for American health. The brave and dedicated MDs came to the nation’s capital to give Americans the good news.

Safe HCQ COVID-19 Treatment Is Inexpensive

In the video at: (now removed), Dr. Gold explained that hydroxychloroquine is safer than Tylenol and aspirin. She says that there is no safety issue with this drug -- look at the FDA database. The American Heart Association site also shows that there is no safety issue whatsoever. Dr. Gold says that hydroxychloroquine is as close to a magic bullet as she has ever seen in her 20 years of practicing as an emergency physician. Every time she has used it, patients have improved -- typically within 12-24 hours. If it is used early, the turnaround is dramatic! She said everyone should do a Google search and look for articles on hydroxychloroquine before January 2020 when there was absolutely no controversy around this drug. It's been FDA approved for 55 years. It's given to children, pregnant women, immune-compromised people, to the elderly, to healthy patients. There's tons of data to support that. It's only a media fiction that there's controversy. Dr. Gold said that suppression of hydroxychloroquine is a crime against humanity. Depriving people of access to hydroxychloroquine is killing people. This is a life-saving medication that is extremely safe. It would change everything. When she recently interviewed Dr. Harvey Richem Professor of Epidemiology at Yale, he said that if we had had a liberal hydroxychloroquine policy, we would have saved 50-75% of the people who have already died. That means that around 70,000 of the 100,000 people who died would be alive now. She discussed how the tide turned in France when the evidence of the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine was so overwhelming. Dr. Gold said that when people know that they have a pill in their pocket that they can take if they need it, it changes everything. Americans don't have to be afraid. There is ZERO question about the safety of hydroxychloroquine. It is much safer than many of the OTC drugs that we use routinely. When taken early, hydroxychloroquine is pretty much a cure although it can cut mortality dramatically also when taken later. Dr. Gold said that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID-19. She says that if hydroxychloroquine were more available, we would avoid lockdowns and mask requirements! The fear people have has no factual basis but the public has been fed a lot of misinformation. She doesn't talk about the masks. She just wants to treat people's fear. Once people know that if they get this disease, there is a treatment for it, their entire attitude will change. Dr. Gold is consulting with lawyers now to see how to make hydroxychloroquine more available to the public. She says that we need to get this drug into the hands of the people. When you compares the results of countries where hydroxychloroquine is widely available to those of countries where it is not, the differences are startling! The differences in mortality rates is quite dramatic. There are 65 million doses of hydroxychloroquine available that would cost about $10-15 for the whole treatment! Dr. Gold said that she gets texts and emails every day from patients who want to get hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Gold called on President Trump to issue an Executive Order to make it clear that doctors can prescribe hydroxychloroquine off label safely. State governors have been abusive toward physicians who want to prescribe hydroxychloroquine. Even the FDA has said that hydroxychloroquine can only be used in clinical trials -- which is completely false. There is a lawsuit now against the FDA for saying that.

Henry Ford Study on Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows says:
Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 – and without heart-related side-effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System. In a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals, the study found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities; however, patients were monitored for a heart condition routinely pointed to as a reason to avoid the drug as a treatment for COVID-19. The study was published today in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases ( Patients treated with hydroxychloroquine at Henry Ford met specific protocol criteria as outlined by the hospital system’s Division of Infectious Diseases. The vast majority received the drug soon after admission; 82% within 24 hours and 91% within 48 hours of admission. All patients in the study were 18 or over with a median age of 64 years; 51% were men and 56% African American. “The findings have been highly analyzed and peer-reviewed,” said Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of Infectious Disease for Henry Ford Health System, who co-authored the study with Henry Ford epidemiologist Samia Arshad. “We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring. Our dosing also differed from other studies not showing a benefit of the drug. And other studies are either not peer reviewed, have limited numbers of patients, different patient populations or other differences from our patients.”
The video in the article shows that hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients cut the death rate in half! The article adds:
Zervos said the potential for a surge in the fall or sooner, and infections continuing worldwide, show an urgency to identifying inexpensive and effective therapies and preventions. “We’re glad to add to the scientific knowledge base on the role and how best to use therapies as we work around the world to provide insight,” he said. “Considered in the context of current studies on the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, our results suggest that the drug may have an important role to play in reducing COVID-19 mortality.” The study also found those treated with azithromycin alone or a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin also fared slightly better than those not treated with the drugs, according to the Henry Ford data. The analysis found 22.4% of those treated only with azithromycin died, and 20.1% treated with a combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 26.4% of patients dying who were not treated with either medication. “Our analysis shows that using hydroxychloroquine helped saves lives,” said neurosurgeon Dr. Steven Kalkanis, CEO, Henry Ford Medical Group and Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of Henry Ford Health System. “As doctors and scientists, we look to the data for insight. And the data here is clear that there was benefit to using the drug as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients.”

