Friday, September 27, 2019

Online medical questions and answers - Vitamins
Recently I have commented that I work online giving some medical advice, in a free page in which anyone can enter and ask their respective questions, in a matter of hours or days will be answered. In this page it is not allowed to indicate treatment or refer to specialists. Since only in writing it is not always possible to arrive at an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to make an assessment based on a thorough physical examination and to complement it with laboratory examinations.

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>Thanks for visiting my blog. >>Welcome to my new publication.
This time I will answer questions that have to do with the use of vitamins, specifically the**vitamin C**. These are microscopic compounds that play important roles in human metabolism. We need small doses of these. Excess can cause serious illness, even death, and its deficiency also has effects on the body. Most of the time, if we have a balanced diet, it is not necessary to ingest them as medicine, but in certain pathologies its use is essential.
#### Question 1: My little sister is 14 months old, can she be given vitamin C in gummies? ###### Vitamin C or ascorbic is very important at any age for all its properties it has for the body, its intake generally goes through food, especially citrus contain it. In such a case his brother could ingest them but it is necessary to consider that by age it is estimated that the daily consumption of vitamin et should be of approximately 15 Mg a day, if these gummies that you refer have a greater concentration, it is not the ideal thing. The recommendable thing in this case is that you be medicated by your pediatrician and in case you need it, because if you are already eating food and not only breastfeeding, surely the daily requirements are covered through the diet.
#### Question 2: What vitamins other than C can I take to strengthen my immune system? My doctor prescribed me 1,000 mg a day of vitamin C, but I would like to know what others I could use. (I have HPV). # ###### Vitamin C is ideal for helping the immune system function better. In addition, vitamins A, B, and E may also benefit you. Vitamin A participates in the formation of proteins by the liver, immunoglobulins are proteins that help us counteract infections. Vitamin B helps in cell reproduction and white blood cells are cells that are responsible for the defense of the body, so in this way this vitamin helps. Vitamin E helps to eliminate what they call free radicals, which take a lot of energy from the body for its elimination, energy that can be used for other more important functions, such as defense, for example. These vitamins are sold in the form of medicines, but you can also get them all through a good diet. Exercises keep the body healthy, revitalize it, and help everything, including the immune system, to be in better shape. And adequate rest is necessary for the body to be well.

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