Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Art is Healing Challenge by @NaturalMedicine


When I first saw this [Art is Healing Challenge]( I knew I would be participating because I am involved with some type of art form everyday. For details on this challenge please visit the link. So first let’s talk about what ART is. Here are two definitions provided from the Oxford dictionary: **1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.** **2. the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.** I am one that appreciates art for it’s beauty and emotional power. Now let’s look at the definition of HEALING, again there are two provided by the Oxford dictionary: **1. the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.** **2. tending to heal; therapeutic.** I think many can attest to art being like therapy. There are two main art forms that I love and I do each of them for several reasons. I will first talk about **Crocheting**...



my first amigurumi project

I learned how to crochet back in 2011/2012. Originally I wanted to learn how to make my own scarves and hats to save money but it ended up turning into so much more. Our firstborn was one at the time and I can remember having some first time mommy anxieties. While my husband was at work my daughter and I were figuring out how this mother/daughter thing worked. She was trying to communicate with me at the same time see how much she could get away with while I was learning all about baby moods and emotions. We were both an emotional roller coaster and I had to find ways to deal with them. Crocheting helped ease some of those anxieties and I began using it as a stress reliever. It was physically, emotionally and mentally satisfying me. When I manipulate the yarn fibers, maneuvering them in specific directions...
something special happens. I achieve a beautiful end result that was made by my hands...


which gives me a sense of relief and achievement! This therapeutic craft allows me to take time away from my busy world and gather my thoughts. Most of my ideas for Steemit posts comes to mind while I’m crocheting. I believe it has helped me the most during pregnancy when I was dealing with emotional stress and coping through pains. I am so glad I fell in love with this form of art that helps relieve my tensions as well as making me feel productive and capable.


Next up **Photography**...



Back in 2016 my husband and I made plans to purchase a professional camera in order to take our own family photos. The last time we had a family session the photos turned out beautifully but left our pockets unpretty. We knew we could save money by investing in a camera and taking our own photos. In 2017 he received an entry level camera for his birthday and the magic began. You may have noticed at the end of my posts I conclude with, >All photos are my own and were taken with **our** Cannon EOS Rebel T6. The key word there is our. Even though I feel the camera is really mine because I use it wayyyyyyy more than my husband, he did get it as a gift so I gotta give him a shoutout :D We took ourselves through YouTube academy watching several videos on how to use our camera along with tips and tricks on getting the best photo. I had no idea how much I would love doing photography. Once I got the hang of it ~~my~~ his camera and I became inseparable. When I take a photograph and it’s raw form looks like this...


and I give it more life by adding color, brightness and sharpness to get this...


it’s emotionally gratifying! If I’m editing photos and my kids bust into the room, my husband tells them, >Your mother is in her happy place please don’t disturb her. Sometimes when I’m in a bad mood I literally start snapping photos and editing them. It’s an uplifting experience and again it makes me feel accomplished and capable. Taking a photo is just the beginning of the art process. I am always looking for unique artistic ways to make my photos stand out. The editing process just adds on to the beauty of it, giving you a crisp finish of what you captured. Photography excites me and gets me in a creative mood. If I find myself in the slump zone, taking a few good shots would most likely bring me out of it. Knowing I’m able to take my own professional photos for my blog boosts my confidence and really makes me feel competent. The therapeutic magic begins when I take a photo...


and it excels after reaching an end result I am happy with...



ART IS HEALING! Crocheting and photography have both been useful healing tools. These art forms have helped with my anxieties, stress, tension, restless mind and bad moods. I have fun when I’m doing both of these things and don’t consider either one as work but as a healthy hobby. ###
Thank you so much for this challenge @naturalmedicine and thank you everyone for reading!
*All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.*



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Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!

Originally posted here:

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