Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My preventative medicine



The rainy season is ending here in Ghana and we are about to enter the dry and hot season. Hot weather comes with some conditions on some people. There's a Neem tree close by and I use the leaves for medicinal purpose. I dry it in the shade before cooking it in water. To prevent acne, I use rub my face after boiling neem leaves in water. It can stay for up to 3 days and more. I know it's ready when the water turns yellow. This can be done twice a day. You can dip cotton into the neem water and apply it on your face.


I was told by my mother that boiling green leaves and drinking isn't too healthy. I need to reduce the greenery, that's why I dry the leaves. Above is a photo of dried neem leaves. I get colds quiet a lot. Something very little can trigger it to come. I have low tolerance of strong smells. It could be perfume, mouth odour or even a food with a strong aroma. I've just known about using neem leaves for cold and I intend to boil the dried leaves and drink. It's best to drink a cup every morning and night before you go to bed. There will also be lots of sports activities, mainly football now that the rains are ending. Neem leaves can be used to treat injuries and wounds to prevent infections. This is what I use neem leaves to prevent. *** My submission to @naturalmedicine's challenge on what your preventive medicine is.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@fredkese/my-preventative-medicine

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