Saturday, January 25, 2020

Inviting the Yin through food - my new diet and habits :-D
Two days ago I found myself with some pretty serious tooth pain. This is unusual, as I usually am pretty unaware of any cavities I have until I see a dentist. The idea of going to a dentist or doctor never sits well with me. I always like to see if I can fix it first. I will probably see a dentist at some point about this, but rather than just getting a quick fix and filling the cavities up, I'm using this as motivation to fix a lot of bad habits I have. I am quitting excessive amounts of sugar. I am quitting excessive amounts of caffeine and shitty soft drinks. I am taking a one month break from alcohol. I am going to start making healthy snacks to substitute. I am using TCM theory to develop a more healthy diet. I don't yet know all that much about diet in TCM and I've yet to really FEEL it the way I feel massage of the meridians, other than really obvious things like the immediate effects of ginger or hot pepper on the body. But I have had so many positive experiences with self massage based on TCM and can actually feel how certain muscles are sore that correspond with deficiencies and excesses, so I will assume for now that I can trust the dietary philosophy. I've been experimenting for a while, and while the difference is often too subtle for me to feel, I have found that I can avert oncoming colds when I adjust my diet according to these ideas. Sugar and Caffeine seem to be the two things that are draining Yin from my body, especially the kidneys. Perhaps somewhere else too but I'm still trying to figure out where the other imbalances are. For now I'm working on the Kidneys (water) and also on the lungs and large intestine (Wind). I eat way too much sugar. It used to be worse, but even now it's pretty bad. I could easily eat 3 kit-kat bars a day, not every day, but it wouldn't be strange. I also drink 1 or 2 bottled milk teas or coffees a day, and 3-4 glasses of green or oolong tea. The caffeine in green and oolong tea doesn't affect me as negatively as coffee does, but I think this is a bit excessive. I know there are people who drink 8 or more coffees a day....good luck to them, not for me. So I'm cutting it down to no chocolate or sugary drinks, no caffeine and no alcohol until these symptoms end. Then once the symptoms go away, after a week or two I will probably allow myself two times a week where I can eat or drink foods that are not good for kidney yin. Maybe alcohol one day and some sweet desert another. I went out and bought a bunch of food which is yin in nature, some of which are good for the kidneys. Yesterday I bought Blueberries Yogurt Lemon Walnuts Avocado Honey Sesame Chrysanthemum So for dessert today I had half an avocado with soy sauce and yogurt with a bit of honey, blueberries, walnuts, and cinnamon (for balance). Then some lemon and chysanthemum tea. I've read that too much yin can put out the fire of yang so I won't be avoiding spices and meat just now, basically anything is fair game as long as it's not too excessive. The reason I was so excited to post this today is that I NEVER COOK...and I know making yogurt isn't really cooking, but it's a huge step for me. I am so used to eating pre-packaged food, and eating out, and while I choose things on the healthier side, I hate using all that plastic and I will end up saving a lot of money this way. I used the kitchen!!!! So this is a huge huge change in my habits, as small as it may be. I feel like I'm making the first step towards a healthier life so I really wanted to share it with everyone. Maybe one day I will actually ENJOY cooking, but for now, at least I feel excited about being a bit healthier, using less plastic and less money :-D Check out my music and stories or show some support at [I+Everything](


Originally posted here:

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