Truth -- Freedom -- Health

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is a Fulbright scholar who has four doctorate degrees from MIT and holds the patent on the invention of email! He is running for the US Senate from Massachusetts on the platform of “Truth, Freedom, Health”. In his interview Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV, Dr. Shiva says we are moving toward a top down medical system totally controlled by Big Pharma, Big Ag, and big vaccine manufacturers. The utopia of the “elite” has 17 goals and an immunization. The 20/30 document says to achieve those goals, everyone must be immunized – vaccinate everyone! In his open letter to President Trump, Dr. Shiva warned that Dr. Fauci and his CDC colleagues have led us down the path of corporate solutions that are not in the best interests of the American people. Their policies have led America to the highest infant mortality rates and the lowest longevity rates in the Western world! Dr. Shiva explains that medicine should never be based on “one size fits all”. It should recognize that people are at very different levels of health and thus vulnerability. He divides Americans into four categories and recommends a protocol for each group. He says healthy people should return to work immediately.

Dr. Gold Was Fired -- But Is Still Courageously Fighting for Us!

The great risks these courageous MDs are taking in telling the public about their success in using HCQ to treat COVID-19 is shown by the fact that Dr. Gold was fired shortly after their DC summit! Frontline ER Doctor From Viral HCQ Video Fired From Job (Updated). In her interview with Tucker Carlson, Dr. Gold pointed out that she has been celebrated as a hero in her role as an ER doctor. For months, the media has encouraged Americans to cheer ER doctors and nurses and people have gone to their windows, balconies, and yards at 7PM each night to celebrate these heroes. Now, however, when one of these brave MDs shares news about an inexpensive, safe, FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19 that is saving lives, the news is censored by the Tech Titans and Dr. Gold was fired from her job – in America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! Dr. Gold said that she has learned that the video of the press conference by America’s Frontline Doctors was the most viral in history with 18 million views – even though Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pulled the video! Dr. Gold said their website host @Squarespace arbitrarily shut down their website, claiming a violation of their terms of service. She said “We are a group of physicians advocating for a better understanding of COVID-19 and its available treatment options.” People can see the press conferences at the new website: The second video at: includes Congressman Rob Norman of South Carolina shown below. Clearly Americans want to hear the good news these doctors want to tell us and want access to an effective, safe, inexpensive treatment for COVID-19 – but someone wants to keep us from hearing this news and having access to HCQ. Why is that? Does someone have a vested interested in keeping Americans locked down, sick, dying, masked, afraid – and waiting for a rushed expensive vaccine? Who is it that is so afraid of Americans getting cured and America quickly going back to normal that they would deprive us of this life-saving medication and fire a brave doctor who told us about it? Denying Americans access to HCQ is a crime that has already caused the unnecessary deaths of over 70,000 people. So, the people blocking this information are guilty of mass murder. Who gains by keeping Americans afraid and waiting for a vaccine? Follow the money and politics. Sign up and donate to America’s Frontline Doctors at:

You Can Help Save Lives and Restore America Now!

