Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Gelatine for stronger joints, and my experience with it



“Let the food be your medicine”, is one of my favorite quotes when it comes to health, and well being but, how often do we take that into consideration and how often does modern medicine rely on that. I admit that I go to the doctor when necessary, but I do not always follow the treatment I am given, and I have not yet found a doctor who puts too much emphasis on nutrition, and so-called alternative medicines, in the treatment of any disease. For several years, right from the time I worked as a postman, I started having problems with my knees, lately with my back as well, and generally having quite weak joints. I did all sorts of visits to different doctors, MRIs and so on, and most of the treatments were related to physiotherapy and some sort of pills. I hate pills and I always try alternative healing ways. Hence when dealing with those conditions I started searching the internet, and found that gelatin is a great remedy for weak joints. Exactly what I needed, I said to myself... First of all, *what is gelatin?* I think that even the name describes it very succinctly, being that gel, or rather gelatinous mass, which we often find in cakes. However, in its pure state, and without flavors, gelatin is composed of 90% of proteins obtained from the skin and skeletal system of animals. The rest of its composition is represented by mineral salts (2%) and water. What makes gelatin very effective in restoring cartilage, which actually acts as buffers placed between our bones absorbing shocks, is that it mostly comes from the bone marrow of animals, usually pigs, which is very rich in collagen. People who suffer from joint pain, generally have a collagen deficiency, their cartilages becoming weakened and degenerated, thus appearing pain and immobility. By consuming gelatin, which is very rich in collagen, we provide our joints with exactly that protein, namely collagen, which they need to stay healthy or even regenerate. According to some studies, it seems that bone cartilage cannot regenerate, but I tend to believe that it is not true. Otherwise I do not see how people who have done such natural therapies, have come to feel better, and have more mobility, which leads me to the conclusion that gelatin really helps to restore cartilage through its intake of collagen and repair these "bone buffers" that sometimes are causing pain and stiffness. Before moving on to my experience with the consumption of gelatin, which has now reached its fourteenth day, I want to mention, after [documenting myself on the internet of course](https://dozadesanatate.ro/gelatina-ameliorezi-durerile-articulare/), that “*gelatin not only gives tendons and ligaments elasticity and strengthens them, facilitating injury prevention moreover, its nutrients also strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing several diseases, and even relieve abdominal inflammation and prevent the accumulation of intestinal gas*. " How many rabbits with one bullet? Let's move on to my experience with this natural treatment, shall we. As I mentioned before, I consume gelatin every day for almost two weeks, and I already feel its effects. Sometimes I still have back or knee pain, and this is largely due to the level of sedentary lifestyle that this pandemic brought me to, but still the pain is not so great, and I really feel that I have more mobility. **How do I prepare and eat gelatin?** Well... I buy it from the supermarket, in 10 grams packs of powder, I dissolve half the pack in hot water (about 150 ml) to melt faster, and after it cools, I put it in the fridge to thicken better. From what I read, the water should not be boiled because we risk killing its "magical properties" that we talked about earlier. I don't leave it in the fridge too much because I don't want to eat it cold. I take it out of the fridge in the evening, and leave it on the table in the kitchen, and in the morning I mix it with yogurt and eat it on an empty stomach. I have been doing this for two weeks and I even noticed that I feel better, and I intend to do a month-long cure, as recommended. From what I read in articles dedicated to this remedy, for joint health, it is good to do that, for those who need such remedies, two such treatments of a month long, twice a year. I don't know to what extent this helps, let's call it a dietary supplement, in case of more serious diseases, but I think it is worth trying and, I hope it will help me. It doesn't seem to have side effects but, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you should keep in mind that it is made from pork... I hope this article was useful to you and if you think it would be useful to others feel free to reblog it. *Image courtesy of unsplash and free to use* **Thanks for attention,** **Adrian**
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@acesontop/gelatine-for-stronger-joints-and-my-experience-with-it

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