Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Frustration: Aging And The Deterioration Of The Body [May.12.2020]🅰️🏅📕

It came like a wave of restlessness out of seemingly no where... An undercurrent that may have been there longer than you realized. A state of negative, rather than, positive focus. And it’s only now that your suddenly realizing it! Ok... So your frustrate with something about your body right? Aesthetics aside maybe you just can’t do the things that used to be easy for you before. *Ouch!* Or maybe it’s something else... like your feeling the passage of time... and your not nearly where you figured you would be by now. *Yikes!* Those are not good places to be for too long so let’s get to the bottom of this right away. First things first. Stop. Stop everything your doing right now. If you would really like to understand why your tired body is frustrating the hell out of you with all those aches and pains continuing to press on like nothing’s happening is only going to exacerbate thing more. So stop would you? You stopped right? (Please tell me you did!) Ok good! Because the same mind that created the problems your living with is not the same mind that will find creative resolution to those problems... and you got to stop to define the boarders and boundary’s of these problems that are frustrating you or your just going to spin your tires and make a bunch of smoke and noise for nothing! Chances are really good that what’s frustrating you is the limitations. You know what I mean because you can feel them right? It’s sort of like your exploring the walls of a canyon that makes up your current lifestyle. A collection of decisions and choices that provides depth. Some are serving you and some do not... And that’s when you beginning to feel the the edges of the canyon. Your limitations become all to clear. Yes! Your mortal so this is 100% normal... (unless your from another planet!) LIMITATIONS! It’s a startling reality that we all bump into especially if we are attempting to achieve anything noteworthy. These boarders consist of our 24 hour day, lowered levels of energy, our current competence, skill sets, and even the short comings of our social support structures. Your mind expands infinitely during the teens and 20’s. Anything and everything is a possibility! But it so happens that during the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and on you being to find out the extent of where those limits are. Everyone every day finds this out (usually the hard way) and to differing degrees. That’s what it means to be human. So let’s specifically check in with the spirit, mind, and body to discover exactly where, in our bodies, we are currently feeling the pinch. Then let’s learn how we can push back along the edges of our comfort zones, become stronger better human beings, and learn to expand our potential again! Sitting comfortably in a quiet spot we’re you won’t be disturbed. Take a couple deep breaths to prime your body with oxogen and sharpen your mind. If there are any thoughts buzzing around acknowledge them and then quietly table them for another time. There’s no need to carry everything with you right now. Let’s empty our mind (like a cup of water) so that you can see what’s going to bubble up from the unconscious part of ourselves. To discover this we can do a meditation/mindfulness exercise. You just need to sit still and follow the prompts bellow: 1. Scanning down, imagine a warm ray of sunlight, beginning at the spot right above your head. 2. Next smoothly transition to your brow paying attention to how this part of you feels. 3. Going down to your neck and throat allow the beam of light to spread downward from top to bottom. 4. Progressing down to your lungs and chest make sure to feel the rise and fall of your breath. 5. Alright... moving to your abdominals slowly continue to scan downwards. 6. Following the body down check in with your posterior region. 7. And last but not least allow your attention to flow to the bottoms of your feet. Ok! Good job! Checking in with each area of your body is a wonderful way to practice mindfulness especially when you would like to determine just where the source of frustration (negative focus) is likely originating from. * During your top to bottom scan was there any places, in particular, that you noticed more than the other parts of your body? * What came to mind when your attention passed over that part of your body? * How about the spots that you lost all focus and your mind went into a more fragmented state? * Where do you loose the flow? * Did you mind become distracted at any point? If you can answer even one of these questions you are well on your way to gathering clues to the source of your frustration and then likely location of any genetic aging that may be taking place in your body. It’s likely you know what your frustrated about but it may be buried deep within your subconscious. It could even be a feeling trapped in a specific location within your physical kinetic chain. It’s likely to be an area that’s stiff, tense, and maybe even sore. Or it could be a section of the body that your mind skips over automatically. A point where you become easily distracted... almost as if your in subconscious denial in that area of your body. I’ll give you a personal example. There are consistently 3 areas of my body that usually register for me on this top down physical scan. My neck, my lower back area, and my right foot. All areas where I had old Snowboarding injuries from my reckless 20’s! I can feel the effects of aging on these areas of my body and if I’m not careful to maintain and keep up with them they can cause a lot of trouble! đŸ˜ĩ So here’s the thing I have found... The more I positively focus the more I fly. The more I fly the less frustrated I feel. And the less frustrated I feel the more happy I feel with the results I am getting! And the best thing about all of that is... results bring about more results. Compounding every aspect of what makes your life a healthy one! This is the value stopping everything to pin point the areas of your body that are causing frustration (negative focus). Now that you know and realize what’s happening... You can respond rather than react with frustration. I hope this is clear and helps you fight back against the effects of aging on you body and frustration on your spirit. Let’s push back and keep in touch with our younger healthier selves! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@wil.metcalfe/actifit-wil-metcalfe-20200513t055939669z

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