Dr. Richard Urso who also spoke at the press conference of America's First Line Doctors said:
We cannot let our patients die without treatment. And that’s the major thing that’s happened. We’ve been told to hide in our houses, wear a mask, and wait for a vaccine. That’s not a strategy. We have a strategy. Hydroxychloroquine works. Withholding it from patients is shameful.
America's Frontline Doctors have shown that the problem we face now is not COVID-19. It is the exaggerated fear and resulting destructive policies. Now, we know we have nothing to fear but fear itself! The courageous Frontline Doctors are asking Americans to call their senators and representatives to request that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) be made available as an over the counter drug in America now – as it is in many other countries. When you call (202) 224-3121, you will reach a live operator or an automated system and be put in touch with the offices of your representatives in the Senate and House. Leave a short message asking them to support the request of America's Frontline Doctors to make hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) available as an over-the-counter drug so it will be easier to cure COVID-19 quickly and easily and end this crisis that is crippling America now. It is now up to the American people to demand access to HCQ for COVID-19 so we can get fully back to normal NOW – not the “new normal”, but the real normal with restaurants fully open, kids in school, no masks, no lockdown, no social distancing – and no mandatory vaccine. We don’t have to march in the streets and risk arrest to get America back on track quickly and easily. All we have to do now is pick up the phone and ask our reps to make HCQ an OTC drug. Will you make that powerful call today? If not you – who? If not now – when? Top image: Forbes Subscribe for natural health news to your inbox. Follow Natural Blaze on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Become a Patron for as little as $1 per month.
Originally posted here:

Health Benefits Of Malta. Shopping Time : 31-07-2020
Eid Mubarak. Everyday we need some healthy fruits to fit our body and mind. Especially in Covid-19 period we need lot of healthy fruits to improve our immunity system. So everyday i eat some fruits like Malta, Mango, Apple, Dried Dates etc. Today morning again i went out our local market to bought some vegetables and fruits. So finally i bought 1Kg Malta cost 220 BDT per KG. Currently it's price is high because peoples are buying more Vitamin C related fruits. But what can i do? I also need this fruit. Haha..


Orange and Malta both are good source of Vitamin C. Personally i like Malta. It's juicy fruit and very beneficial for health. It can improve our immunity system, prevent Scurvy and other diseases. Hope you guys also like this fruit. If you like others fruit then comment. Thanks for reading.


Originally posted here:

Depression and Insomnia: The Chicken or the Egg?
The link between depression and insomnia is well documented. Until recently, it was assumed that depression brought on the insomnia, but science is now suggesting that insomnia is the chariot for depression. According to D. N. Neubauer, M.D, at least 80 percent of people with depression experience some form of insomnia. This is no surprise to any average, healthy minded person who has dealt with insomnia. I've had my share of sleep troubles. Sleep is a vital factor of living a healthy life, especially for our minds. It's hard to function when you are sleep deprived. I remember going to the doctor pleading for help and leaving with a prescription for Prozac. I assured the doctor that my problems where with sleep and nothing else but since I was only the person experiencing the symptom and did not have a degree, I guess I was not qualified to make such allegations based on a lifetime in this body. Once the Prozac failed I was taken off of it and put on another anti-depressant. This cycle repeated to the point where I was given more aggressive drugs that had me lying motionless on my couch dripping tears from my eyes. Finally, I was actually depressed. Luckily, I found a cure. I immediately stopped taking the antidepressants. I know they say you should not quit cold turkey, but I was in a state of mind where nothing mattered. I wasn't suicidal, but if the house was on fire I would not have gotten up to safe myself. I just did not care. It was vital to get out of that mindset as soon as possible. source I then switched doctors and luckily my new doctor understood the importance of sleep and wrote me a prescription for Ambien. Ambien has received a lot of bad press from people who have misused it but, for those who are trying to get sleep, Ambien offers sweet relief. Anything in this world could be misused. There have actually been people who have overdosed on water. Really, look it up. The Ambien put me to sleep and allowed me to get my mind right so I no longer had to worry about falling asleep while driving. Now that there are people with fancy degrees acknowledging the link between getting sleep and having a healthy mind, maybe doctors will start treating sleep problems before tinkering around with a person's brain chemistry. References: - - -
Originally posted here:

The Ultimate Fat Burning Detox Drink
Hey Guys; Check this Fat Burning Detox Drink Recipe; that you can prepare at home itself. No need to buy from anywhere; simple and easy to prepare the Detox Drink that should help you to burn those extra pounds.


