Monday, September 30, 2019

Proper nutrition for beautiful skin

There is a well-known expression: “We are what we eat,” and this is true. After all, you can notice that after the stormy holidays the next morning, the skin of the face changes noticeably: irritation appears, acne can pour out, what can I say just about the complexion. In order to keep the skin beautiful you need to eat right and give up a large number of certain products. Nutrition Rules for Skin Beauty To make your skin healthy and moisturized, the first thing to do is drink enough water, because even in winter you need to drink at least two liters of water, but if you want, you can drink more, but not more than five liters. However, you need to drink plain bottled or spring water, and not various “sweet soda”. Also, instead of water, you can drink a tonic variety of tea (white, green, and others, but not black) and various decoctions without sugar from fruits, herbs and berries. In your daily diet you need to make the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits that contain healthy fiber. But do not forget that you should not eat a lot of grapes and bananas, because they have too many carbohydrates. Special attention should be paid to fish and other seafood, but there is also something to be wary of: some types of seafood can only be consumed in a certain amount, for example, no more than 100 grams of shrimp can be consumed per day. You also need to remember that in addition to nutrition, you need to choose the right cosmetics. You will have to say goodbye not only to various carbonated drinks, but also to alcohol, because it dilates blood vessels, and because of this, spots appear on the skin. Please note that the effects of alcohol on the skin are irreversible, therefore, its consumption should be limited. Vegetarians, as well as those who eat little meat, should remember about the need to replenish the body with protein - without it, the skin will become flabby and dry. Even if you refuse meat, you must remember that the protein contained in meat can be partially replaced with soybeans, walnuts and other vegetable proteins. In conclusion, we can advise you to use kefir, yogurts and other dairy products, because they contain probiotics that help the skin to be young and healthy, and the latest innovations in cosmetology are applying probiotics to the skin, so the use of masks from yogurt is true .
Originally posted here:

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