Friday, January 31, 2020

The Novel Corona Virus is Causing Online Panic in the Philippines
I'm getting tired of seeing posts about the Corona virus this or nCoV that. Everybody's buying face masks. More people are actually finally wearing surgical masks. Today I went out and of course I wore a face mask too, again thanks to my bro. Just like the time when [volcanic ash was falling]( more than 2 weeks ago, a bigger number of people are actually wearing this in the streets.


Sadly all the drugstores are sold out of the product. I went out today and anywhere I went the stores mostly have signs saying face masks are sold out. And then I find out that somewhere in Manila the Chinese are giving away free masks. Uhmmm. I hope they would distribute supplies outside of Manila to other cities too. This is what the constant news and media posts about the Corona virus has done to the Philippines. More people are afraid than ever and so people probably hoard the face masks they are able to get their hands on. The problem with this sensationalism by international and local media plus social media is, people forget that doing the most basic hygiene will prevent the spread of any virus. It doesn't matter much if there's a Corona virus if people know how to NOT spread it unconsciously. ***Simply covering the mouth and nose when sneezing and/coughing isn't being done***, no wonder people are in a panic to buy face masks. Tsh.

# Why Panic If You Have a Strong Immune System? Personally I am not in any kind of distress over this airborne disease. Why? Because I have [One Opti Juice to thank]( [Since June 2019]( I have never had any cough, flu, colds or anything of the sort. This coming from someone who for years since I started working in the BPO industry was regularly posting about having sore throat, colds or flu on Facebook. No kidding.


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Filipino to English: Trangkaso = flu; sakit = sick(ness) / ill(ness) (See how people can make fun of (rarely) eating fruits or veggies in relation to health?) Coming from that health status and then discovering the best all natural superfoods mix last June made all the difference in my overall health. How? Well I could not believe I would not easily get sick just by consuming a 15-in-1 juice mix. I mean, why would it when it's just a combo of powdered superfoods mixed in cold water, right? At first even when my brother got a bad cough late last year I thought I would get sick too. Before I discovered this health drink, usually if someone near me is sick with cough, colds, or flu I also get sick on the same night. For real. Imagine my surprise when last year I didn't get sick with colds or cough like him even if he was "barking" for more than a week. ๐ŸŽ‰ Hey don't look at me on why he's sick for that long. It's his choice to be sick when he knows he can drink the same all natural superfoods juice I'm drinking. ๐Ÿคท He preferred to buy a cough syrup which reduced his coughing a bit for another week.


And then last week, I proved the effectiveness of [One Opti Juice]( again! I can't believe it but it's truly amazing! I was in an airconditioned bus with at least three people sniffling and sneezing on the way to Iloilo City (for the [Dinagyang Festival]( Guess what's the clincher? The man beside me is one of those who had colds (or whatever he had). Oh no! I was worried the whole time I was beside him until he got off somewhere in Panay island. Actually at first it was only him who was noticeably sniffling and sneezing. During the course of the trip more people started sneezing. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ And I could hear it clearly meaning they openly sneezed into the enclosed air! Omg. Well good thing this seatmate of mine and I did not sit beside each other for the whole 24 hr travel duration. It was only whenever we were on the bus traveling to our destination in Visayas. No, I didn't have any face mask at all but I badly wished I had! One time I decided to cover my face with my handkerchief like it was a face mask. At that point he finally got the message and started coughing/sneezing with his mouth covered. ๐Ÿคฆ (Yeah I could have told him to cover his mouth/nose but come on, he's a stranger and a grown man he should know better!) Imagine all the virus or germs circulating in the airconditioned bus from all three people! Whoa. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Now that should have been a real cause of panic right? But guess what? Nobody cared! **NO ONE CARED!** At the time the nCoV hype wasn't that big at all. I was pretty sure I would catch a cold or the flu when I got to Iloilo but guess what? I'm already back in Metro Manila and I never got sick! Woohooo! So amazing, thank you Lord! Really, I spent a week in Iloilo celebrating the Dinagyang Festival without any health problem whatsoever. (Yeah I know, where is my travel post about it, when will I post it and all that... Hey give me time, I'll get to it soon. ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you want to watch my videos ahead of my future blog posts check my [YouTube channel](


