Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I'm Nancy and I will tell you what it is like to have Down Syndrome

I'm Nancy and I will tell you what it is like to have Down Syndrome
Hello, I am Nancy and I have Down syndrome, here I will explain a little about how my life has been since I arrived in this world. https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmfLpAJXA9gZTtvbvodRsQZzm3NMhQ7dKLqyRJeMhqyFmQ/15.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXddwkxS2Z7HJNp9a8BaVpex8dKMo24UqYWcDbKabPyNL/Sep%203.png
Before Mom gave birth, as it should be, she went properly to her doctor's consultations to know how I was and how her health was, I already knew that I was going to have Down Syndrome, she knew it thanks to A test known as amniocentesis. ---
The test consists of extracting through a puncture that is performed in the abdomen, a small portion of the amniotic fluid that surrounded me and performing a test with my genes. But this why? Down syndrome is a condition that develops because my genes have an abnormality, so thanks to this test you can tell if I have this condition. Scientifically it is also known as Chromosome Trisomy 21. All humans with their genes in normal conditions (I exclude myself in this case) have to have 46 chromosomes, but my condition begins because one of the chromosomes (number 21 to be more exact) has a copy of more, therefore I am 47 and you 46.
https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmaEmJVPkr5HLPTvR4asRNfuxBECXkNcCov4DXs3Gp2k8p/cromosoma3.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmao6z7MA9V1xr9WRa3xKJtYXoQ4kJk5JoZnKAwwHUi7Jz/cromosoma4.png ▶ Chromosome 21 is a pair, as there is a copy of more, a trio is formed, from there comes the name: CHROMOSOME TRISOMY 21.
✔ If you want to read more about amniocentesis, here I will leave you a post. [Amniocentesis - A test to diagnose congenital and chromosomal malformations](https://steemit.com/cervantes/@arisita/amniocentesis-una-prueba-para-diagnosticar-mal-formaciones-congenitas-y-cromosomicas)
The test of which I spoke earlier was performed by the doctor in charge of mom's belly, known as obstetrician gynec. He was in charge of giving my mom and dad help on how to carry the pregnancy so that everything goes well, as well as informing him about my condition and providing guidance in all aspects, from diets, to my condition, helped to give answers to any questions that mom and dad present.
Since I was born, mom and dad have treated me with all the possible love in the world, doctors told my mom that I could have complications such as heart problems, problems in my blood system such as leukemia, gastrointestinal problems , problems in my vision, and as I grow problems in my psychomotor development however at the time of birth I was healthy and strong.
--- I have always been told to look physically different from the rest of the children, however I have adapted to this as time goes by. My physical appearance is usually different because my face is not equal to that of other children, starting because it is flattened, especially in the part of my nose. My eyes are not the same way as the other children, they have a similar shape to an almond.
My hands, feet and ears are small.
My tongue can reach out from my oral cavity due to respiratory problems in my body.
https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZLGhb5N6epphM2JqdVbAcLZgb4eUWSRErHDCAhDW8CTd/lengua.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVUixRycBHG3s8aqL3Wpzk5QeJeUWiGh8pLg8PuPUQjf1/aaaaaa.png
My height is below the normal rate of children my age. Unlike the others, in the palms of my hands the popular "M" is not made if not, a simple line that is known as the single palmar crease or as the simian palmar crease. https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbLiYVsmX88kJ3NrJ3N3AgpPxAf4AjygPpaEW7SWc3p1f/Manos%20-%20copia.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVmSe2RV6fiuWd8FCKUsM7BwfDo4RL1xw5Yd17azELroW/Manos.png
As I grew older, my parents noticed that it was difficult for me to speak, but this is normal for my condition, but with therapies I have managed to pronounce certain words better. I also began to present problems with my vision, to be more precise nystagmus a pathology that is characterized by the involuntary movement of the eye ... As much as I try to control it, I simply cannot. Over time I saw things even more blurry, so I started using glasses to control my eyes and see better.
--- I know that it is not easy to have this condition, and I know that it has no cure, nor is it something from the other world. But it is important to love yourself as you are and learn to have tolerance towards people.
As well, I mentioned earlier, it has no cure, but there are different ways offered by the health area to help us lead a more comfortable life and that it has the best possible quality, an example of this, was the attention that He gave my mother the obstetrician gynec when I was pregnant, in addition to improving our physical capacity thanks to the lenses and our cognitive capacity thanks to therapies to speak better, for this reason it is important to always keep a routine of medical checkups, to see that everything walk well.
--- Sometimes it makes me feel bad how people see me on the streets for being physically different. Today, children see me as normal, they are told about children like me in their school education, and how important it is to have acceptance with each one of the people around us.
It is important to highlight that Down Syndrome IS NOT A DISEASE, it is a life condition, where we simply present a different order of chromosomes. And you ... Do you know someone with this condition? supporting him and reminding him of his medical appointments is the most important thing. https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXddwkxS2Z7HJNp9a8BaVpex8dKMo24UqYWcDbKabPyNL/Sep%203.png ---
Everything you just read here has been my little experience in Mother and Child Matters II.
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The images you just saw are my authority. The separator you just saw, is my authority. The story is fictional, made for you and that you can understand based on what the pathology is. --- ---
I like to teach about the things I know, and give a little of me to you, thank you very much for reading, any comments and questions you have will be well received.
Nursing student - @arisita
✔ I invite you to read more of my latest content [Image change / Step by step + explanation.](https://steemit.com/cervantes/@arisita/cambio-de-imagen-paso-a-paso-explicacion) [Importance of pharmacology in nursing](https://steemit.com/health/@arisita/importancia-de-la-farmacologia-dentro-de-enfermeria) [Hemorrhagic Vascular Brain Disease from Severe Craniocerebral Trauma - Clinical case.](https://steemit.com/health/@arisita/enfermedad-cerebro-vascular-hemorragico-por-traumatismo-craneoencefalico-severo-caso-clinico)
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/steemit-health/@arisita/i-m-nancy-and-i-will-tell-you-what-it-is-like-to-have-down-syndrome

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