Sunday, September 29, 2019

Causes of bad breath

Maybe you have been on the receiving end of speaking to someone and smelling it... bad breath.  You have maybe had it yourself where your best friend whispered in your ear that it smells like something has died in your mouth, or you picked it up yourself.

You may be suffering from bad breath or 'halitosis', but luckily you can manage it with a few easy steps.  It is quite a sensitive issue and somebody will not always tell you straight out if your breath smells, so make sure your handle it yourself.


We all have bacteria in our mouths and if you do not brush your teeth regularly or floss, the food will get stuck on and between your teeth and this is a great 'breeding ground' for the 'odor causing' bacteria.

Some foods can also play a roll in what your breath smells like.  Onions and garlic has a strong odor that can even linger after you have brushed your teeth.  Smoking can also make your breath smell bad.

You will have to brush your teeth often and keep some mints around, because we are not always close to a toothbrush.  There are a few things that are not true about bad breaths.

  • Mouthwash will not permanently get rid of bad breath.  It can help temporarily and it is best to buy a mouthwash that will kill the bacteria.
  • Most people believe if they quickly brush their teeth it will solve the problem.  Most people brush their teeth too short to eliminate the bacteria.  You need to at least brush your teeth for 2 minutes to get rid of it.
  • 'I only need to brush my teeth' - No, you also need to floss and brush your tongue to get rid of these bacteria that causes the odor.
  • Have you seen people breathing in their hands to smell their own breath?  This is not sufficient to know if your breath smells.  If you talk, the air come from the back of your throat and it is from here where the odor may come.  If you breathe in your hand, it is only the breath in your mouth that comes out.


It is very important that you maintain healthy oral health.  If you do this and you brush your teeth often and floss, but still have the problem of bad breath, it can be a medical condition caused by sinus or gum disease.

You can read more on causes of bad breath here  and also medical conditions that can cause bad breath.


Originally posted here:

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