Friday, January 31, 2020

Prioritizing Health: 3 Superfoods High-Achievers Should Consider Trying


Have you ever woken up with a wealth of energy, created an extensive to do list and actually thought that you had the energy to achieve everything on said list, only for that energy to disappear halfway through the morning? You might reach for another cup of coffee or promise yourself another hour sleep in the evening, but few think about changing their diets. As one of the leaders in the digital marketing world, I know the importance of optimizing energy to be the most productive version of yourself. One of the ways that I have practiced to become a successful entrepreneur and marketer is by maintaining a routine that has allowed me to stay energized from morning to night. I know the importance of prioiritizing health. If you eat the right foods and develop healthy eating habits, you can become more focussed, energised and driven. High-achievers should consider trying the following superfoods: Blueberries Starting your morning off with a handful of blueberries is certainly one of the sweetest ways to get a productivity boost first thing. Whether you’re beginning your day with a handful of fresh blueberries or ending it with a dessert of blueberries and yogurt, there’s no denying that the small fruit is a sweet way to stay healthy. Filled with antioxidants, blueberries can provide you with nourishment without draining your energy levels or leaving you with that post-meal sunken feeling. Eggs If you’re more interested in starting your day on a savory note, eggs are a great option. Loaded in protein, eggs help kick-boost your day without weighing you down. Likewise, as a diverse food, they can be eaten with other things, by themselves, and even different ways. As a high source of protein, eggs are great for those looking to keep their energy levels high throughout the day, build muscle, and stay full. Nuts High in fiber and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are great food items to snack on when you’re feeling hungry but don’t want your energy level to be weighed down by something heavy in your stomach. Like blueberries and eggs, nuts are a natural food that are considered super in their ability to keep your energy levels high for the most productive day possible. Not only are nuts and seeds a great superfood, but also travels easily allowing them to be eaten anytime you need that extra boost of superfood!


It can be easy to get wrapped up in professional projects and put yourself aside. However, as many successful professionals know, taking care of yourself is a vital step in taking care of your venture. Sometimes, being selfish is the best thing that you can do for your business. Take the time out to take a break, workout, eat healthy. Not only are you investing in yourself, but also your business as you increase productivity and energy. I know this well and encourages not taking superfoods for granted. Not only are blueberries, eggs, nuts, and other super foods delicious, but they also provide your body with the much needed nutrients that it needs. What are you waiting for? Take a break to fuel your body and eat your way to success! You Might Also Like: 4 Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Harness 4 Ways To Stay Motivated While Trying To Achieve Massive Goals
Originally posted here:

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