Wednesday, September 25, 2019

5 Reasons to See a Psychologist


The popular phrase that there are no psychologically healthy people is more a delusion than truth. The human psyche has amazing adaptability. Despite all the injuries sustained in childhood and adulthood, most of us function quite comfortably in society, build harmonious relationships, and successfully overcome adversity. If you are not sure that you are one of them, you may need to contact a specialist. It’s not easy to understand whether you really need to take your problems to a doctor or just talk about it with a loved one. How to distinguish a bad mood, personality trait or self-pity from real psychological problems? You need to understand that going to the doctor is not entertainment. Here are some real reasons why you need a doctor’s appointment: 1. You Can't Control Emotions Losing control over your emotions can seriously complicate your existence. It's not just a change in mood or irritability but the emergence of reactions that you do not expect from yourself and do not know how to cope with them. Such adult behavior seems strange and even inadequate. The realization that you look stupid will make you even more upset. This is reflected most of all at work because your boss does not have to understand that you simply can not cope with stress. 2. You Are Addicted An unhealthy attachment can also be a reason to consult a therapist. This is can be due to a breakdown in relationships when a person cannot accept the loss. A person gets used to a partner so much that they seem inferior and helpless. All future life seems meaningless. Such a state may turn into a serious drug or alcohol addiction. It is difficult to get rid of this sensation on your own. Dependence on an idea also poses a threat to life. For this reason, diseases like bulimia and anorexia may appear. 3. Heartache It is scientifically proven that the same parts of the human brain respond to physical and emotional pain. Mental pain does not differ from the physical. If you don’t see objective reasons for the disorder but you are constantly haunted by a longing of incomprehensible origin then you do not have to endure it. Waking up and falling asleep with constant pain inside, hiding your feelings away and not being able to rejoice is a real torture. You can get rid of this condition, even if it lasts for years. 4. Stuck in Your Life Uncertainty, passivity, disappointment oppresses you. It seems that life has stopped and you are at an impasse. This condition is difficult to explain in words. You seem to feel that everything is going wrong but you can’t understand how to fix it and what you want from life. Sudden changes are frightening and the surrounding reality is not happy. When internal problems are not resolved for a long time, neurosis can escalate and the symptoms of a psychological disorder will become more apparent. 5. Incomprehensible Allergic Reactions You have never been allergic before but suddenly you started sneezing and snotting every morning. With this symptom, it is difficult to distinguish which stimulus caused the reaction. There are no patterns, as with the usual allergy. Of course, the first thing you need is to go to an allergist, perform a test and make sure that the reason is not physical. If antihistamines do not help, then you need to go to a psychologist.
Originally posted here:

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