# The Novel Corona Virus Hype is Not Funny Even if I didn't bring any juice with me to Visayas and I wasn't drinking any for the whole 5 days (or a week including travel time) I was still safe! Why not when I've been drinking One Opti Juice everyday since June 12, 2019. I did stop for a week or two as well but again I resumed consumption after the break. Now as I was saying this hype over the Corona virus is just crazy I tell you. Online people are angry and fearful and will fight you if you tell them not to panic. Wtf. They are making a big deal out of it when in fact I read an article saying thousands or even millions die of seasonal flu every year! Something as common as the flu still kills people to this very day! And the media are jumping on the trending disease bandwagon for what? At first people were reporting no case of the nCoV exists in the Philippines, almost like they were expecting to have one soon. And then there is suddenly one confirmed case of having the Corona virus. Man now more people are posting Corona virus this and that. It got to the point that I got annoyed and commented on most of everyone's post about how they can easily fight it if they strengthen their immune system. I mean everyone's panicking but they're not doing anything to protect themselves. How funny and annoying. Actually there is also a growing hate for the government because, at first, mainland Chinese people can still come over to the Philippines. I mean, why the heck are they still being allowed in the country when they're supposed to be on lockdown? *What's that?* Politics. Yes politics. And then anti-Chinese sentiments and posts started popping up and going viral. Words like racism was being thrown around casually. And then people are like, "no it's not racism if it's about protecting the health and safety of the general public". Man, the online world can get way crazier than the news on TV. People are given instructions on how to avoid getting the virus and yet people choose to panic and blame and shame people for whatever is happening. More people are out looking for face masks and such too. Uhmmmm.


But most people **still do not cover their mouth and nose when they sneeze or cough**. Hah. These days you will get angry stares when you do that. It's funny how there are those who still do not do the basic preventive procedures even with the Corona virus scare. And yet they panic about the rising number of infected or possibly infected people. Give me a break. And so I again go around my social media accounts. I post about if people know how to panic due to nCoV then we should also know how to be considerate of others and not spread flu, colds, coughs or other viruses around by sneezing and coughing without covering the mouth and nose. A few of my posts are met with violent reactions / resistance in Facebook groups where I shared my sentiments. People only see the words I typed before "Corona virus hype" and not anything afterwards. ๐Ÿคฆ It seems like everybody cares more about finding out when more people will be infected instead of caring about preventing it from spreading. Go figure. So, I will just end this post with this image. It's up to you whichever you want to consume to strengthen your immune system.


Yes you can always opt to eat fresh fruits and vegetables but those are not always enough. I know most people don't even eat fruits and veggies everyday. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Many people don't or CAN'T even spend money on buying those and eating any each day. Unless you're in South Korea or some other country where you eat plenty of veggies daily, prove me wrong I dare you. ๐Ÿ™„ I'm not wondering why most people easily get sick. I know 'cause I'm also one of those people who don't buy and eat fruits all the time. When I eat out I don't exactly have a choice in having green leafy food in every meal. Most of the time it's all fast food. I've been working at home for more than a year now so I have finally been able to eat healthier food than before. Getting older is not a laughing matter. It's important to find ways to not get sick but it is more important to be vigilant and not give in to panic and confusion. What about in your country or area? Anything going on related to nCoV? XOXO, @artgirl * * *
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Written by [@artgirl]( for Steemit. © Art x Stephanie Rue @artgirl is a freelance writer/artist, online seller and real estate agent. My Steemit posts may contain referral/affiliate/merchandise links. Contact me for your [art](, [Writing/Research]( & [Metro Manila (NCR) property]( needs. ###### For business inquiries, you can chat me up on, [Telegram]( or send me a Facebook message. Link in my [bio]( [DeviantArt prints here.](
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