Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coronavirus: True Culprits
# By now, coronavirus should be an obvious hoax to everyone who has dared to look at the true numbers, and to discard hysteric corporate media reports. But, what are we going to do with the instigators of this monstrous hoax?
We know that one of the hoax creators, a “Professor Lockdown”, Neil Ferguson, ‘leading epidemiologist’ from Imperial College in London, has [resigned from the government’s scientific advisory group (SAGE) after alleged reports that he ‘broke coronavirus lockdown rules’.]( You may find a lot about him at this link, under the title [“Professor Neil Ferguson, and the idiot presidents and prime ministers who believe his computer predictions” authored by Jon Rappoport.]( But Ferguson is just one of the petty contractors in the grand scheme. Let’s go up the ladder and see who were the ones who came up with this poisonous global scam.

NF20200507_205534.jpg # A level higher… In the text by Bill Bostock, published at the “Business Insider” portal, and titled [How 'Professor Lockdown' helped save tens of thousands of lives worldwide — and carried COVID-19 into Downing Street]( we have an exact quote: > Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks. > > It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with “rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems.” Bill Gates? Who would say that. It must be a conspiracy theory… Bill Gates wouldn’t be able to hide behind conspiracy theories if he was not supported by the state. So we have to go… # One more level higher… In the healthy and humane political system, a petition like this one: [“We Call For Investigations Into The ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’ For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity”,]( which gathered 505,436 signatures, wouldn’t be ignored.

We20200424_222800.jpg]( the pic, sign a petition

But, instead of investigating Gates’ ‘business’, the Government is diverting public attention from the real problem – to a real conspiracy theory! They are still blaming China despite the obvious timeline… …despite the number of evidences of hoax that even WHO had to admit… …and despite the ‘Five Eyes’ disagreements on the origin of the virus: In this way, the Government acts as an accomplice to the perpetrator of the fraud. Unfortunately, the State is not the highest level… # The highest level The ideologists of this global fraud are a global players: the largest financial capital, plutocrats who are acting through institutions like FED, World Bank, IMF or ECB. FED – by its function as an institution that issues the world's reserve currency – is at the very top. And guess who had to say something about the virus? New York Fed economist Kristian Blickle! In his document published in May 2020, titled [Pandemics Change Cities: Municipal Spending and Voter Extremism in Germany, 1918-1933]( FED is actually trying to shift the blame for the rise of Nazism in Germany – to the 1918 influenza pandemic known as “Spanish Fever!” In an excellent piece on this spectacular spin, titled [US Fed blames rise of Nazis on Spanish flu in preemptive bid to dodge responsibility for post-Covid extremism,]( Helen Buyniski is explaining that after the Great War (and a global depression), exactly the same largest financial capital actually created conditions for prolonged economic crisis in Europe and especially Germany… > The Fed’s breathtakingly simplistic argument leaves out the devastating economic factors most historians cite to explain why extremism took Germany by storm in the 1930s, even after the attempted Nazi takeover in 1923 failed miserably. A massive depression followed World War I as Germany was forced to repay the war costs of the Allies in the wildly unequal Treaty of Versailles – a matter Blickle neglects to mention entirely. Just like they do it again, today in EU [and U.S. of A.]( Historically, the poverty was the cause of greatest pandemic contagions, including the Black Death, Bubonic Plague from the middle of XIV Century. At the time, rodent infestation was a usual thing, landlords were treating serfs like dirt, and people were so poor that they have lived with rats and even have to eat them. Plague bacteria, called _Yersinia Pestis_ was usual companion of rat fleas, people couldn’t keep hygiene as they should, and the contagion hit them. And guess what? It was not Bill Gates’ vaccine that rid the World of plague! It was improving hygienic conditions, and later antibiotics. The same was with “Spanish Fever”, which actually [originated from the United States, where the first known case was reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 11, 1918.]( After the Great War, a level of poverty was extremely high all over the World, medicine material were terribly lacking, and that was the main cause of the great number of victims. And FED’s spinmaster Kristian Blickle will not mention poverty as the consequence of high mortality, because he would have to explain how U.S. largest financial capital wasn’t helping poor people, but were actually helping rise of Nazism! Adolf Hitler meets with members of the Nazi Party in 1930. Source: Wikipedia / Bundesarchiv Like for example [Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW)]( Like for example [Fred C. Koch, father of Koch brothers (Charles G. and David H. Koch)]( Like for example Henry Ford, Hitler's First Foreign Banker and many more examples that you can find in the book [Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,]( and other books of [Antony C. Sutton,]( British and American economist, historian, professor, and writer. When FED is pushing such a spin, you should know what next to expect… ### Poverty kills more than any virus can kill, and insatiable billionaires are far more dangerous than any virus. They are the disease. And the same largest financial capital is now shifting the blame to the virus so it can complete with impunity a plan to cause another wave of poverty, unprecedented in history.
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