You can have this Detox Drink early in the morning - empty stomach OR Before hitting the Gym ### The Ultimate Fat Burning Detox Drink ### Stay Happy & Healthy.. Best Regards HealthDear
Originally posted here:

L-Carnitine during hypoxia
L-Carnitine effects during low oxygenation.


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#### Personal Trainer and Physical Therapist ### *AID Personal Training*

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One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration! You can check some of her work [HERE](


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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Fluffernutter Sandwich

Creamy peanut butter and sweet marshmallow fluff combine to make the most American sandwich ever. This fluffernutter sandwich is sure to invoke childhood memories for many of us!

fluffernutter sandwich on cutting board

The idea of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff between a couple of slices of bread brings back childhood for me. This was the sandwich my mother would make for us on Saturday afternoons, right after our sugar laden bowls of cereal with milk.

Perhaps it was the sugar coma she hoped for so she could get the house clean? Maybe. Or just that the average peanut butter and jelly that we ate every day for lunch needed a boost on the weekend?

History of the Fluffernutter

My favorite legend behind the fluffernutter begins with Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere’s great great great grandchildren, Emma and Amory Curtis of Melrose, Massachusetts. They were both highly intelligent and forward-thinkers, and Amory was even accepted into MIT. However,the family couldn’t afford to send him, so he founded a Boston-based company in the 1890s. This company specialized in soda fountain equipment, which he later sold.

He used the proceeds to buy the entire east side of Crystal Street in Melrose, and to build a house. In his basement, he created a marshmallow spread known as Snowflake Marshmallow Crème. By the early 1910s, the Curtis Marshmallow Factory was established and Snowflake became the first commercially successful shelf-stable marshmallow crème.

World War I was raging, and Americans were urged to sacrifice meat one day a week. Emma, who was the “brains behind the marketing” for the marshmallow crème, published a recipe for a peanut butter and marshmallow crème sandwich. She named her creation the "Liberty Sandwich," as a person could still obtain his or her daily nutrients while simultaneously supporting the wartime cause. Some have pointed to Emma’s 1918 published recipe as the earliest known example of a Fluffernutter.

fluffernutter sandwiches

The legend of this peanut butter and marshmallow creme lives on today.

October 8 every year is known as "National Fluffernutter Day", and is celebrated by many by enjoying the marshmallow fluff and peanut butter concoction. Most of us eat it on some type of whole wheat bread, because, when you are dealing with so much sugar, it balances it out. Or just eat it on plain white bread and smile for the day!

What ingredients does commercial marshmallow creme have?

Most commercial brands have copious amounts of sugar, corn syrup, vanilla flavoring, and egg whites. Not exactly the healthy sandwich spread, but once in a while, it's a perfect treat! It's kept at room temperature for easier spreading and enjoyment.

bread, marshmallow fluff, peanut butter

Ingredients you need:

  • Marshmallow fluff
  • Peanut butter
  • Bread

Making your fluffernutter

  1. Spread peanut butter on one side of a slice of bread.
  2. Spread marshmallow fluff on one side of other other slice of bread.
  3. Combine the two slices, spreads facing toward each other, and enjoy.
slices of bread with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff

What kind of peanut butter should I use?

A classic fluffernutter usually uses creamy peanut butter. Brand is your choice. However, if you want to take it up a notch, and use crunchy peanut butter, I sure won't stop you!

