Thursday, September 26, 2019



**Banana destroys hypertension**, *Banana*: I am banana and I belong to yellow world. Yellow world is not only filled with the yellowish colorful kingdom,but it's also full of extraordinary things such as: fog,different trees of many colors,etc.

boudewijn-huysmans-greenForestwith fog.jpg

And *Banana* said to his people that, *Banana*:There is an enemy who has no image of being good,but he's trying with every power of him to bring down my territory. His name is *Hypertension*. On the following day,*Banana* discovered that one of his precious queen was missing,he informed his people about it,they began to search everywhere but they could not find banana's precious queen. *Hypertension*: I am hypertension,I dominate the universe with the most powerful tension that no one can take away from my dominion. One unfaithful day,a message reached *Banana* from his greatest enemy that one of the precious queens was in the captivity of *Hypertension* and she was dying. As the *Banana* received the message from hypertension,preparing to eliminate his beautiful queen. *Banana* roared forcefully like a angry wind. *Banana roars aggressively*: Nooooooooooh! Immediately,*Banana* called for his first battalion and heading to the journey of merciless war with *Hypertension and his soldier*. Having *Banana* gotten to the entrance of *Hypertension's kingdom*,it was a total calamity,the guards at the gate there were all overpowered,some dead. But *Hypertension* himself quickly fled and even disappeared,suddenly,every living being at that kingdom became free from the power of hypertension. *Banana proclaims*: Henceforth,I Banana become the king of this kingdom,hurrah! Now, *Banana* spread his tentacles to the area. Therefore,*Banana* organized an award winning ceremony for his battalion on the victorious day which they both took. The people burst into jubilation and were dancing,wine and dine with banana's nutrients also followed like;banana sundae recipe as *Banana* declared himself a king of that kingdom. Here is banana sundae recipe's photo below:


**These are banana's battalions**: Potassium Fiber Natural sugars Vitamin C Friends,lets try to stay healthy in everyday of our life.
Originally posted here:

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