Monday, September 30, 2019

Brain Foods to Boost Your Memory

The foods that we eat everyday play a significant role in maintaining your mental health. Moreover, these foods help in improving your memory, focus, and concentration.

  1. Fatty Fish

It is significant to recognize that the human brain is made up of 60% and approximately half of that fat is omega-3.

The human brain utilizes omega-3 in building nerve cells of the brain. Moreover, these fats are extremely important for learning and improving memory.

However, there are some other benefits of omega-3 as well.

One of the most important benefits of Omega-3 is reducing the age-related mental diseases and declining the effect of Alzheimer's disease.

  1. Nuts and seeds

While eating seeds and nuts are significant for the human brain; however, foods with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants are extremely important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

According to a study of 2014, taking higher amounts of nuts and seeds is directly related to achieving a good brain functioning at an older age.

Nuts and seeds contain a higher percentage of vitamin E and antioxidants, which are extremely important I protecting the oxidative stress as the result of free radicals.

The human brain is exposed to this oxidative stress with growing age; however, vitamin E could help in maintaining the good health of the brain when a person ages.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries along with other dark-colored berries are a rich source of anthocyanins, which is extremely famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The antioxidants protect against inflammation and oxidative stress along with associated conditions that result in brain aging and other neurodegenerative diseases.

However, some of the antioxidants from blueberries build up in the brain and assist in enhancing the communication among brain cells.

Furthermore, animal studies prove that blueberries are highly effective in improving memory and delay the chances of short-term memory loss.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Antioxidants are fundamental in maintaining the health of the human brain. The brain is highly receptive to oxidative stress that results in age-related brain diseases and cognitive decline.

Therefore, cacao flavonoids are beneficial for the human brain. According to a study of 2013, it encourages the growth between neuron and blood vessels within the parts involved in the learning and memory processing. This also assists in healthy blood flow within the brain.

Some other researches are proving that flavonoids assist in dealing with memory-related problems in snails. However, this statement is still under consideration to be accepted by some scientists.

  1. Coffee

Coffee is extremely famous for improving human concentration. People drink coffee in improving their concentration and focus.

Beyond boosting alertness, a 2018 study suggests that caffeine may also increase the brain's capacity for processing information.

The researchers found that caffeine causes an increase in brain entropy, which refers to complex and variable brain activity. When entropy is high, the brain can process more information.

  1. Broccoli

The extraction of vitamin K from broccoli is fundamental in creating sphingolipids in a unique form of fats found in the brain cells. 

Different studies prove that a higher intake of vitamin K could result in establishing better memory in humans.

Broccoli is not famous for containing vitamin K; however, there is plenty of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which protects the human brain from damage.

Check out for more information about healthy lifestyle!

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