How to change this sandwich up

  • Add some chocolate chips to the middle
  • Cut up banana slices and add to the peanut butter side
  • Grill the sandwich for a melty, toasty sandwich
  • Change out the peanut butter for your favorite chocolate spread
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[mv_create key="207" type="recipe" title="Classic Fluffernutter Sandwich" thumbnail=""]

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YOU deserve to be HAPPY-We can Help! My First Online Therapy Session Today-Report
Hi this is me Deuceman


So today I had my first online therapy session and I must say it went rather well. Much better than having to deal with the anxiety I get from the apprehension of a live face to face session. The good news is [BetterHelp Online Counseling]( is willing to work with [Health & Recovery Tribe on HIVE]( and provided us with a referral code to offer anyone 1 FREE week of online counseling to get people started. The bonus is everyone that activates or uses the referral code will also grant us a week free that we can use or gift to someone else. That's 2 weeks FREE online counseling for someone in need just for using our referral code. That's HUGE, we are already helping the community in a large way and just getting started.


# **What type of counseling are you looking for?** ## Personal counseling, Relationship(Dual) counseling or for your Teenager. Licensed therapists ready to help. Professional, licensed, and vetted counselors that you can trust. Tap into the world's largest network of licensed, accredited, and experienced counselors who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our counselors, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office counselor, but with the ability to communicate when and how you want. Get matched to the best counselor for you, Answer a few questions to find a therapist that fits your needs and preferences. Tap into the largest network of licensed, professional, board-certified providers **Communicate your way Messaging, Chat , Phone , or Video** Talk to your counselor however you feel comfortable. You can start for FREE just buy copy and pasting or following this link, and we will also be granted an additional week that we can use or gift to anyone else in need. [My Free Week of Online Therapy](



There are also great articles for anyone to access on the website and you can view those here. I haven't had time yet to go over any of them so any feed back on articles will be great. These are the different topics but not limited to for areas of discussion in therapy: ## Category List Abuse ADHD Adolescence Alzheimer's Ambition Anger Anxiety Attachment Attraction Behavior Bipolar Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body Language Bullying Careers Chat Childhood Counseling Dating Defense Mechanisms Dementia Depression Domestic Violence Eating Disorders Family Friendship General Grief Guilt Happiness How To Huntington's Disease Impulse Control Disorder Intimacy Loneliness Love Marriage Medication Memory Menopause MidLife Crisis Mindfulness Monogamy Morality Motivation Neuroticism Optimism Panic Attacks Paranoia Parenting Personality Personality Disorders Persuasion Pessimism Pheromones Phobias Pornography Procrastination Psychiatry Psychologists Psychopathy Psychosis Psychotherapy PTSD Punishment Rejection Relationships Resilience Schizophrenia Self Esteem Sleep Sociopathy Stage Fright Stereotypes Stress Success Stories Synesthesia Teamwork Teenagers Temperament Tests Therapy Time Management Trauma Visualization Willpower Wisdom Worry If you or anyone you know is experiencing difficulty in one or more of these areas, share this [Link]( with them or follow it your self to get help. **If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site. [These resources can provide you with immediate help.](** Get ready for the launch of the NEW TRIBE that will generate funds for charities and emergency pools for people in emergency need. As well as generate funds to subscribers who participate to use at their discretion. **Don't forget to subscribe** to our [community]( and get involved. Updates to the white paper and Team are coming soon, we have an editor and a financial consultant and corporate partnerships to announce, stay tuned for more information Thank you for your time and we wish you well in your adventure to a balanced healthy life style this is @deuceman signing out for now.
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Vicarious / Secondary detoxification
I've actually written a few articles on this in the past. The idea of secondary detoxification which I consider a crucial component to assessing whether or not your health is in some way compromised. Secondary and / or vicarious detoxification is when your body's four major pathways for natural detoxing are in some way suppressed or even worse, overburdened! This idea of secondary detoxification could explain all sorts of minor sickness, especially **viruses** which obviously the world is very concerned with at the moment.


