Thursday, January 23, 2020

5 Tips From WHO to Stay Healthy
The World Health Organization (WHO) has proclaimed a series of five basic tips to help people stay healthy despite each person's personal circumstances. Visiting the doctor from time to time, controlling tobacco and alcohol, or exercising are some of his recommendations, which are based on scientific evidence that the entity has been collecting over time. 1. Regular medical checkups First, even if a person feels healthy, WHO remembers that regular health checkups (blood pressure, blood sugar levels or prostate controls) are "essential" to detect any health problem and stay fit . They also add that mental health is important, so they recommend seeking help for problems such as depression and anxiety. 2. Less alcohol Excessive alcohol use killed almost 3 million people in 2016, according to WHO data. Drinking too much, or too often, increases your immediate risk of violence and traffic accidents, in addition to causing long-term effects such as liver damage, cancer and heart disease. Consuming abundantly can also affect mental health and have a negative impact on the family and the people around us, they warn. 3. Quit smoking Tobacco use causes cancer, lung diseases, heart disease and strokes, killing more than 7 million people every year. For WHO, quitting smoking is one of the best actions that can be taken to strengthen health: within 12 weeks, lung function increases, and within a year the risk of heart disease is already half of the of a smoker 4. Eat better A healthy diet helps prevent diabetes and many other diseases. WHO urges to eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes (for example, lentils), nuts and whole grains, as well as to limit the amount of salt to 1 tablespoon per day, sugar to less than 5 percent of the total intake of energy and saturated fats less than 10 percent. 5. More sport According to WHO figures, 1 in 4 people is not active enough. Grown-ups should do at least 2.5 hours of physical activity of moderate intensity per week to sustain a healthful weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. In addition, it can also help overcome depression.
Originally posted here:

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