Tuesday, September 24, 2019

4 Ingredients Homemade & Healthy Apricot Yoghurt Ice Cream [ kids-friendly]

Hello dear foodies! Summer is gone already but the weather is still so nice!! It made me think of ice cream and cold drinks, something that you choose to have in the summer. I made this recipe a few weeks ago, but I didn't have time to share it. If you have fresh apricots where you live, you can still make it. This ice cream have a light consistency, so its not too creamy. Maybe if I used bananas too, it would have been different. But I'm not complaining. I like it this way! It's like a frozen yoghurt with fruits in it. **And is really good for kids too!** Apricots have so many vitamins, low in calories, high in antioxidants and really helpful for eye's health.


**Here's the recipe's ingredients** - one cup yoghurt - 7-9 apricots - 2 tbsp honey - one peace of vanilla bean For **instructions**, all you need to do is using a food processor. Blend all ingredients until smooth enough, but not to smooth! You need to see some apricot small peaces.




ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! ALL THESE PHOTOS WERE TAKEN WITH MY SAMSUNG S8. If you like my work, comment, upvote and resteem! Or if you want to stay in touch with me for more delicious healthy recipes and articles on health, HIT the Follow button on my blog! With love, Miss Deli ❤️


Proud member of @naturalmedicine Team. https://i.imgur.com/zGAYvSS.gif LOTS OF NATURAL HEALING AND LOVE TO YOU ALL!! ❤️
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/food/@missdeli/4-ingredients-homemade-and-healthy-apricot-yoghurt-ice-cream-kids-friendly

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