Thursday, January 23, 2020

Surgeons exhibit charcoaled chain smoker lungs that died at 52
Frightening video shows a chain smoker's tar-blackened lungs that had been hooked to the killer habit 30 years ago. These were charcoal in color and highly inflamed from decades of cigarette waste clogging them up, instead of being a healthy pink. Experts at the Wuxi People's Hospital in Jiangsu, China, removed the organs after the death of the 52-year-old man, who had various lung conditions. The clip, filmed by the surgeons, has also been watched on social media more than 25 million times, with viewers calling it the' best anti-smoking ad ever.' It was posted with the caption from the hospital:' Do you still have the courage to smoke?' Medical personnel display the tar-blackened lungs after extracting them from a 52-year-old man who had been a 30-year-old chain smoker The patient had signed up to donate their organs after death, but doctors and nurses quickly realized that they could not use them. The procedure was led by Dr Chen, a lung transplant surgeon and also facility vice president. He said:' Before his death the patient had not undergone a CT scan. He was taken off life support, and soon after, his lungs were donated. 'Initial oxygenation index evaluations were all right, but we realized we couldn't use them when we extracted the organs. We would accept] lungs from individuals below 60 who died only recently, minor lung infections and relatively clean X-rays are also appropriate. When the above conditions have been met, we will consider implanting the lungs.' Experts from the Wuxi People's Hospital in Jiangsu, China, were filmed removing the organs after the 52-year-old man was killed from various lung diseases The video was viewed more than 25 million times on Twitter, with users captioning it the 'best anti-smoking ad ever.' 'SMOKING SHOULD BE ETCHED OUT BY 2030' The Government will strive to end cigarettes in Britain by 2030 as part of a series of measures to tackle the preventable illness. Its green paper, published in July, suggested that more needs to be done to promote public wellness. The article read:' We now have one of the lowest smoking rates in Europe due to our concerted efforts on smoking. Still it's the biggest risk to health for the 14 percent of adults who still smoke. People who smoke are overwhelmingly found in highly deprived areas. One in four expectant mothers smoke in Blackpool. In Westminster, it's one in 50.' The article suggested that all cigarette consumers admitted to NHS hospitals should be offered quit-smoking assistance. It said it would only want to reduce the smoking rate by 2022 to 12 per cent and by 2030 to nil. It requires an ultimatum for the business to obsolete smoking tobacco by 2030,' the paper said, 'with smokers leaving or switching toward reduced risk items such as e-cigarettes.' Dr Peter Openshaw of the National Heart and Lung Institute said the patient had suffered from lung pulmonary emphysema. This causes serious inflammation and swelling of the lungs and leaves patients short of air. He retorted medical staff may also have inflated the lungs with air or fluid before they were harvested for donation. Which makes them look much bigger than the normal postmortem deflated lung, he clarified.
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