More on how viruses actually work and are created later. The above mentioned book by Dr. Henry Bieler, who I admittedly don't know much about except for the book itself, was one of the biggest game changers to my outlook on how most disease itself is a symptom of detoxification of the body. Even though he operated in the early 1900's his ideas are extremely useful today...but this information is sadly still missed by many healthcare professionals. He is the only doctor, or author for that matter, that I have ever heard use the term **vicarious detoxification** which simply put is the body shifting detoxification duties from the **four primary pathways** which are the liver, kidneys (urine), digestive tract (biles) and of course our largest organ: the skin. When these pathways are clogged in various ways, the body shifts to removing toxins through **secondary and less efficient pathways** such as through mucus in the lungs and sinuses, extreme sweating, and even through thyroid issues. Normally, your body is detoxified in a "normal" way. You go to the bathroom, you exhale and breath out toxins, and you exercise which produces sweat and removes more toxins. Of course the liver this whole time is operating smoothly. Our lifestyles have created very toxic internal environments. Pharmaceuticals, rampant antibiotics, cleaning chemicals, poor food and drinking water are just a few of the many things that insult a healthy body. For this reason many people experience **secondary detoxification** which again is the body getting rid of things in abnormal and inefficient ways. Runny nose, coughing up phlegm, even blotchy and unhealthy skin can all be ways that your body gets rid of toxins.


*image courtesy of* It can be difficult to determine exactly which pathways are malfunctioning and the best bet would be to read Dr. Bieler's book if you're looking for some self diagnois. But the best bet is to follow simple guidelines such as these: 1) Drink plenty of clean water and other healthy liquids such as **beet juice** and **cranberry** juice. Buy a good water filter like a *Berkey* so that you're limiting the toxins that come naturally in drinking water. Tap water in the United States is flooded with pesticides, pharmaceuticals, parasites and more. 2) Get outside in the sun, getting plenty of vitamin D stimulating sunshine, exercise and break a sweat. There is no coincidence that during the winter months when people are wearing more skin-covering clothing, getting less sunlight on their body and not sweating as much that things like *cold season* happen. A cold is a symptom of vicarious detoxification through the mucus! 3) A healthy diet is a must, not just to make sure that you get enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more but avoid ingesting artificial sweeteners, rancid fats, massive amounts of sugars as well as all the other chemicals that are in our food. Eating healthy is a double pronged attack. It reduces toxic load and gives vital nutrition. 4) Practice mindfulness activities. Meditation is of course a useful tool, but just belly breathing and paying attention to your breath goes a long way. Mental nutrition is just as important as physical...perhaps even more so. The mind is very important. ## One last thing on viruses I said I had some thoughts on viruses and they fit in perfectly well with the idea of vicarious detoxification. I firmly believe that the idea of viruses as we are told by mainstream medicine is false. I do not think these are primarily toxins that are "alive" and "spread" from person to person. Instead they are identical to [exosomes]( and I believe are created naturally by [toxic cells](


*exosomes* We already know that the body as a whole needs to detoxify, but let's not forget that each individual cell is like a fractal picture of the entire body. Each cell is like a small city, and like cities they create pollution in different forms. The cells themselves have to detoxify. Exosomes may be the way that they do this. They start as *endosomes* (intracellular) and then are transported through the cell wall, where they become *exosomes*. These particles are essentially identical to viruses. In fact, if you google image exosomes you will find plenty of actual microscopic images to choose from. Viruses on the other hand? You get a lot of cartoons. This is typical of the medical system...which loves to use "models" but rarely can deliver the goods in terms of actual footage. Dr. John Kaufman, recently deleted off Youtube (what a surprise) explains this idea in fine detail. Could it be that these particles are actually acting like garbage trucks, transporting different debris from toxic cells to be removed through the body via...detoxification pathways? Wouldn't it make sense that since the Western person is infinitely more toxic in every way than much of the world, that there would be more incidences of toxic insults that result in vicarious detoxification i.e. cold / flu like symptoms? Symptoms that are now being used as a smokescreen known as Covid-19? Regardless of what people think about this idea, and lord knows most doctors would scoff at it, it is still fairly common knowledge, or at least it should be, that we are in the most control of our bodies in terms of health, and that we should do everything we can to limit our intake of toxic chemicals while ensuring that we get the nutrition that we need and keep our physical, mental and even spiritual environments clean?
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