Friday, September 13, 2019

The beans and their benefits
Fruits in the peel (pod) of a green bean plant belonging to the legume family. To preserve the beneficial properties of beans, the pods are harvested at the stage of "milk" maturity, when the beans are still tender and quite soft. Green beans are used both whole and sliced. Most often, frozen beans are found on store shelves, which has several advantages over fresh ones: year-round availability, long product shelf life, complete preservation of the vitamin and mineral composition of fresh vegetables , a high concentration of nutrients due to the loss of moisture during the freezing process and a lower price (Heat). [source](

The caloric content of green beans is 24 kcal per 100 grams of product. The composition of green beans contains a fairly rare vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting and calcium absorption. The product contains manganese, which is responsible for the condition and elasticity of the skin. The presence of dietary fiber makes the product important for the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the normalization of intestinal motility. Green beans have a low glycemic index (15 units), so people with diabetes of all types can use the product without restrictions. Green beans are a source of high-quality and easy-to-digest vegetable protein, often vegetarians and all people who do not eat meat products include it in the diet for several reasons. Due to the abundance of fiber, green beans can cause heaviness, swelling and discomfort in the stomach. With a low-calorie content, beans have gained fame as an ideal garnish for those who wish to keep the weight under control (heat). By replacing the usual side dishes for lunch or dinner with a serving of green beans once or twice a week, you can gradually get rid of one kilogram per month without special restrictions. Bean contains a fiber-rich legume diet, a zone diet and many other principles of nutrition and fasting days. When choosing a fresh green grain, you should pay attention to the appearance of the pods: they must be resistant, without obvious damage and without dark spots, bright dark green. If in front of you it is wet or, on the contrary, drying the pods, it is better to refrain from buying. Fresh green beans are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. If you decide to choose frozen green beans, but you need to give preference to the packaged product, there is a guarantee that beans, washed and peeled, do not require additional washing and you can cook them immediately. If the packaging is transparent, you should carefully evaluate the color of the product: it must be dark green, the absence of lumps and pieces of ice, indicating defrosting and subsequent freezing of the products. Frozen green beans will live in the freezer for up to six months. By the way, fresh green beans grown or purchased in large quantities can freeze on their own, which will preserve all the useful properties of the product. It is possible and necessary to grow green beans in any domestic plot, at first the plant will please with bright fragrant flowers, a little later, with an excellent harvest. The best gardeners consider the varieties: Oil King, Sax 615, Caramel, Winner. Green beans should undergo a minimum heat treatment: cooking or stewing, you can only pour fresh pods with boiling water to maintain the freshness of beans. When steaming (the most useful way), beans literally take 2 to 3 minutes to remain brightly colored. Green beans combine well with eggs (scrambled eggs, tortillas, salads), fresh herbs, herbs, garlic and chili, which will color the fresh flavor of beans. For more information on green beans and their beneficial properties, as well as to compare fresh and frozen products, you can find it in the video clip on the TV show "Live Healthy".

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